This is the real me

It's okay, you can sneak them on here if they do as I do. I'm only ten years old, but I've fooled everyone by claiming to be 27 and trying extra hard not to complain about Kaz in every single post I make.

You're 10 huh. And I'm a bald yeti.

Welcome to :gtplanet:!

Here's my gift for you.


PS: You'll see a lot of these here...

So yeah...

I don't know what this is but I'm utterly terrified. Holy crap. :lol:

Welcome, family!
It's okay, you can sneak them on here if they do as I do. I'm only ten years old, but I've fooled everyone by claiming to be 27 and trying extra hard not to complain about Kaz in every single post I make.
You're the size of a ten year old....

*runs and hides*
We know.

Welcome to GTP @Smarty Koios hope you enjoy it here. This is the place your dad reveals all his secrets such as the fact he is a closet Yorkshireman. :lol:

Oh and since your dad is my granddad you happen to be my aunt. Congratulations. (It is a joke between me, @Danny @Beeblebrox237 and your dad.)

Back me in day, we didn't have the internet to communicate. If we wanted to communicate, we had to strap pur selves to the bottom of a long distance train. And we couldn't take food. We drank the wheel grease with a tiny, hole filled straw. 11/10 times we died on the way. That's the way it was and it was good.

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