Tuning Guide by unbridledterror. Explination added

  • Thread starter Unbridledt

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I think we should have a daily tuning section on a given subject... like today I would like to discuss camber for example: In this game camber never goes positive, it only has a negative adjustment. Setting the Camber slider to 0.00 makes the tyres perpendicular or straight up and down. Moving the slider to the right (higher value) applies negative camber or tilting the top of the tires inwards towards the car and the bottom of the tires tilt outwards away from the car. What this does is removes contact patch when in a straight line but adds or enlarges the contact patch while turning. So the more negative camber you have on the car, the less traction it has while moving in a straight line, so you will spin easier while accelerating and your braking distance will become longer and it will be easier to lock up on braking as well. But, turning into corners you will have added traction depending on how hard you turn vs how much negative camber you have. It is possible to turn hard enough, while you dont have enough negative camber to actually turn over the tires and lose contact patch.
So when I am tuning cars, I typically move the sliders to 0.00 along with the Toe (I have no degree in any angle on the toe setting, it is set to 0.00) and I default the rest of the settings, I then run around 10 laps to see what my average time is and also pay attention to where I am losing time. I then go in and move the camber a small amount at a time until I am confident that I have found a balance between braking traction and turning traction, I dont necessarily look at my lap times yet, because there are so many other tuning aspects that go into turning traction and those settings adversley affect camber and toe angle. For example, if my ride height is to low, then my tires never have a chance to turn over to a larger contact patch in corners, also if I have my sway bars to stiff the cars weight will not transfer enough to effect my contact patch if my camber is set to high. So i do small adjustments until I feel that it has effected my corning just enough to begin to add other adjustments.
This is why I feel that a screen that would show statistics while driving, like tire temp, etc is missing and is hurting the tuning part of the game. But on the same hand I feel that tuning is sort of a lost art in this game as tuning is not allowed in anything yet, i think that will change in the near future.
So if anyone else has anything to add/correct on this please feel free.
I like that idea devon. One thing to watch out for is camber gain as a function of suspension geometry, and caster is a factor that is a guess at best here. Downforce and roll bar settings also change roll center migration which vary also by speed and load. Compound also can alter optimal camber settings.
Right, so it begs the question as what behavior should I look for in the car, that would say that I need to adjust camber, and NOT adjust my suspension, or my down force or even ride height?
I look at how the car behaves in the middle of the action of turning, not turning in or on the exit but in the middle of the turn. Is the car "hopping" through the corner or is it sliding through the corner? If its hopping then perhaps i have my suspension to tight, but if its sliding then maybe I need to add a little more contact to the tires while at the same time, making small adjustments to my ride height and softening my compression settings.
I try to set camber based on how much gain a specific setup has per tyre compound. A soft sprung, soft damped and a soft sway bar car will need a different camber setup. The degree of body roll versus the camber gained under cornering needs to be examined. Without telemetry, it is entirely a function of feel which changes per track. Why do I start like explained in the guide? It simplifies the process of tuning camber and other parameters at the start. It is much easier to nail a good camber setting with a stiff suspension and slowly tinker with softening than to have a soft setup and have to try to determine camber when too aggressive body roll can skew whats proper for a setup. Another variable is the fact that unless all corners are the same speed there is no one camber setting that works for 1 track or all tracks optimally. Best rule of thumb, set your camber up to work best on the corner that nets you the best change in your split times.
why no one uses the camber angle 0.00 as in GT6? I do it on my cars and it works very well but I do not understand any tuner has not yet used this option. Is it me who is wrong?
0.00 is not a "wrong" setting, if it works for you and you are getting good lap times with it, stick with it. Remember that 0.00 is a neutral setup, your tires are straight up and down no camber either way. Like Unbridledt said, because there is no telemetry, it is all feel and all to his point, he is right there is no setting that works on "all" tracks, in my opinion you have to set up sheets for each car, for each track. For example: I have a Porsche with 10 sheets... 1 sheet is default setup, then nine other sheets are 9 of the most popular tracks. There are 17 locations but we are only allowed 11 sheets per car so you have to dedicate one sheet to a default setup, then another sheet to a "rounded" setup, one that works well on most tracks, sort of a neutral setup.
To my original discussion, I setup my camber different with each car and that camber setting depends on the cars powertrain, power and suspension/ride height/body roll. Tuning is complicated and time consuming, its a shame that there are not tuning races in the FIA or Sports section.
If your suspension has enough camber gain built in it is possable that 0.0 can work, but myself personally ive yet to see 0.0 be faster around the base settings ive provided. You need alot of suspension compression in gt sport to be around where camber should be optimal.
Thanks so much for the info. Will definitely be trying this out soon. I was trying Forza tuning at first and the cars were just unstable. Can't wait to see what they feel like after applying these principles
What a difference the roll bar adjustments made. I already mainly had a default set up close to these recommendations, minus the stiff roll bars and higher rear camber.

Shave 10 to 15 sec off my Ring lap times with three different cars. A Huracan, Vette, and the Viper. I made small adjustments to each after a lap and they now feel great! Much appreciated sir
You can't, Szabi. It is locked by PD atm, therefore not allowing tuning in sport mode.
Hopefully we'll see that change very soon.
Work on your tuning in time trial mode for now and save your settings so you'll be ready when they do unlock it.