Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
I'm presuming it'll just be a fix for flying cars and maybe FFB issues, not changing the physics of the cars themselves.
There is no telling how much they may need to change the physics model to eliminate unwanted behavior. It's not going to be as simple as clicking the "turn off rocket busses" button.
Like what?
The physics model is a whole arrangement of parameters used to dictate behavior. They all come together and combine with specific vehicle traits to create what we know as "handling".

When issues with the model develop it's not like PD can just click a button to turn off that trait. It may require tweaking larger aspects of the handling model to eliminate the unwanted behavior. Those larger tweaks may have a trickle down effect that negatively impacts other aspects of the model that some of us are enjoying.

I hope that while PD addresses the code leading to bouncy cars, steering glitches, improper handling and FFB weakness that there isn't a cascade of changes that make other beneficial aspects of 1.49 worse.
You're over thinking things, mate. What did the patch end up doing? Getting rid of bouncing cars. No physics changes (and doesn't look like any FFB updates either, unfortunately). A simple bug-fix is all it was, as most suspected.
Exactly this. I'm 45. I've played every Gran Turismo from new... Not seriously like I am now but it's always been a thing. Last year I started to really try and get better. I think it's working.

That is to say, I think you can still enjoy and be quick at this game at most any age if you play it thoughtfully and with intent. Same can be said for much of life actually. Intention helps. Have a goal or end game in mind and aim for it pointedly.
Agree, it's the same trajectory (and age) for me. I mentioned a while ago that especially these time trials might be a thing where age isn't as much a factor as it is for many other games, because you have a fixed setup and no external triggers (like opponents) to react to, so it's less about reflexes (which of course get worse with age) but more about refining and executing a plan.

But to be fair, I think the original point wasn't that you cannot improve after 35, but that, if you have already maxed out your potential, age is working against you.
I'm 57. I've improved over the past few months for sure, but I suspect there's a pretty hard limit to how high I'll be going. I think I might be nearing that limit actually lol. But The fact of the matter is that few of us are ever going to be aliens no matter our age.

I've been having a difficult time at Eiger, the way Sector 1 is made really ruins the fun and elegance of the TT and car used. Sector 2 is fine, I do not like Sector 3. I feel like I'm playing Russian roulette. It's a hit or miss situation. I sometimes go fast and hit the wall near the finish line, (the uphill part). I guess I can look at your replay, but I'm gonna have to use MT again. I'm glad you're having fun earning most of the gold. I guess at the later stages of my life I'll be able to reach a higher level. Maybe in my mid-40's. I'm 32 atm.
You do quite well considering the control scheme you're using Chris. I'm not sure if your situation is such that you are able to get a wheel. It's not just a matter of buying a wheel and starting to drive. You need to have something pretty solid to mount it on and some way to keep the pedals from sliding around too. And it's a pretty big adjustment from fully digital control. If you could make the step from digital buttons to analog (joystick and triggers) for steering and throttle/brake that would probably be a more approachable change. But that requires persistance too. It's not going to make you faster immediately - just the opposite actually.

Or, keep doing what you are doing and accept that gold probably isn't part of the deal. THat's what I've done. Focus on getting the best silver time you can and if you find yourself within a few tenths of gold then start shooting for that. There's no point thinking about gold if you're a second or two off because that's a pretty big chunk.

Also, don't spend hour after hour bashing your head against the wall trying to improve your time. It would be a really good idea to take a 15 or 20 minute break for every hour of driving. Go out for a quick walk and some fresh air or something. And it would also be a good idea to limit the GT7 time to some reasonable number of hours every day - anything more than 4 or 5 hours is probably too much for most people.
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Of course as our friend Albert said
I could swear I heard that sentence from someone else 🤔
Hi guys (and Greek).

Sorry "Mon Poulet"...


After some tiny improvements (39.329, 39.319, etc) and many restarts, I've finally scored this incredible lap.

