Unlimited number of engine swaps

  • Thread starter Szami67
Ooof, update tomorrow!

Tonight’s the night I put all my Ill gotten gains from the 4 stars into all my cars so hopefully they can’t wipe them all.

I’ve already dropped in the engine swaps.

Dunno what I’ll do with the 100+ of each engine though. 🤣

Don’t know whether to spend all my credits either.

One last night of scripting people! I’m gonna put on fast and supervise the hell out of it. Hope it behaves.
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I think it's pretty unlikely that it was intentional. If they wanted to make engines temporarily easily available, there are better ways of doing it that would generate more good-will for them. If you're going to do something nice for the players, it's pretty dumb to disguise it as a bug.
Intentionally created...you are probably right. Making a clever hidden bonus like this is unlikely. It's more likely to be a legitimate bug.

But, intentionally left alone for a few weeks, without a doubt. We've seen them fix issues like this in days. I can't imagine it would be that difficult to track this issue down given how it's 100% repeatable. So, I am convinced that it was intentionally left alone for a few weeks.
$94.8M and my script finally glitched (after 40 hours straight). I think the PS4 and my computer just needed to be restarted.

And just like always, within 5 spins I got the $500K. There is absolutely no doubt that if you want to make the most money it requires restarting the game regularly.
I must say, I didn't have a single glitch with the script so far, and I have it running for 5 or 6 days now almost non stop. I did make a couple of breaks during that time, just to drive for a bit, so it's not a 24/7 but it is close to that. Maybe it's a combo of PS5 and quite powerful PC on home gigabit LAN, who knows...
Imagine going back to 1 ticket a day after the update.. 😅😅

Edit: or imagine them not fixing the roulette glitch, like they skipped the whole Tomahawk issue when there was an update lmao
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Ooof, update tomorrow!

Tonight’s the night I put all my Ill gotten gains from the 4 stars into all my cars so hopefully they can’t wipe them all.

I’ve already dropped in the engine swaps.

Dunno what I’ll do with the 100+ of each engine though. 🤣

Don’t know whether to spend all my credits either.

One last night of scripting people! I’m gonna put on fast and supervise the hell out of it. Hope it behaves.
Do you think they'll remove all the parts and cars you won with your free 4-star tickets? Seems unlikely to me.
Do you think they'll remove all the parts and cars you won with your free 4-star tickets? Seems unlikely to me.
I hope not. I have absolutely no idea what PD are capable of and not even 100% sure what the update will do.

Guess we’ll find out soon enough. It would be cool if the update gave us the ability to sell cars and engines.
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I honestly don’t think they’ll take anything away from anyone. And I’m not doing anything with my credits. I’m waiting on the 917 to show back up. I have a decent amount over 20m, so I should be good for a bit.
Imagine being one of the poor souls that isn't part of some forum like this, not Tokyo Tomahawk, no ticket glitch, just living with the terrible GT7. I shudder to think of it...
To be honest other than do the ticket glitch for about an hour to get the engines I wanted (mainly the 787B engine for the RX7) I haven't done anything else r.e grinding money.

There's hundreds of fantastic cars that don't cost millions that are great to try out.
To be honest other than do the ticket glitch for about an hour to get the engines I wanted (mainly the 787B engine for the RX7) I haven't done anything else r.e grinding money.

There's hundreds of fantastic cars that don't cost millions that are great to try out.
That's not what it's about for me. I don't need the money, I just can't pass up a chance to stick it to PD for how they've stuck it to me with this terrible game.
That's not what it's about for me. I don't need the money, I just can't pass up a chance to stick it to PD for how they've stuck it to me with this terrible game.
Perhaps I don't understand what you're saying here.

But are you saying you're repeatedly playing the game (Tomahawk) or running a script, not to get credits as you already have enough but to somehow get back at PD?
Perhaps I don't understand what you're saying here.

But are you saying you're repeatedly playing the game (Tomahawk) or running a script, not to get credits as you already have enough but to somehow get back at PD?
Not really. I'm not saying it right. The Tomahawk and ticket glitches have made it fun to earn credits, and it makes me feel good to get real payouts vs $5K or whatever trash they normally give me.
Just did 1 last ticket grind as I likely won’t log on again until after the server maintenance tonight. Didn’t keep track of how many tickets I redeemed or how much money I won total but ended up with ~30 of each engine after doing every possible engine swap (some 2-3 times) and a total of 24 of the special parts that can only be obtained by tickets which are all now installed except the duplicates I got. We’ll see what the outcome of the server maintenance is tomorrow.
These are the current lowest 3, all 0.5 or lower.

View attachment 1169164

Oh, for reference, here's Gran Turismo 7, one page back.

View attachment 1169165
I don't play EA's yearly releases of sports drivel. I guess I used to a bit with Tiger, but that's been gone since like '13. What is so bad about Madden, or is it that people are starting to realize what a **** product the NFL is?
To address the hotfix point, PSN is not Steam, and while they most likely could have put a patch together within a day or two, it still needs to go through Sony's internal testing, first party studios don't get a free pass on that.
Interesting, I was under the assumption that 'in-house' studios would be granted some leeway in that regard.
There's hundreds of fantastic cars that don't cost millions that are great to try out.
One of my favorite things about the game.
From memory, the game checks for an update when it starts... If we don't shut it down, it won't update right?
That's why they kick the servers off now, it forces the disconnect.
@slthree AND BE SURE to do it in that order. If you grab both tickets and then open both tickets, it doesn't work.

You must get the ticket fom the Toyota menu, open it, get the ticket from the Mazda menu and open it.

That will allow you to go back and forth, alternating the tickets.

If you mess up, restart the game.
That's a negative. If you mess up, just do either menu until you get the reward ticket and go from there, no need to restart the game.
Some stat's:

I acquired 1,439 engines from the glitch, in addition I made circa 45 Million credits, got 113 cars, of which 54 were new to my collection.

That roughly equates to:

  • Cr. 31,271 per spin
  • A car every 12 spins
Oh the haters are going to love you :lol: were all your engines deleted after the update? Did PD take back all your credits ;)
One interesting thing that I noticed yesterday.

I was abusing the script for like a week non stop. Got a million engines, parts, money, cars. But I was still missing many cars in my collection. Two nights ago I hit 100 mil, and decided to spend most of it, mostly to make room for more money. So i blew 72 mil on every single car that I didn't already have.

After that, I started to recieve gift cars from spins that I just purchased (Bugattis, VGTs ...). I didn't recieve those cars for 6 days of non stop ticket roulletes, but as soon as I bought them with credits, they started to appear in spins and I started to win them.