hmmm. pointless but clever side effect. Also, that means you can't redeem a modded car. Lucky I haven't yet touched the Spoon.
What I
have touched is your drift Trueno.
That sounded gross.
Anyway, I am fairly impressed by the Sprinter. For a barely-200hp car on, for some reason, not-simulation tyres, it is amazing. Breaking loose is quite easy but never sudden, and the drift tends to carry through the entire corner. It feels a bit too delicate, probably because of the high-grip tyres and low power, so it's difficult to carry through, for instance, the sweeper in Midfield, unless you drive it just right. So the driving dynamics are actually pretty impressive; what annoys me are the things that, annoyingly, don't really matter. The order in which you list the 'parts to buy' seems perfectly engineered to annoy me, and this is not, by any means, a budget setup. The stock transmission is totally fine, and there's no reason for an aftermarket one, especially with such a lazy setting as yours. And, while I can't remove the weight reductions, I don't really feel that it was necesary to fit the $20k diet 3 in the first place. And finally, the part that really confounds me: Why didn't you use sim tyres? That would've made the hopeless power seem enough, and would not have forced such over-the-top camber settings. Despite its shortcomings, though, I will admit that this is a perfectly good setup.
About that format thing, do you own GT4? If so, try out a setup from
Mad Finn Tuners. It's not about the driving dynamics as much as the format of the post. There's no need at all for images, or even specs, but notice how the parts are listed in the order they show up as in-game, so it flows naturally from computer to Playstation. And then, the settings are listed seperately, after the purchases, so they're easy to find at a glance, and are again in the order you encounter things mid-game. Not to mention, their choice of font kicks ass.
Having become accustomed to that, anything else is downright frustrating. I chose arguably their best tune, just for fun, and since you have an equivalent car. Also there's a pretty sweet pun in its name.