S1: 24.530 - correct score here, maybe a bit conservative
S2: 43.053 - my second best score here, just incredible
S3: 31.100 - simply my fastest last sector (thank you @Gogga for your advice)

The improvement is just I-cant-beleive-it: -0.636 :eek::rolleyes: Dunno if the WR will be improve in the next 7 days but even if I end in silver, I'll be more than happy anyway.

@Jeje6410 :

Season 9 Hug GIF by The Office

You have 7 days to prove that basques can drive as fast as bretons (but not faster) on wets circuits ;)

Some lessons after this TT:
  • 1.500 kms with my 458 Italia Martini Racing, which means results never come easily, I had to fight, to learn, and to try again and again to get this result.
  • I've probably improved my understanding of this circuit where I never had gold in the previous TTs (Aston, Nissan, Mitsubishi, BMW, etc.).
  • A massive thank to everyone in this thread, to all the answers given, all the advices shared, to @Tidgney for your essential guides, to my mother, to my family for their support, etc. :D

Happy lapping everyone!



Hi guys (and Greek).

Sorry "Mon Poulet"...

View attachment 1379010
After some tiny improvements (39.329, 39.319, etc) and many restarts, I've finally scored this incredible lap.

S1: 24.530 - correct score here, maybe a bit conservative
S2: 43.053 - my second best score here, just incredible
S3: 31.100 - simply my fastest last sector (thank you @Gogga for your advice)

The improvement is just I-cant-beleive-it: -0.636 :eek::rolleyes: Dunno if the WR will be improve in the next 7 days but even if I end in silver, I'll be more than happy anyway.

@Jeje6410 :

Season 9 Hug GIF by The Office

You have 7 days to prove that basques can drive as fast as bretons (but not faster) on wets circuits ;)

Some lessons after this TT:
  • 1.500 kms with my 458 Italia Martini Racing, which means results never come easily, I had to fight, to learn, and to try again and again to get this result.
  • I've probably improved my understanding of this circuit where I never had gold in the previous TTs (Aston, Nissan, Mitsubishi, BMW, etc.).
  • A massive thank to everyone in this thread, to all the answers given, all the advices shared, to @Tidgney for your essential guides, to my mother, to my family for their support, etc. :D

Happy lapping everyone!

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Bravo Monsieur :cheers:

A BIG round of applause 👏
Maybe it helps this is my daily driver? 🤷‍♂️ 😆
It does drift around in the snow pretty nice.

View attachment 1378984

It's not a WRX, it's a NA 2.5L, 170hp / 170 ft lbs, 5-speed manual.
Still a fun little car especially in the snow.
Bought it brand new in 2009, and it's still kicking.
Hello fellow NA Subaru driver. We don't need a ton of power and damaged ring lands to have a ton of fun in dirt and snow! Haha.



It's time to face the reality Chris. If you don't have the skills to be fairly quick right now, chances are you won't get much better from here.

And, as @BWX said, a wheel would help with that a lot. I know because I for the life of me cannot get fast using a controller, while people like @NAXEHT use one and still produce top times regardless, it's mental. It's all about that preference.

But...should you get a wheel, you should not expect a sudden decrease in laptimes. Getting used to the wheel is a learning curve, and you will likely be much slower than you are right now with the controller.

If you do happen to get quick in your mid 40s, good for you, but until then, it's speculation.
Add me to the "old guy fast" group. I'm quicker than I've ever been in the game and likely much faster on track IRL as well, although I haven't done a track day in a long while now.

Regardless of age, experience, adaptation, and consistency dictates pace. We don't need F1 driver reflexes to anticipate and adjust to challenges. With age has come patience and a more thoughtful approach to things.
You're over thinking things, mate. What did the patch end up doing? Getting rid of bouncing cars. No physics changes (and doesn't look like any FFB updates either, unfortunately). A simple bug-fix is all it was, as most suspected.
Nah, I don't think so. But I specifically use words like "may" and "hope" to assure people that I don't know factually what the outcome will be.

The jury's still out on everything done in the patch. Regardless of what GT has said, we still don't know what they did to patch flying cars out, and how those changes will effect other vehicle traits.

