Unpopular Opinions- Cars in General

  • Thread starter Turbo
I guess you could probably say due to preference that you'd have a large majority of your cars manual and that's fine - but your necessity for manualised luxury cars and the like would probably be an unpopular opinion in itself. ;)
I have a feeling that some people think an overriding preference for manual transmissions implies a desire to drive everything hard or "enthusiastically" all the time, which understandably runs counter to the character of a luxury car. But that's not why I prefer a manual. A manual is really just satisfying and enjoyable in ordinary commutes; slow and casual is when I want a manual the most, because it lends color to otherwise uneventful drives.

As the hypothetical owner of this Rolls-Royce or whatever, there's nothing about a luxury car that justifies subtracting a manual transmission from the equation. If the owner's in the back and is fussy about perceptible shifts, it's his/her choice.

The most underrated logo (btw what is that under the eye?)
It is completely acceptable to crash your Honda Civic if you have your hand taped to the steering wheel whilst simultaneously blasting Dancing by Vicky Vale at the loudest possible volume your in-car stereo is capable of.

Cool vibrations ♪

Initial D reference, by any chance? :lol:
I have a feeling that some people think an overriding preference for manual transmissions implies a desire to drive everything hard or "enthusiastically" all the time, which understandably runs counter to the character of a luxury car. But that's not why I prefer a manual. A manual is really just satisfying and enjoyable in ordinary commutes; slow and casual is when I want a manual the most, because it lends color to otherwise uneventful drives.

As the hypothetical owner of this Rolls-Royce or whatever, there's nothing about a luxury car that justifies subtracting a manual transmission from the equation. If the owner's in the back and is fussy about perceptible shifts, it's his/her choice.

It's more effort. The more effort something requires, it's seen as more involving and therefore less luxurious.
It's more effort. The more effort something requires, it's seen as more involving and therefore less luxurious.
I think driving should be involving, no matter how expensive and comfortable the interior is. You're piloting a machine, and I think a luxury GT should make you feel like a fighter pilot. Luxury is about flattering the owner, isn't it?

I'm still not seeing an explanation for why I shouldn't want a manual in a luxury car. My preference isn't falsifiable, so I admit I'm kinda deliberately wasting your time here. But I'm curious why there doesn't seem to be any allowance for individuals like me who have considered all of the facts on either side of the argument and still firmly prefer a manual.

It's not just unpopular, it's apparently unfathomable. And all over such a simple, straightforward thing. :confused:
I think driving should be involving, no matter how expensive and comfortable the interior is. You're piloting a machine, and I think a luxury GT should make you feel like a fighter pilot. Luxury is about flattering the owner, isn't it?

I'm still not seeing an explanation for why I shouldn't want a manual in a luxury car. My preference isn't falsifiable, so I admit I'm kinda deliberately wasting your time here. But I'm curious why there doesn't seem to be any allowance for individuals like me who have considered all of the facts on either side of the argument and still firmly prefer a manual.

It's not just unpopular, it's apparently unfathomable. And all over such a simple, straightforward thing. :confused:
Well this is an opinion thread and people are likely to question any opinion you have, because it's unpopular; hence why it's posted in the unpopular opinion thread.
But I'm curious why there doesn't seem to be any allowance for individuals like me who have considered all of the facts on either side of the argument and still firmly prefer a manual.

It's not just unpopular, it's apparently unfathomable. And all over such a simple, straightforward thing. :confused:

You're allowed to think however you like, but I do think you are in a shockingly small minority of those who think a luxury car needs a manual which is why you're getting your opinion questioned. Even the most hardcore pro-manual folks I know would think it's silly for a 5,000lbs luxury car that's meant to be like you're driving around your living room to have a manual gearbox.
- I like the styling of the SN95 Mustang.

- I don't like the idea of buying a car just to be a showoff. I.E. If I owned a Ferrari 488 GTB for instance, I would be taking it on quiet backroads with noone around rather than driving in the city to impress strangers.

- Similar to JC Dude's opinion, I too prefer a hardtop car over a convertible. Though, I still like convertibles.
When I think of a manual Rolls, I think damn that would be one complicated column shift set-up, 6, or more on the tree.
Well this is an opinion thread and people are likely to question any opinion you have, because it's unpopular; hence why it's posted in the unpopular opinion thread.
I don't mind having an unpopular opinion or discussing it. I do mind being framed as a whiner just for wondering about the nature of its unpopularity -- in other words, discussing it.

I can 🤬 off if that's better.
I don't mind having an unpopular opinion or discussing it. I do mind being framed as a whiner just for wondering about the nature of its unpopularity -- in other words, discussing it.

I can 🤬 off if that's better.
The problem is you're not being called a whiner or anything like that, people are just discussing it with you.
I'm not sure where that statement came from as no one has explicitly said anything of the sort - at least that wasn't the intention of my posts.

Part of it must be the difference in distinction of driving. Usually driving is seen as a chore. To simplify the process in the chore is seen as a luxury, as with the difference in manually washing clothes and using a washing machine. The simplified and laid back process makes it a luxury.
- E30, E36 and E46 bmw's do not look sporty at all

- E46 is the worst looking Bmw

- The Subaru boxer engine sounds like crap

- Automatic seatbelts are the best

- Alfa Romeo has the ugliest cars. 4c is the only good looking one.

- Japanese cars from 2000-2010 are all ugly. (Besides lancer evo)

- Fender flares and rocket bunny are the worst looking modification.
...Or this?

Btw I think the White X1 in the post above is much better than its predecessor and actually looks pretty good
Pretty much yea. Ide pick that red one in a heartbeat before a e46.

Never seen or heard about this car, pretty close to being just as ugly but Ide still choose it over a e46. Everyone loves them but I really think it's the worst looking car Bmw has produced.
The idea of making a solely mid-engine Corvette (ever more so to bring in younger customers) is stupid. :P
I think American cars are actually pretty decent and built well.

Toyotas are pretty cool, even the Prius (as ugly as it is, the technology is cool).

I think supercars should at least make some effort into offering practicality - whether it's excellent gas mileage, being able to haul people and cargo around, or even just being a sedan body type.