TT Lap Times Forum

Touring Mars

ツーリング マルス
Welcome to the Tourist Trophy Lap Times comparison forum. :D

Please attempt to provide as much information and evidence as possible.

Please state which bike you are using, some information about settings, plus either a screen shot or a video/replay of your lap

If you have any suggestions/feedback, please feel free to post them here... 👍
If you have failure mode "ON" or "OFF" really needs to be known I think. Please put that in your descriptions please so we all know.
---"ON" means you did not touch a wall, the grass or the gravel. Bike on track 100%.
---"OFF" means you can geat away with going off track and still get a time for the lap.
Of course it doesn't matter if you don't go off track if failure mode is on or off. It would just make it easier to know straight away by looking at the settings :sly:
Ok, I guess I'll start this one off. I will have pic proof as soon as i can find my cable :grumpy: .

Track: Nurburgring
Bike: Yoshimura Suzuki Jomo w/Srixon GSX-R 1000 Suzuka8H '05
Position: Lean body, Lat.slide:20, lean:16
Dampers/Springs/Brakes/Gearing: Default
Tires: Race Medium
Mode: Practice
Time: 7'27.613

Still goin at it, I would have changed the tires, but I just won the bike and I forgot to do so :dunce: . I have alot of GT4 Nurburgring experience so I know the track well, but on a bike you really have to go slow to stay fast. Speed wobbles, bumps and hills all wreak havoc on your balance and line.
Still goin at it, I would have changed the tires, but I just won the bike and I forgot to do so :dunce: . I have alot of GT4 Nurburgring experience so I know the track well, but on a bike you really have to go slow to stay fast. Speed wobbles, bumps and hills all wreak havoc on your balance and line.[/QUOTE]

hey man im also from gt4 and loads of exp on nur.
Its very bumpie indeed haha get a good balance on the bike / rider go over it slow and get the best racing line each corner take your time you should be able to go under 7 min with that bike if you need some help pm me :)

keep on goin 👍
You knwo i play TT for a long time know and i've tried the 'ring a few times i can't understand why everybody loves it that much. It's just an awfull track, i love all real life tracks on TT except that one

and if i say i'm pritty fast on some of them, but surtenly not all :D

PS Is it allowed to go on other tracks as well in this thread?
it always seem to go the same
when you start a championship with like 3 riders, their are always other once joining during it, but also some quitwhen they see they're no fast enough to keep up
I'd like to have a weekly challenge! Even tough I have all golds my riding technique is still bad. I only had the game for a week but still...
I have done 7:19 on a 7star honda and 7:49 orso on a zx6r on the nurburgring, is this any good?I really don't have a clue since there are not many lap times posted here, think the zxr was on hard tires and the honda on medium