What is the Paddock and why should I care?

  • Thread starter dabz343


United States
United States
I tried a few times, and honestly, I am not sure what this feature is trying to do. I'm delaying judgement until I hear back from those that enjoy it.

To my understanding it’s really just a somewhat (but not really) fancy chat room. You can text other players there and also see what car they’re currently using. Never used it myself, but pretty sure that’s what PD said it was when they announced it.
Whatever the specifics, probably a good way to get yourself suspended if you engage with others there if the people talk like they drive in online lobbies.
Never used it but seems like a fancy chatroom as others have said. As a predominantly SP player, I'd be inclined to say that you shouldn't care.
I've tried it a couple of times just to do some VR cruising with mates and look at their liveries. It was fine but also a touch pointless since you can get basically the same experience from starting a free run public lobby. And half the time it doesn't even work and I get an error code.