What games are you playing now?

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I'm getting Sonic Frontiers for my birthday and The Spyro Reignited Trilogy. I gotta have some other fun to get away from gt7. And to free my mind/soul. I guess I'll have to order them at Amazon with my birthday money. Tony Hawk Pro Skater is so much fun, I'm at Level 70.
I'm glad you told me, cause I'm not buying it. It's probably violent anyway and has a lot of weapons and bad language.
It's very violent but also one of the best story driven games ever, in my opinion. It's hard to play because it's so emotional and... difficult to deal with at times lets say... but one of the best games out there in terms of story and characters.

Anyways, been playing RoboCop: Rogue City. Heard good things about it but I'm not the biggest fan of the movies. Turns out it's a surprising good game anyways so I'm happy considering I got it on sale.
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Well, I guess I'll have to miss the opportunity. I want the Pac-man Collection game on the ps4. It combines 2-3 old games that were on the ps2. I'm gonna buy it at Amazon.
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Im itching for a big scifi game and Star wars outlaws makes me anxious to try it out.
But im not about to pay full price lol, unless it be a star wars or star trek complete full experience rated excellent etc🤣.

I really hope it will turn out great.

So i went for some play time again with star wars squadrons for my fix.
Im having fun with the sp mode, even if it was rated middling.
After the 1st 2 prologue missions, it gets pretty cool at the 2nd and 3rd main missions.
Well made game, a shame they didn't continue support, with sp dlc, a sequel etc.

Good cockpit pov feel, different ships, runs smooth, looks good, etc.
Presentation is pretty well done too, although its basic a little, but briefings put you in the star wars movies feel.

I wonder why they dont make a big complete package star trek game, it's been an eternity since the good period with st bridge commander, klingon academy, fleet command series etc.
Finished Grounded, thanks for the PS release.
Great game, just the user interface could use a slight bit of improvement.

Still sitting at Returnal because this skill based game is broken on my bad luck of finding the missing Ciphers.

Fallout 76, wow , this game really likes to crash a lot, a lot more than Fallout 4.
Also why did I ever use any other weapon than a flamer? This is outright broken ...

Finished Cat Quest 3, lost chance of making this a 3 player game, but easy fun and just long enough to not overstretch it.

Waiting for Space Marine 2, Waiting for the last DLC of Remnant 2, Waiting for Civ 7, Waiting for Path of Exile 2, while also having a list of games that I want to play sometime in between ...
Still sitting at Returnal because this skill based game is broken on my bad luck of finding the missing Ciphers.
I recently re-downloaded Returnal to give it a second try. Since it's been over a year since I had stopped playing due to lack of skill to finish the game I deleted my save data and started fresh.

It's one of very few games that I very much enjoy despite being very bad at it. I am determined to beat the game, though.
Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time
Played this last year, and it was a blast. Most levels are genuinely challenging, especially if you're aiming for the platinum relics. The "Classic Crash" skin adds a fun nostalgic touch to the experience as well.
Sigh, after not playing Far Cry 6 (PC) for a while I just gave up today. It's not a bad game by any means, but I just dislike how I'm trying to concentrate on the main mission, and I just keep getting bombarded by distractions and side quests, this and that. Games as expansive as this should give you the option to streamline and focus on the main story, and maybe leave the side stuff for a new game+.

And lastly, I dislike how the game is linked to a specific brand of CPU/GPUs, AMD, in this case, so its performance in my Intel/Nvidia rig is just OK. For the record, I would also disapprove if it was linked exclusively to Nvidia. It's just a repeat of the console wars but on PC... sigh.
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Finally started No Man's Sky, unfortunately it's been about two days since I did the tutorial so I think I've forgotten everything it tried to teach me but I guess we'll see, I remember being a bit confused by the UI so it's not looking good...
Played this last year, and it was a blast. Most levels are genuinely challenging, especially if you're aiming for the platinum relics. The "Classic Crash" skin adds a fun nostalgic touch to the experience as well.
I don't think I'll ever be able to get all the Platinum relics as some levels are incredibly challenging and long to do, it takes a thorough expert to complete all 106% of this game, no joking around.
Got bored with Star Wars Battlefront II a while back, so I took a break from it, but will eventually get back to it sometime. Been in and out of a lot of PC games configuring them so I can have a decent setup whenever I decide to play them again, but I have found myself fiddling with Wreckfest some and eventually I am going to playthrough the whole game again, but on PC this time! :)

On another note, after fulfilling my journey of revisiting the original Spyro games a few months back, I felt it was time to do the same with the GBA games. A few weeks ago I replayed Spyro Season of Flame for the first time in many years as part of this and I started with it first since, like Spyro 3, I knew it best. I finished it up the other day with about 9 and a half hours invested in it and the game was every bit as good as I remember, perhaps even better! :D Was actually kind of sad it was over to be honest.

Going to finally give Season of Ice a chance tonight since I haven't done much with it yet and I feel that needs to change. Kind of pessimistic about it because of the things I have heard about this game, but I hope to be pleasantly surprised! :D
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I'm gonna buy NFS: Hot Pursuit Remastered Collection for Christmas, I know there will be some sales on Amazon or Best Buy's website.
I was playing Need for Speed Heat recently and recorded this gameplay footage for all of you to enjoy:

along with these two shorts:

This is also the Xbox One version of the game.
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The game I've been playing recently since it was released in early access on Steam is Outbrk. It is a storm chasing simulation and fairly fun game to play.
I was playing Need for Speed Heat recently and recorded this gameplay footage for all of you to enjoy:

along with these two shorts:

This is also the Xbox One version of the game.

I got to the middle of NFS: Heat and the game started to get harder and I just stopped/gave up. What NFS games did you guys find interesting and fun? I'm asking because I'm gonna look for some for my birthday next month.