Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Massive no thanks on rally/snow.
Well what was your idea on it? We need something different. Instead of Group 1-4 cars. And no more VGT's for heaven's sake. Suzuka killed me bad. I definitely do not want to see any St Croix TT's.
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Massive no thanks on rally/snow.
Likewise 🤣 not GT7s strong point, I would not even bother setting a time

Mission accomplished ✅ at Road Atlanta, I didn’t just beat my target I SMASHED IT!! 🎯 still some way behind forum aliens @djolliea @NAXEHT and YouTube star @Tidgney but I’m dead happy. I didnt bother with any assists in the end but im sure CSA strong would have helped through T2,3 and 4… some tricky weight transfer going on there! (@Gogga i don’t blame you, how’s it working out??)


Onto the Shaguar later and very tempted to put a sacrilegious paint scheme just to rattle a few cages 🤣🤣
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Well congrats to all of you who got in the 1'24.000's and 1'25.000's. I just could not find the trick. I was so hoping to get a sub 1'27.500 at least or maybe even 1'27.000. But it didn't work out for me. So I'll have to take my silver prize of 1M and just not look back.
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Haven't touched the Jag for a few days....so decided to give it a quick run again in the morning....improved a 10th but still not very satisfy. I can't get the car to dance....it is like everything I do make it understeer, just the matter of how much. Don't understand how to drive it yet. I guess I have a bit more time as I suspect the next TT will be another VGT bs....if that's the case I will just gold and run amd back to the Jag.

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Here is my best recent lap thanks to me watching crome's replay 10 times, I loaded the ghost and had it reset at eah sector which helped me, I knew what some reference and braking points were. 1'37.449

I'm not far off silver again here... Why is everyone calling it the Shaguar? Because it's so smooth it shags?

.3 on S1 one a lot! So i have to approach it another way apparently 🙈🤣🤣👍🙏🙏
yeah but not so easy to get those .3, you had .8 and jeddah has .5 not so easy honestly, I can get .7 and I got several .6 but never reached .5 on S1, and you know how it is, when you get .6 on first sector something else slides away from your hands in sector 2 or 3... :D
Well congrats to all of you who got in the 1'24.000's and 1'25.000's.
«looks at my entirely uncongratulated 1:26.0»
Why is everyone calling it the Shaguar?
It's because of the E-Type from Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, which is decorated in a Union Flag and badged as a Shaguar.


Although it didn't actually gain the "Shaguar" badge until the sequel. The original had regular E-Type V12 badging.
Likewise 🤣 not GT7s strong point, I would not even bother setting a time

Mission accomplished ✅ at Road Atlanta, I didn’t just beat my target I SMASHED IT!! 🎯 still some way behind forum aliens @djolliea @NAXEHT and YouTube star @Tidgney but I’m dead happy. I didnt bother with any assists in the end but im sure CSA strong would have helped through T2,3 and 4… some tricky weight transfer going on there! (@Gogga i don’t blame you, how’s it working out??)

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Onto the Shaguar later and very tempted to put a sacrilegious paint scheme just to rattle a few cages 🤣🤣

Excellent lap time there!!! I watched your replay and I think I need to be way more aggressive through sector 1.

I swopped over from Dualsense to wheel and no progress to be seen. Switched CSA on and 2/10ths faster. Will aim for a sub 1:24 if possible.
CSA definately makes a difference through T2, 3 and 4.

The Ktm has easily become one of my favourite hot lapping cars.

Edit: will aim for sub 1:25
Sub 1:24 is way out of my league.
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Here is my best recent lap thanks to me watching crome's replay 10 times, I loaded the ghost and had it reset at eah sector which helped me, I knew what some reference and braking points were. 1'37.449

Nice, glad you found my replay helpful. Could only look at the first sector, but two things there:
  • You step on and off the brakes before T1 a few times, also letting it coast a bit. Don't do that. Find your braking point (start at the 150 board, then add a few meters each lap) and commit 100%. Don't worry about trail braking for now, simply try to find the spot that gets you just slow enough to be able to follow my line.
  • You probably noticed this yourself, but at the end of the straight into T4 you take a completely different line, and I don't think it's to your benefit. You arrive at the apex a bit earlier, but lose too much speed on the exit
I'm not far off silver again here...
You got this!
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Likewise 🤣 not GT7s strong point, I would not even bother setting a time

Mission accomplished ✅ at Road Atlanta, I didn’t just beat my target I SMASHED IT!! 🎯 still some way behind forum aliens @djolliea @NAXEHT and YouTube star @Tidgney but I’m dead happy. I didnt bother with any assists in the end but im sure CSA strong would have helped through T2,3 and 4… some tricky weight transfer going on there! (@Gogga i don’t blame you, how’s it working out??)

