Who else hates the Cape Ring?

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
I don't like to big ring corner and I don't like the jump after/before it. Other than that it's a good track.

Not up to the standards of some of PD's other tracks but still good.
I enjoy it. The hairpins (esp. on periphery) are tough to nail perfectly, and the harder the track is to master, the more fun it is IMO. I love the blind corners and jump.

The only thing that bugs me is when you're in single player and the AI drive super slow on the cork screw. Nothing in a "sim" racing game turns me off more than getting a huge advantage I shouldn't have in real life.
I love the track , it is perfect for testing a car ... it has everything i want for testing a car ...
In my opinion, the Cape Ring somewhat reminds me of Complex String from Gran Turismo 3. I do not dislike this track, and I think the large "carousel" gives a good drifting challenged for the experienced 👍 .
I like it a lot. Lots of blind corners and you have to constantly work on your position to get a good line through.
I like it because it's a very big challenge, with lots of elevation changes, trick corners, a bit like the Nurburgring. It's very difficult to get a good line so it takes a long time to get used to it, let alone master it. However, again, it's one thing I like about it.
yes I find it very long and boring and hate racing on it... but there is only one turn (or turns) that i like on that track and its like a string of right handers that then lead into a left the right handers just flow into eachother but apart from that I hate it.
I like this track, It's something different!
I like it all, but this is one of those tracks that needs a reverse layout for each variation. I like that Cape Ring Periphery goes the reverse direction as the original layout. It's a shame we don't get the option.

\/\/\/ Oh, never thought about that. That makes a lot of sense, considering the number of variations there are, too.
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I think the reason why it's not got reverse layouts is the full version. On the full version you get to drive portions of the other layouts in the reverse direction, and this is probably exclusive to to this one to make it more different from other ones rather than just "yet another variation".
The only really annoying thing about Cape Ring is the logo failure.

Take a good look at it 👍
I like it a lot, I don't understand all the hate for it, it flows well for me and i'm not offended by the corkscrew or the jump, though the AI cars are way too slow around the corkscrew. It's a good test of a car too, there are a lot of corners which can really catch you off guard.
With all the hate for this track, I'm affraid PD will take it down from GT6.

At least most agree that the outer ring and the inner mini rings are ok. I hope that PD reads this thread so what's possibly one of the best trakcs they've made gets the necessary fixes.

PD, take note: The full track's existance is questionable. Keep the outer and inner rings, and give a reverse option for at least the outer ring. The loop bridge although it's the trademark for the track realy hurts the flow, specially since it's between what I consider the best sections of the track, and because the A.I offers no challange whatsoever in this section. So it would be good to get rid of it. The jump after the loop is probably the worst part of the track, so smooth it up. Add weather and maybe time effects, and you'll see how much love this track will get.

Don't get me wrong. As I said in the previous post, I love this track and I want it to stay for future GT games.
With all the hate for this track, I'm affraid PD will take it down from GT6.

At least most agree that the outer ring and the inner mini rings are ok. I hope that PD reads this thread so what's possibly one of the best trakcs they've made gets the necessary fixes.

PD, take note: The full track's existance is questionable. Keep the outer and inner rings, and give a reverse option for at least the outer ring. The loop bridge although it's the trademark for the track realy hurts the flow, specially since it's between what I consider the best sections of the track, and because the A.I offers no challange whatsoever in this section. So it would be good to get rid of it. The jump after the loop is probably the worst part of the track, so smooth it up. Add weather and maybe time effects, and you'll see how much love this track will get.

Don't get me wrong. As I said in the previous post, I love this track and I want it to stay for future GT games.

I think I'll have to disagree with you PD dropping this track from the roster.

Its a track that was built entirely on new code as far as I'm aware of, and keeping Kaz to his words about how long tracks take develop, then it will be prudent on their end to keep as many assets possible. I'd rather a small list of cars than tracks.

That said, I think PD can crank out some more fictional tracks with GT5 code while modeling the real world tracks.
I like it when I'm doing time trials, but thats pretty much it, its a pain to drift on, its a challenge just to pass a car without swapping some paint, or going off track, really its a good design, it just needs some adjustments like a wider road, and maybe a more smooth layout.
I find myself tending to avoid it, it doesn't have that same character as some of the older GT original creations. Maybe it will get better with time. I just find it a bit bland, maybe it needs more stands or spectator areas. Most of the time i feel like i'm driving through a paddock.
I find myself tending to avoid it, it doesn't have that same character as some of the older GT original creations. Maybe it will get better with time. I just find it a bit bland, maybe it needs more stands or spectator areas. Most of the time i feel like i'm driving through a paddock.

Exactly. The environment surrounding the track is beyond lifeless.

Give the track some variety in width and add some trees or something.
I think it's a really good track massively spoilt by the jump, no race circuit in the world will ever have a jump like that incorporated into it. I don't mind the corkscrew so much but it could do with being a smaller turn but I have far less of a gripe with it than the bloody jump
Don't get me started on that giant circle. Is there really any need for it?:yuck:

Kind of.
Kaz designed the track with the Izu Peninsula in mind.
It has a real life circular off ramp....


Its called the Kawazu Circular Ramp. Looks fun:dopey:.

If you can tune a car to go round it fast and stable, you're on to a winner.
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