Unable to download gta prize car

  • Thread starter tomt47
United States
New York
Is anybody else having problems downloading the leaf? If so how did you solve the problem? Thanks.
You have to "receive" it from the Gift box. (Click on it)

If that doesn't work, try clicking the "receive all" button at the top of the gift box. I've had this problem before where clicking the car didn't work, you had to accept it via the "receive all" button.
Can you accept the paint/museum cards daily? You might have too many items to be able to receive anymore, if so try deleting some paint chips.
Your game will tell you.:sly:
my game didn't tell me that i've too many items so thi is not the problem
did you go to the semi truck to cash in the ticket after you recieved it from the gifts?
in my truck there isn't anything after i try to receive the car

if i press the receive all button or the single ticket button it says if i want to put them in items then i answer yes but nothing happen

can someone send me a paint chip? maybe with two items to "download" it will work
my id is emienm09494
i will send back the paint chip as soon as i will be able to receive the car
The car never gets to the truck. Also the first time I tried it gave me an upload failed message. Now it just does nothing.
Yes I just tried to get my LEAF from my gifts and it wouldn,t let me receive it either.:(

But no worrys its been explained above,
Just get some one to send a suit or helmet and then receive all at top.:D
Problem fixed. LEAF then appears in your truck instead of waiting in your gifts.
Bye for now.:)