It's only been a few hours are the thread on this topic is already mentioning PP changes to certain cars.
Exactly this. I'm 45. I've played every Gran Turismo from new... Not seriously like I am now but it's always been a thing. Last year I started to really try and get better. I think it's working.

That is to say, I think you can still enjoy and be quick at this game at most any age if you play it thoughtfully and with intent. Same can be said for much of life actually. Intention helps. Have a goal or end game in mind and aim for it pointedly.
Exactly this. 32 here and decided this year I wanted to maintain DR A and golds in every TT. I'm now A+ and have golded every TT this year (please don't let this be the jynx, lol). Even more, I'm reading a book on the philosophy of racing and the necessary mindset required to drive fast.

Like you, I had always been a casual player not thinking much of Sport mode. However, it has been incredibly satisfying to observe my progress matching my level of intention. Watching the guys here run laps and trying to replicate them has really helped out!
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Alright! The game will obviously be significantly active in the Time Trial section as there's an all-time (to my knowledge, at least) high of FIVE TTs running at the same time – unless you exclude the U17 Honda combo if you're an adult. 😁 Here's my experience so far:

– Eiger Nordwand
The new addition was very welcomed and I like the track quite a lot. The Subaru though is very tricky to be fast especially at the sweepers and I cannot get a lap below 1:03... so it'll be a 1:03.083 for me 😊

– Trial Mountain
The tradition of me being actually very quick on loose cars with comfort/sports tyres continues on and I sit at P2 with a 1:51.510 🥵 Jeddah is not fancying any type of help to boost the competition just a tiny bit so I guess it'll be a fight for P2 once again. Hopefully I can clinch the spot this time 😇

– Red Bull Ring
Gr.3 in the rain with the new physics seems quite an interesting idea and the combo is sort of a prologue for the upcoming Prague GTWS finals so people understandably can be shady at the top. The Ferrari is by far the car to choose but I didn't want to, and because I cannot drive my beloved McLaren 650S, the Corvette will be my temporary boy 😋 Considering the fact I'm not driving the META, the 1:36.821 is a lap time I can be happy with.

– Honda eMS at Spa
I haven't touched it yet as there's still plenty of time until it ends so I'll leave it for now.

Happy lapping guys!
Morning folks!

I had a quick session before work yesterday and got some good improvement at RBR; wow I really like the new wet physics, feels quite realistic now and that difference between rubbered racing line and ‘wet line’ 🫣 is noticeable. NOICE!

Stuck with steery cheat mode strong as time limited, can definitely go faster as the feel through the wheel is great. Looking forward to more laps when it get home!!


Hi guys (and Greek).

Sorry "Mon Poulet"...

View attachment 1379010
After some tiny improvements (39.329, 39.319, etc) and many restarts, I've finally scored this incredible lap.

S1: 24.530 - correct score here, maybe a bit conservative
S2: 43.053 - my second best score here, just incredible
S3: 31.100 - simply my fastest last sector (thank you @Gogga for your advice)

The improvement is just I-cant-beleive-it: -0.636 :eek::rolleyes: Dunno if the WR will be improve in the next 7 days but even if I end in silver, I'll be more than happy anyway.

@Jeje6410 :

Season 9 Hug GIF by The Office

You have 7 days to prove that basques can drive as fast as bretons (but not faster) on wets circuits ;)

Some lessons after this TT:
  • 1.500 kms with my 458 Italia Martini Racing, which means results never come easily, I had to fight, to learn, and to try again and again to get this result.
  • I've probably improved my understanding of this circuit where I never had gold in the previous TTs (Aston, Nissan, Mitsubishi, BMW, etc.).
  • A massive thank to everyone in this thread, to all the answers given, all the advices shared, to @Tidgney for your essential guides, to my mother, to my family for their support, etc. :D

Happy lapping everyone!

