Weekly Race Series, Week - 3 RESULTS!

  • Thread starter boombexus
For the record I would've come 4th with my DS2 lap , which is here :D


  • kel rome 1\'06.080.xps
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Originally posted by CarbonFiber Man
Wastegate beats me by .002 AND gets to go to the pros:(

Seriously though, good job man, been nice racing with ya. Go Kents and Pedro are my biggest rivals now:mischievous:

Thanks for the kind words mate. That was some tight racing in the Amateur this week. You were just 0.079secs off the best Am time CFM and finished 4th in class!

I'm not quite sure why I've got to go up against the big boys (and girls) as I haven't finished higher than 3rd in the Amateur class in any of the races so far :confused: Please Boom don't make me swim with those sharks ;) they'll gobble me up.

A big well done to miata13B and IDAFC21, those were really quick times. I only got under their times on my last session on Monday and they certainly deserve the Am status.

Max's run though is just awesome. I cannot even begin to understand where he got all that time from. A deserving winner.
Hey nice times everyone :cool: congrats !

sorry i wasn't more competitive here , busy with momo training and other races , hopfully be back with it in the next few weeks .

big Congrats to Max :eek: outstanding time man :thumb! and Holland too :cool:
lastly to kelly :embarrassed: dont do that again !:D fast ***** ye :mischievous: showed me babe :cool: :thumb

laters all :)
Wow i knew it was gonna be close but not that close :eek: Nice run GoKents you just pipped me at the post well done 👍
Also congrats to the guys that are advancing ;).Commiserations for the ones that are dropping in class don't worry you will regain your status

Notible mentions to Max E very nice time i think you've beat the denso's top time with that run

Also to Lotus very nice indeed those late night sessions paid off Mr P I think you will need to keep an eye on your missus :lol:

And well done everyone i really enjoyed this one 👍

Fixing some typo's incase anyones wondering :P
just want to thank EVERYBODY (well, almost everybody :roll: ) for thier excellent participation and i'm very happy that many of you greatly exceeded what you THOUGHT was you potential ceiling here. hope i helped by raising the bar a little bit. looking foraward to next round 👍 thanks to all for your kind words and hopefully i can sit on top of all the densos for atleast a day or two :lol: laters.
Amazing time Max :eek:

Great times from everyone there, especially Kelly :cool:


  • daanvertigorome1.06.409.xps
    45.4 KB · Views: 11
My time was **** as I was second from last maybe more than four tries are needed how many laps did everyone else do?
Originally posted by lotus350
Damn right he will :P


:lol: Your a force to be rekoned with after that performance :)
For the record i pulled a 1'05.892 but there was a small wall touch:( oh well thats the way it goes
Still i got a much better result than i first hoped for :D

Good luck in the next round
woo hoo!! Movin on up! Nice race miata, man was that close! haha. I'll probably post my replay up later for all us non-xport people :D Lookin forward to this next race, and thanks to everyone for your tips/settings/and support!
i know its a little late, but in case anyones still interested, heres my replay for the vertigo race


  • gt3bestlsave3112920000.sps
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