Onto the Shaguar later and very tempted to put a sacrilegious paint scheme just to rattle a few cages 🤣🤣

Nice mate!, you smashed it!....epic time again! 👽 I haven't got any motivation to return to Atlanta, my white flag hangs steady for some time now 🤣🤣

yeah but not so easy to get those .3, you had .8 and jeddah has .5 not so easy honestly, I can get .7 and I got several .6 but never reached .5 on S1, and you know how it is, when you get .6 on first sector something else slides away from your hands in sector 2 or 3... :D
True, my S1 felt ok-ish.....but 3 tenths..... that's huge....
My optimum S1 was 23.640 I just noticed in my post above 😕😵‍💫😳

as you said... it's always the case of throwing it out the window later on cause that lap ended up 5xx 🤣🤣🤣


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Here is my best recent lap thanks to me watching crome's replay 10 times, I loaded the ghost and had it reset at eah sector which helped me, I knew what some reference and braking points were. 1'37.449

I'm not far off silver again here... Why is everyone calling it the Shaguar? Because it's so smooth it shags?


This car/track combo required for me confidence to improve my time, which I had to build up slowly and than, after breaking don't know what mental wall, things started be get better.
My initial time was quite close to yours, than I moved to bronze boundary and than had a big jump to low silver.

I'd suggest to downshift more aggressively (doesn't mean at all brake later! just down**** at the beginning of the brake action). Use downshift to 2nd for the very last corner approach, when you start to rotate the wheel.
I'd not use 2nd for accelleration, TCS will kill you and the car will start floating around. 3rd may seem slower, but it's progression pays off
In the Senna S be more patient with accelleration. Try waiting and put yourself in the position not to go on and off gas, maybe just a little partial liftoff to keep the interior in the rightside half of the S to avoid red-ing the lap. This can make a huge difference in the lap time.

I'm quite sure that once you get the feeling with the car time will naturally go down. Keep going!
It's time for a rally or some snow.
The game calls itself "the rail driving simulator" or the like.

Thus I guess it's the Tomahawk X special downforce edition in the Canadian Rockys 🤔
At Lake Louise we could go constant full throttle then.

Looking for a rubber band... 🧐

@PD Don't forget to give access to the snow tyres with tomorrow's update (if not already available 😂)
True, my S1 felt ok-ish.....but 3 tenths..... that's huge....
My optimum S1 was 23.640 I just noticed in my post above 😕😵‍💫😳
Hmmm....I guess I shouldn't be beating myself up when I get .7s in sector 1. Best was a .601 and I get .6s about 30% of a time. .7s are the norm.

2nd sector is a total bomb for me...and 3rd sector is ok I guess. Will be nice to gain another 10th or so.
Hmmm....I guess I shouldn't be beating myself up when I get .7s in sector 1. Best was a .601 and I get .6s about 30% of a time. .7s are the norm.

2nd sector is a total bomb for me...and 3rd sector is ok I guess. Will be nice to gain another 10th or so.
No absolutely not, I was .8 on my pb lap.... on S1 so a 33.1xx is possible......but this is one of those TT's that looks easy but sticking it all is pure hell 🤣🤣
Nice mate!, you smashed it!....epic time again! 👽 I haven't got any motivation to return to Atlanta, my white flag hangs steady for some time now 🤣🤣

True, my S1 felt ok-ish.....but 3 tenths..... that's huge....
My optimum S1 was 23.640 I just noticed in my post above 😕😵‍💫😳

as you said... it's always the case of throwing it out the window later on cause that lap ended up 5xx 🤣🤣🤣

I do feel I need a .6 sector 1 to have a chance to at least improve. I did see a .478 once tho.
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I do feel I need a .6 sector 1 to have a chance to at least improve. I did see a .478 once tho.
That's fast mate, you will be hunting for a sub 33 😁🙄💪, if I see a .478 in S1 I'm 100% screwing up S2 🤣🤣

Go get it! 😁💪

@crome it's such a technical track, S2 is killing but soooo satisfying when you nail it.....and sooooo not satisfying when you throw it all away in T12 or something 🤣🤣
Thank you for the positive comments everyone! Honestly I think the Jaguar TT is easier and smoother for me than the X-bow one so I'm confident that I can score a high silver, low gold lap. I mean I'm in the mid 1'37.000's. I gotta find more replays to watch and study. The hunt is on!
First day at the Interlagos TT.

And the first thing I must say ...

Austin Powers Love GIF

Second, I apologize to those who might be offended by the abomination that is my livery.

Third, the livery and suit combo will remain (just for the TT). Sorry again.


I didn't spend too much time here on Day 1. I like the track, but I'm not used to driving a car like this around it. No replay or lap guide has been watched, no ghosts.

Fortunately it didn't take long to find a Gold lap. I was very close at Lap 8, though I couldn't remember what the cutoff was. But I knew a 1:34 was good and I believe it's a pretty safe Gold.

I'll still put in a couple more stints after watching some references. I know there's more time for me to find.
Frustrating 30-odd laps at Interlagos. I just can’t get the first sequence right, consistently 3-4 tenths off the needed time through there. The rest of the lap is fine now, I’m at or ahead of gold pace.


No improvement on my 35.1 PB but that’s the first session with an optimal in the 34s.

Going to keep pushing, I really want this gold - even if I sneak in and Jeddah snatches it away at the last minute..
Went to see my old parents, dad is 90 years... Come home with bothering mind ( we don't go into that) and thought to just unload worries and play a little bit... Couldn't start lap properly, first sector was barely on .9 couldn't even reach .8 and said to myself one last lap and turn everything off and clean my mind somehow...
Last lap for today...