Wednesday Night Racing - Now on GT7 - Thanks for all the races everyone

  • Thread starter ynot
Hey obi, sorry about missing last couple weeks.... Been in the hospital again but I’m out now. I will do my best to make it next week. Anyways did you guys do Kyoto tonight? Damn shame I missed it as I love that track and I can almost hang with Stephen lol. If there is room I’m going to try and make it Sunday.
Yes we did turned out to be a good race. Very little incident compared to our first Heavy Damage race last week. Sorry to hear you were in the hospital. Hope your feeling better. See you sometime this week.
No worries.

@ynot Sorry but after qualifying 3rd and then after a restart being randomized to last I just didn't have the interest. It would have been nice if you took the time to get it sorted. I also wasn't keen on the random 6 lap races instead of a full session to qualify. I was about to get some laps in and then you started up a race, limiting qualifying afterwards even further. If you never did that you wouldn't have had the lap count off and needed a restart 👍
You know Penguin I take a little offense to your comments. You have raced one race with us. Last night would have been number two and you bailed at the first sign of trouble. Ran away. That makes you unreliable and non-committed in my view. I have been running multiple league and non league races every week for the last 7 years. That's at least 364 league races and I know it's more that that because some weeks I ran more that one league race so lets say about 500. About 1,800 non league races and I know its more that that. Out of all those races I have jacked up about 3 maybe 4 starts due to having the lap count wrong. God will forgive me I am sure. If you read the rules about how we start races we will restart a race if somebody's car will not move or if they get a disconnect in the first lap. I did that because I want everyone to be able to race since they put so much time into practicing and wanting to compete year after year. That would mean we would restart up to 2 times. Yes that means it jacks up the way you qualified but I'd rather get everyone in the race that leave someone behind. I would have restarted for you too. I thought you had a disconnect not knowing that you bailed until I saw your unjustified comment. Had you joined the chat party we had open you would have known that I was running short 6 lap practice races so we could practice in traffic. Sorry you got upset because you did not know what was going on. I hope you never make a mistake running your league races and if you ever do I hope your members will not judge you to hard and expect you to have been better prepared and you should have known better. I do appreciate the feed back though but I had already realized I messed up before you did. It tuned out to be a great race and you should have stuck around. 50 minutes is a nice length race and you still would have finished at the front. The cream always rises to the top. We hope you will join us next week or some other time. See you on the track maybe.
Of course I'll join next week I just didn't wanna deal with it last night after the mess up. I'm sure it doesn't happen often but when you didnt stop to reset the grid I decided it wasn't worth it. Nothing personal against you and how you run things, I would have quit out if anyone messed it up that badly and didn't try to fix it.

Also, I do make mistakes in my league and people don't jump down my throat or take offense or think I'm an idiot. We learn from each others mistakes and move on.

Sorry I didn't see the chat .I checked at the start and didn't see anything so never checked again. Send me an invite to that next time :)
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I think if we had to restart the race after starting then everyone should line up on the track in order of their qualifying position. Once everyone is set then start the race. Then every racer will be where they qualifed.
Sunday Night League #6 - Gr.3's

Race Date = 4/7/19

Race 2

16 -discgolfproace
15 -mad_max_1956
14 -Kendawg198
13 -vladha
12 -stephen98cfra
11 -CFRA99
10 -Obi-Tonobi
9 --Largent03
8 --SlurMcGurr
7 --xyster250
6 --chrondo77

Point Standings

30 -Kendawg198
27 -stephen98cfra
26 -mad_max_1956
22 -Largent03
20 -CFRA99
19 -vladha
18 -Obi-Tonobi
17 -xyster250
16 -discgolfproace
14 -HobbyHouse
12 -DesertPenguin09
9 --chrondo77
8 --SlurMcGurr
7 --scrc0303
5 --racerman600
4 --DvilleG
Sunday Night League #6 - Gr.3's

Race Date = 4/14/19

Race 3

16 -Kendawg198
15 -stephen98cfra
14 -CFRA99
13 -mad_max_1956
12 -vladha
11 -scrc0303
10 -xyster250
9 --HobbyHouse
8 --discgolfproace
7 --nojgib
6 --SlurMcGurr
5 --Obi-Tonobi
4 --GreenTracing

Point Standings

46 -Kendawg198
42 -stephen98cfra
39 -mad_max_1956
34 -CFRA99
31 -vladha
27 -xyster250
24 -discgolfproace
23 -HobbyHouse
23 -Obi-Tonobi
22 -Largent03
18 -scrc0303
14 -SlurMcGurr
12 -DesertPenguin09
9 --chrondo77
7 --nojgib
5 --racerman600
4 --GreenTracing
4 --DvilleG
Looks like a pretty cool series. I would like to join next month if there is room I know a spot isnt guaranteed until 10 points but the format of the league looks fun.
Looks like a pretty cool series. I would like to join next month if there is room I know a spot isnt guaranteed until 10 points but the format of the league looks fun.
Feel free to join anytime. Top 10 in point standings guaranteed a spot. If I need the spot I will let you know. Be sure to sent me a friend request. Next league looking like Super Formula's.
Looks like a pretty cool series. I would like to join next month if there is room I know a spot isnt guaranteed until 10 points but the format of the league looks fun.
What part of Texas you in? I'm in San Antonio.
Sunday Night League #6 - Gr.3's

Race Date = 4/21/19

Race 4

16 -stephen98cfra
15 -discgolfproace
14 -chrondo77
13 -HobbyHouse
12 -mad_max_1956
11 -scrc0303
10 -vladha
9 --Obi-Tonobi
8 --CFRA99
7 --nojgib
6 --xyster250
5 --Kendawg198