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Hi ma caille !!! It's your poulet !!!!🤣🤣
I don't blame you, don't worry. I'm really happy with this big improvement in your time and to see you in front of me with this gold medal. I'm not looking for excuses but work is taking up a lot of my time these months and even if I would play more often, Red Bull Ring on a wet track is not my cup of tea
Congratulations to you again and I hope (well, not too much anyway 🤣🤣) that this won't be the only time you see me in your mirrors and not in front.💪💪👏👏👏👏:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
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Hi ma caille !!! It's your poulet !!!!🤣🤣
I don't blame you, don't worry. I'm really happy with this big improvement in your time and to see you in front of me with this gold medal. I'm not looking for excuses but work is taking up a lot of my time these months and even if I would play more often, Red Bull Ring on a wet track is not my cup of tea
Congratulations to you again and I hope (well, not too much anyway 🤣🤣) that this won't be the only time you see me in your mirrors and not in front.💪💪👏👏👏👏:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
You're trully kind, thank you so much Jérôme :cheers: I was lucky having more time to play and practice on RBR.

I know you're (much) faster than me on TTs, and taking the lead just for once, is more funny than anything else.
Good luck with your job (sometimes, I'm also overbooked with client's projects, so don't worry).
I'll tell you frankly: there's no point in taking a steering wheel if you're not already quick with the joystick. It's not because you take a steering wheel that you will gain 2 to 3 seconds. And then it's expensive, for suitable steering wheels and you also need space. I advise you to get into the habit of doing good times and laps with the controller (but changing your system to the joystick (steering and gearbox) and L2/R2 for the accelerator and brakes) and switch to gearbox manual. Get used to it, have good laps and good times. And only then can you perhaps consider a steering wheel. But first get better with the controller and listen to our advice. But it's your money and you do what you want (since you don't listen to anything we say).

You're trully kind, thank you so much Jérôme :cheers: I was lucky having more time to play and practice on RBR.

I know you're (much) faster than me on TTs, and taking the lead just for once, is more funny than anything else.
Good luck with your job (sometimes, I'm also overbooked with client's projects, so don't worry).
Merci mon ami !!!!
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I'll tell you frankly: there's no point in taking a steering wheel if you're not already quick with the joystick. It's not because you take a steering wheel that you will gain 2 to 3 seconds. And then it's expensive, for suitable steering wheels and you also need space. I advise you to get into the habit of doing good times and laps with the controller (but changing your system to the joystick (steering and gearbox) and L2/R2 for the accelerator and brakes) and switch to gearbox manual. Get used to it, have good laps and good times. And only then can you perhaps consider a steering wheel. But first get better with the controller and listen to our advice. But it's your money and you do what you want (since you don't listen to anything we say).
I agree, but in his defense, he never said he was going to get a wheel. This was a suggestion from @BWX
I had a fantastic session at RBR on Monday afternoon. Took a big chunk off my time and got within half a second of silver. I was really feeling like I'd gotten a handle on the Ferrari - was "in the zone" so to speak. I should have kept going then because when I went back in for more in the evening I was most definitely no longer in the zone! It's so weird how that happens...I was just flying in the afternoon and felt like I could do no wrong. Then in the evening I couldn't even get through the first corner without spinning! lol...

I'll give it some more time tonight and hopefully I can get the silver.
Nice afternoon for me.

Earlier I got down to a 1:04.466.... Literally 0.002 safe so I had to give it another go. That was good for 6,042 on the leaderboard.

Went to the gym, came back and gave it another go, knocked 2 and a half tenths off... Jumped up 4,000 places just for that!!!

Annoying lost my leaderboard replay from my day 1 effort when I was up in 6th place with a 1:04.5 😂😂 but beggars can't be choosers!


Slowly getting the hang of this update now. Also brought my time down from a 1:40.something to a gold time at RBR - I've got over half a second on the table there on a decent lap so I should be okay but I need to actually get it (or at least half of it) to be safe!


