What is Your DS3 Button Map?

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I'm surprised at how different everyone's button maps are. This is my core set-up:

Left Analog steering
Right Analog accelerate/brake
L2 & R2 gear shifting
Δ reverse
O handbrake
L1 look behind

The rest are set up for RA functions and some useless functions that I should really get rid of. Most annoying is the horn for L3 and wipers for R3, which results in me clamping down on the horn during really tight corners and putting the wipers on when braking hard.

I have exactly the same set up & annoyances as Windle.

L2: Brake
L1: Look Back
UP: Lights on
DOWN: Horn
LEFT: Windscreen
ANALOG: Steering
L3: Lights


R2: Accelerate
R1: Change view
O: Handbrake
X: Accelerate
R3: Horn
ANALOG: View left/right, watch behind
R2: Accelerate
L2: Brake
X: Handbrake
Circle: Reverse
Triangle: Change view
Square: High Beams
Left Stick: Turning
L3: Horn
R3: Look Back
L1: Shift down
R1: Shift up
D pad up: Flash headlights
D pad left: Look left
D pad Right: Look right
It does, only reacts according how much pressure you do to the stick. Just wonder if the driver moves his head:odd:

Brilliant, thanks. Though I think I'll have to move my gear change set up, will get a bit strange when I'm trying to look around and dropping gears.

I don't think L1 and R1 will work if L2 and R2 are my Brake/Accelerator. That'll get messy too...
Pretty much the same :D
X Accelerator
[] Brake
O Handbrake(E-brake)
Δ Reverse
R1 + gears
L1 - gears
L stick, steering
R stick unused
L2 Look Behind
L3 Horn
Additional i have flash lights on the digipad :dopey:

Funny is, everybody who asks me and i answer i play with x and [] wont believe me first :D
I tried the right stick for acc and i tried R2/L2. But it doesnt work for me.
Pretty much the same :D

Additional i have flash lights on the digipad :dopey:

Funny is, everybody who asks me and i answer i play with x and [] wont believe me first :D
I tried the right stick for acc and i tried R2/L2. But it doesnt work for me.

Try using square for downshift and triangle for upshift, its much more simple than using RS to shift.

Also, can anyone tell me how to make shapes like triangles or squares without having to spell them out?
My button map? The stock one, and I'm surprisingly good with throttle control with the X button.

L2: Brake
L1: Look Back
UP: Lights on
DOWN: Horn
LEFT: Windscreen
ANALOG: Steering
L3: Lights


R2: Accelerate
R1: Change view
O: Handbrake
X: Accelerate
R3: Horn
ANALOG: View left/right, watch behind

How do you change gear?

Also, can anyone tell me how to make shapes like triangles or squares without having to spell them out?

I could tell you how to make an x....
Default, with the exception of left and right steering input on the D-pad changed to left look and right look. I think I may have used the D-pad for steering a grand total of 3 minutes in all of my GT5 gameplay, and that was ages ago.
Thats interesting, so you use both your middle fingers and pointer fingers, but not your right thumb (well not for common racing actions anyway)

The way I figured it was the less fingers I use, the more accurate I can be with the ones I do use. It also took me a while to learn how to relax my right thumb against the pad, not have it stick out till it got numb. :dopey:
left analog stick- steering
R3- wipers
left D-pad- look left
right D-pad- look right
up D-pad- horn
X- gas
square- brake
triangle- reverse
circle- handbrake
L1/R1- Shift down/up
L2- look back
R2- high beam/low beam/lights