Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
They're obviously trying to inspire someone to complain to the BBC in accordance with their "724 complaints are fine, but we draw the line at 725" policy and get Clarkson fired, and they would be thoroughly pleased with themselves for bringing it about.

It's strange that for toilet paper with such a conservative readership, they seem to resent the very existence of the least politically-correct man in Britain. You'd think they'd treat him as a national treasure.

He'd be their "national treasure" if Top Gear wasn't on the BBC. ;)
The more bad press they get, the better, I say! Helps to keep their bad-boys image going! Well, Clarkson's bad-boy image anyways. If I don't feel like he's insulted at least 1/3 of the world by the time an episode's over, I'm a bit disappointed.

As an American, he is a very relatable figure. More relatable than those *is pulled away by police* :gtpflag:

Who out there is missing the vehicular insight and wisdom of a long-haired, florally-bedecked man with a fondness for utilitarian, cheap cars (often of Romanian heritage?) If that’s you, then Good News! Here’s a sneak preview of what May has been up to in his Top Gear holidays.

Captain Slow’s new three-parter follows the tale of how the world fell in love with motoring: the mass-market car from inception to London-gridlocking ubiquity. And apparently he only got lost six times. If you’re in the UK it’s on very soon: the first episode is Tuesday 10 August 2014, 9pm, BBC Two and BBC Two HD.

Here’s the first trailer. Look out for more on TopGear.com in the coming days…

I kept forgetting to post my verdict on Cars Of The People from last Sunday, I really enjoyed it, very interesting and informative and the funniest bit for me was when he compared the Russian potholes to Clarkson's face :lol:, they even had a TG-like stunt at the end with some discount Stigs, more please! 👍👍👍
James' solo efforts rarely disappoint. Cars of the People might prove to be his best if the next two episodes stay the course.
That's what this show is...?
You know what I mean, he drones on and on about past foreign governments when he could talk a bit more about the designers of the cars or the technology behind them.
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Tonight's episode is about the rise of the small car with the Citroen 2CV and the Renault 4 featuring..
Really liked the 2nd half of the 2nd episode. Made me want a first gen. Honda Life and a Supercup motorcycle quite badly.:lol:
Missed 15 minutes of the episode because I was on the phone to my dad, missed the Reliant Robin bit and the 2CV, might watch again on iplayer, enjoyed the bits I did watch though..
Slightly underwhelming finish to Cars of the People, but I still enjoyed this show immensely. James May is brilliant when on his own.
They could have done more with the fleet car segment other than a dull waltz around the cars and a race that seemed to drag on for far too long. Plus the whole Countach part was a bit of waste of time since James had done almost exactly the same thing on Top Gear, even if it was 11 years ago.

The rest was fine. Just not as engaging as the first two episodes.
Yeah, kind of wonky and underwhelming... and misleading. Since the Car of the People is either a motorbike or a van, or all cars in the world...

But the music!!! I'm kind of guessing that James brought back the guy who was the music director for Top Gear for the first 10 or so seasons, because the music back then made me go "wow! really?? this is one of my favorites!" over and over again, and so did this program. Moby, Bladerunner soundtrack, Pearl Jam, Cake, Flaming Lips, etc., etc.
James May is OK in doses and he is well balanced out in Top Gear by other stuff, but a whole three part program was too much. Stopped watching after the first because it was kinda dull, just like man lab.
I've ony seen the first two parts. I'll have to find the third one today. I agree about the music, whoever chose it was obviously very cultured. Some of it was very well known stuff (ie. Holiday in the Sun), some of it a bit more obscure, but not that obscure (I'm sure I remember some Joy Division in there), some frankly surprising (Cibo Matto's Know Your Chicken during the Japan segment. Actually an American band (with an Italian name, a considerable portion of their lyrics in French, and a Japanese woman rapping....Yeah.), but fair enough), and some quite honestly bizarre (I'm fairly certain I heard Hatsune Miku in there, and the American Pokemon theme tune mae an appearance at the start of the Japan segment, which, again, considering its Americanness, is a bit odd, and personally I would have used a Cruel Angel#s Thesis there, but I'd use A Cruel Angel's Thesis for anything :lol:)

ANyway, I recognised most of the music, including the Shonen Knife :D, so... Err... Good. I didn't hear the Flaming Lips in there though. Was that in Episode 3?
Surprisingly, there is a Music Identification Thread for this series on Final Gear. Most are asking for track IDs from episode 3 but I'm trying to find more from the Kei car segment. All I got was Twiggy Twiggy and the Pokemon Theme. :lol:

I didn't hear the Flaming Lips in there though. Was that in Episode 3?

Bad Days about halfway through ep3, yeah.