And I'm not even gonna mention the roadster shop rampage for a bit 😎😊
I'll tell you frankly: there's no point in taking a steering wheel if you're not already quick with the joystick. It's not because you take a steering wheel that you will gain 2 to 3 seconds. I advise you to get into the habit of doing good times and laps with the controller. Get used to it, have good laps and good times. And only then can you perhaps consider a steering wheel.
Where have I seen this before...
It's time to face the reality Chris. If you don't have the skills to be fairly quick right now, chances are you won't get much better from here. And, as @BWX said, a wheel would help with that a lot. But...should you get a wheel, you should not expect a sudden decrease in laptimes. Getting used to the wheel is a learning curve, and you will likely be much slower than you are right now with the controller.
Ah. :D
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Sad little story:
It's a great day for a session. The plan is to leave work at a decent hour, pedal home, and get an hour or so behind the wheel before making dinner for the troop
But no--at the hour of getting out of work minus 5 minutes all hell breaks loose. Pouring rain thunder and lightning.
I wait patiently...all is not yet lost....
After half an hour I decide that water or no water, I mount my bike and come home. Maybe the session is lost, but I can still usw the time to mount my new truebrake.
10km of water later, all soaked I get home.
But no...there is no power...you can hardly see anything with natural light....

The End

Sad little story:
It's a great day for a session. The plan is to leave work at a decent hour, pedal home, and get an hour or so behind the wheel before making dinner for the troop
But no--at the hour of getting out of work minus 5 minutes all hell breaks loose. Pouring rain thunder and lightning.
I wait patiently...all is not yet lost....
After half an hour I decide that water or no water, I mount my bike and come home. Maybe the session is lost, but I can still usw the time to mount my new truebrake.
10km of water later, all soaked I get home.
But no...there is no power...you can hardly see anything with natural light....

The End

Don't think mine was as bad as yours but...

The wife told me she was going to be an hour late home tonight... so on went the PS4 and.....

The damn thing hadn't even downloaded the update, and it still hadn't downloaded before she came in so that was the end of that 😅

I know I said I wasn't going to push on the WRX but I was in the mood to go for it tonight and couldn't 😔
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Don't think mine was as bad as yours but...

The wife told me she was going to be an hour late home tonight... so on went the PS4 and.....

The damn thing had even downloaded the update, and it still hadn't downloaded bwfore she came in so that was the end of that 😅

I know I said I wasn't going to push on the WRX but I was in the mood to go for it tonight and couldn't 😔
Time, wives, download times

Pure manifestation of uncertainty

You choose the order, I simply surrender
Time, wives, download times

Pure manifestation of uncertainty

You choose the order, I simply surrender
Speaking of surrender, I wave the white flag at Eiger. Oh well, I'm not worried about it. My final time was 1'07.643.
What about the rest of you?
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I don't see many people talking about the Honda at SpA for the moment, and I can see why. This one is tough. I don't know how I feel about it... I don't hate it, but I can't say I'm enjoying it a whole bunch either. I'm still avoiding RBR for the moment because RBR.

Seems like the Honda really only wants to turn on the brakes. Lift-throttle will get you a little front end grip, but touch the accelerator and all of it goes away. All the steering feel comes with braking, and everything goes very light on throttle. Touch a curb and you can bet you'll be in the wall real quick. Oversteer is very hard to catch in this car. Delicate is the name of the game here, but I'm not finding this thing super rewarding to drive at the moment.

Eau rouge is supposed to be the tricky section, but I'm losing frequently at turn 18 (the last high-speed left before the final chicane). I've blown many "quick" laps here with much frustration due to track limits or getting yeeted off the curbing.

Sitting at a 2:30.330 for now with a lot left out there. Top of my leaderboard, 1200 something-th in the world, probably a safe gold. The competition seems extra stiff here, and I'm surprised at how many people are finding good pace. Not sure if aids are helping some people keep this thing sorted and straight.

SpA TT.jpg

Will likely go back because we've got plenty of time with this one, but I'll probably bite the bullet and tackle RBR soon. Yaaay. Haha.

Keep it rubber side down!
After thinking about it, I think I will go for a ride in the Rocky Mountains...

The livery (because it's very important) is a tribute to Jeff Gordon #24 (born a 4th August)





I have no clue what result I'll get there, as I'm really not familiar with the circuit and the car.
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