What do you feel when you do a race/license and fail after fail?

  • Thread starter Fury
Repeatedly failing is frustrating, but I like to turn on my own ghost and see if I can out race myself. Sometimes I find I can gain a bit of time on myself through certain corners, so I try to work at getting those area faster while keeping my pace in the other places. It's a slow tenth by tenth gain process but eventually you get faster and win the challenge.
I don't get as frustrated as I used to (I've broken many a controller in my day), I just usually resign to the facts; the game is made for steering wheel use, and anyone that doesn't participate in that will be at a huge disadvantage, and therefore have it much harder and get frustrated more. It's an incredible amount of work for me to do some of these races to gold level with a controller, so I'm thankful for the races where I can accomplish that, and forget the ones where I can't.
In cases such as the circuit experiences, I find the more I keep retrying the easier it becomes, as I gradually create a more vivid mental image of that sector of track with every attempt. Basically, with the Nurburgring, it took me three hours to complete all of the individual sectors, but when it came to the full lap I nailed it on my first try because I’d driven each sector a thousand times

Licenses can be extremely annoying tho, especially when it comes to stuff that should be easy and yet you cannot figure out what you’re doing wrong
Repeatedly failing is frustrating, but I like to turn on my own ghost and see if I can out race myself. Sometimes I find I can gain a bit of time on myself through certain corners, so I try to work at getting those area faster while keeping my pace in the other places. It's a slow tenth by tenth gain process but eventually you get faster and win the challenge.
This is how I was able to gold a couple of the circuit experiences after PD changed the physics model for race cars a while ago. Really good advice not just for beginners but the more veteran players too. :)
Frustrated with myself if I can't get a sequence of bends quite right, tend to either keep pushing it or come back to it another day, recall the Porsche at Spa annoyed me for several days possibly because I would screw the end of the lap up.
No reason to smash stuff though, just do something else for a short while, look away from the screen the graphics outside seem pretty realistic.
1. Try
2. Try again... depending on difficulty
3. Win
4. celebrate!
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Break something? I used to have quite the temper when I was a kid but learning your limits is part of growing up. When I start getting frustrated I just quit playing and go do something else. Usually when I come back later I'm in a better mood and am more successful.
I usually know what's causing the slow laptimes etc. And my own laziness not wanting to look up a video for the world record..It's best in this situation to take a break, do something else or complete the next task first then come back to it later. No point beating a dead horse when others are still alive
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I do not break anything. Just stop and do something else. It only motivates me to come back later. If I notice I do not make any gains I check the replay of the top times and/or check for some tips on YouTube. And keep trying, some license test in the past GT's took me sometimes weeks.

Please do not use the controller excuse. I have golded everything since GT2 with controller.
(Except 2 Vettel challenges in GT5)

I enjoy the challenge and imho some of the times you need for gold are way to easy in GT7.
I could gold some of them first try.
It's not so much the failing that is irritating, it's me making the mistakes after all, but the 🤬 ing talking heads with their smug comments about taking a look at the demo that gets me. Well no thanks, I don't need to do that considering that I've already golded the test with several tenths below the demo time and am now trying to go even faster, not to mention that the demo run was done with physics so different that I could as well be looking at a different car.
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I remember that this is a learning curve and that I'm not expected to pass it. So I double down and try harder, brake earlier or later, take a line I like follow the ghosts line.

But most of all I groan, and crack on.
I come here, and ask for advice on what exactly I’m stuck on. For example, the last thing I struggled with was getting gold on the final Master Super License test, featuring the McLaren MP4/4 at Suzuka. Turns out I had forgotten a trick where you can upshift twice in relatively quick succession.
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Please do not use the controller excuse. I have golded everything since GT2 with controller.
(Except 2 Vettel challenges in GT5)
It's not an excuse, it's the reality. There is simply no way for normal humans to be as smooth with a controller as they can be with a wheel. If you can, great, but in being able to do so you've shown that you're not normal. Beyond that, it's simply more work with a controller. It's another way for PD to monetize the system; all but require a wheel.
It's not an excuse, it's the reality. There is simply no way for normal humans to be as smooth with a controller as they can be with a wheel. If you can, great, but in being able to do so you've shown that you're not normal. Beyond that, it's simply more work with a controller. It's another way for PD to monetize the system; all but require a wheel.
I used to think that way also. I eventually figured out how to roll the left stick and now I'm able to be as smooth and as fast using a controller versus using my wheel. The wheel just makes it more fun, I wouldn't say it makes me faster.
I used to think that way also. I eventually figured out how to roll the left stick and now I'm able to be as smooth and as fast using a controller versus using my wheel. The wheel just makes it more fun, I wouldn't say it makes me faster.
Not saying I don't believe you, faster is faster, but without a doubt at some point it becomes impossible to duplicate a wheel or gas/brake pedal increment with a button (because of scale), and it is therefore harder. This is why use of the stick and triggers were such a game changer; they gave you much more range of motion vs the D-pad/buttons, but the stick/triggers still can't duplicate the range of motion of a wheel/gas/brake pedal.

I think for some sectors/races the controller is easier for sure, not disputing that, but for those where you have to be inch perfect (ever increasing), the wheel will be easier for most (if equal skill is possessed with both). Some can still do it, I've done it on a lot of them, including gold on all Nur sectors and laps (stick/buttons), but with vastly more effort.

If you can gold sectors/laps just as easy with a controller as you can a wheel (with equal skill on both), then you're an alien.
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Usually, I see some improvement throughout my attempts, that improvement pushes me to accomplish my the goal. If its less than a half second, I feel like I HAVE to try again.