Point Standings

58 -stephen98cfra
51 -mad_max_1956
51 -Kendawg198
42 -CFRA99
41 -vladha
39 -discgolfproace
36 -HobbyHouse
33 -xyster250
32 -Obi-Tonobi
29 -scrc0303
23 -chrondo77
22 -Largent03
14 -nojgib
14 -SlurMcGurr
12 -DesertPenguin09
5 --racerman600
4 --GreenTracing
4 --DvilleG
Sunday Night League #6 - Gr.3's

Race Date = 4/28/19

Race 5

16 Kendawg198
15 stephen98cfra
14 scrc0303
13 chrondo77
12 discgolfproace
11 mad_max_1956
10 CFRA99
9 vladha
8 Obi-Tonobi
7 xyster250

Point Standings

73 stephen98cfra
67 Kendawg198
62 mad_max_1956
52 CFRA99
51 discgolfproace
50 vladha
43 scrc0303
40 Obi-Tonobi
40 xyster250
36 chrondo77
36 HobbyHouse
22 Largent03
14 nojgib
14 SlurMcGurr
12 DesertPenguin09
5 racerman600
4 GreenTracing
4 DvilleG
Sunday Night League #6 - Gr.3's

Race Date = 5/5/19

Race 6

16 -Kendawg198
15 -chrondo77
14 -stephen98cfra
13 -scrc0303
12 -vladha
11 -discgolfproace
10 -xyster250
9 --CFRA99
8 --mad_max_1956
7 --Obi-Tonobi

Point Standings

87 -stephen98cfra
83 -Kendawg198
70 -mad_max_1956
62 -vladha
62 -discgolfproace
61 -CFRA99
56 -scrc0303
51 -chrondo77
50 -xyster250
47 -Obi-Tonobi
36 -HobbyHouse
22 -Largent03
14 -nojgib
14 -SlurMcGurr
12 -DesertPenguin09
5 --racerman600
4 --GreenTracing
4 --DvilleG
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Sunday Night League #6 - Gr.3's

Race Date = 5/12/19

Race 7

16 -stephen98cfra
15 -vladha
14 -CFRA99
13 -Kendawg198
12 -scrc0303
11 -xyster250
10 -Obi-Tonobi
9 --HobbyHouse

Point Standings

103 -stephen98cfra
96 --Kendawg198
77 --vladha
75 --CFRA99
70 --mad_max_1956
68 --scrc0303
62 --discgolfproace
61 --xyster250
57 --Obi-Tonobi
51 --chrondo77
45 --HobbyHouse
22 --Largent03
14 --nojgib
14 --SlurMcGurr
12 --DesertPenguin09
5 ---racerman600
4 ---GreenTracing
4 ---DvilleG
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Sunday Night League #6 - Gr.3's

Race Date = 5/19/19

Race 8

16 -Kendawg198
15 -stephen98cfra
14 -vladha
13 -scrc0303
12 -xyster250
11 -CFRA99
10 -GreenTracing
9 --Obi-Tonobi

Point Standings

118 -stephen98cfra
112 -Kendawg198
91 --vladha
86 --CFRA99
81 --scrc0303
73 --xyster250
70 --mad_max_1956
66 --Obi-Tonobi
62 --discgolfproace
51 --chrondo77
45 --HobbyHouse
22 --Largent03
14 --GreenTracing
14 --nojgib
14 --SlurMcGurr
12 --DesertPenguin09
5 ---racerman600
4 ---DvilleG
Sunday Night League #6 - Gr.3's

Race Date = 5/26/19

Race 9

16 -vladha
15 -CFRA99
14 -chrondo77
13 -Kendawg198
12 -mad_max_1956
11 -stephen98cfra
10 -Obi-Tonobi
9 --GreenTracing
8 --xyster250
7 --scrc0303

Point Standings

129 -stephen98cfra
125 -Kendawg198
107 -vladha
101 -CFRA99
88 --scrc0303
82 --mad_max_1956
81 --xyster250
76 --Obi-Tonobi
65 --chrondo77
62 --discgolfproace
45 --HobbyHouse
23 --GreenTracing
22 --Largent03
14 --nojgib
14 --SlurMcGurr
12 --DesertPenguin09
5 ---racerman600
4 ---DvilleG
Super Formula League Starts 6/23/19

League information now posted in the original thread.

Looking for new drivers.

Join Us.
Sunday Night League #6 - Gr.3's

Race Date = 6/2/19

Race 10 - Final

16 -Kendawg198
15 -stephen98cfra
14 -CFRA99
13 -mad_max_1956
12 -vladha
11 -pepsione77
10 -xyster250
9 --Obi-Tonobi

Final Point Standings

144 -stephen98cfra - Wins Championship
141 -Kendawg198
119 -vladha
115 -CFRA99
95 --mad_max_1956
91 --xyster250
88 --scrc0303
85 --Obi-Tonobi
65 --chrondo77
62 --discgolfproace
45 --HobbyHouse
23 --GreenTracing
22 --Largent03
14 --nojgib
14 --SlurMcGurr
12 --DesertPenguin09
11 --pepsione77
5 ---racerman600
4 ---DvilleG
Practice lobby for the upcoming Super Formula League will be open in 10 minutes. Still working on the tire and fuel settings. Come race.
Just a reminder that the Super Formula 19 League starts this Sunday 6/23. See original post for final details.
Apologies for having to restart the first league race due to one being stuck driving in circles. I know we did not restart as we should have. I need to take a screenshot right before the race starts so I can reset the field manually. Could use some help reminding me and some of you to take a photo with your cell phones to assist.