Who isn't buy GT PSP after TGS fiasco?

  • Thread starter Earth
I have several reasons not to buy GTPSP (and that's besides interrupting the GT5 release):

1. It's unnecesary, as there are enough options on PSP. If you really wanted a pick up racer, there's Ridge Racer and WipeOut already available, both great games. If you were looking for a sim style racer, Toca Race Driver already filled that spot. So why do we need GTPSP again?

2. It's not Gran Turismo without Simulation mode. That's the one thing that made GT what it is; licenses, racing series, etc. GTPSP has none of those.

3. 4 cars at a time. Pathetic...how can you deface the GT series with such an abomination?? What other racer has 4 cars at a time??

4. It's pretty clear GTPSP is a moneygrab by Sony corporate suits to try and sell their new PSPGo, using a lame watered down racer and slapping the GT logo on it. And I won't participate in that scheme.

To me, buying GTPSP is a waste of money. I'd urge anyone to not let themselves be used by the corporate heads into buying a label, which is what GTPSP is.

1. There is no substitute for GT. WipeOut and Ridge are fun but they are not at the same level as GT.

2. Its a portable game so you can have a few quick plays on the go. I bet people would complain more if they had to dink around on the same license test over and over till the batteries died. Having a more arcade mode works better for this type of console.

3. Tourist Trophy only had racers 4 at a time. There are memory limits with the PSP and almost every full blown game loses a little when it gets made for portable consoles. No one complains when they do a 2 player race.

4. GT5P was a money grab. I think its worth buying. The hour I spend each day on the bus would go allot faster with this. It would also make 3 hour spares fly by allot quicker.


So, I guess anybody who isn't buying GTMobile, and offers their explanations for not buying it (as SUPER NUMBBER just did) is a troll? Did you notice the title of the thread? By it's very nature, a thread like this is going elicit responses from people who have differing opinions. The thread probably should have been closed (with all due respect Earth, even though I agree with you), but since it hasn't been, get used to hearing more responses you don't like.

In fact, read the title of the thread again, "Who isn't buy(ing) GT PSP after TGS fiasco?" The thread starter only asked for responses from people who are not going to buy GT PSP, so really, who is actually the troll here? The people who are responding to the thread topic, or the ones who are calling people trolls for responding the thread topic?
1. There is no substitute for GT. WipeOut and Ridge are fun but they are not at the same level as GT.

2. Its a portable game so you can have a few quick plays on the go. I bet people would complain more if they had to dink around on the same license test over and over till the batteries died. Having a more arcade mode works better for this type of console.

3. Tourist Trophy only had racers 4 at a time. There are memory limits with the PSP and almost every full blown game loses a little when it gets made for portable consoles. No one complains when they do a 2 player race.

4. GT5P was a money grab. I think its worth buying. The hour I spend each day on the bus would go allot faster with this. It would also make 3 hour spares fly by allot quicker.


Tourist Trophy SUCKED because of the 4 bikes in track, it totally killed the game for me, bikes are small so they use really little space on the track, when i was "racing" i always felt alone. That was a shame because i REALLY liked the game in terms of physics, bikes, sound and controls. Its fun for drive around but ultimately boring to race againts oponents.

About GT5p, yes is a money grab too, thats why i didnt bought it new, only used, i hate prologue concept but i needed my GT fix.
In my opinion GT PSP is a worst offender than GT5p, they dropped the quality on a full product, also one that lots of us waited for quite few years before that became a industry joke, to then be reborn as a rushed/cutted port.
Hey if you want to boycott it that's up to you.
However, I think alot of people will be very happy with GT PSP.
I was also considering buying gt PSP but decided not to and here is why.

First of all, the car list is pretty much GT4 with a few (great) exceptions such as Ferrari and Bugatti. But you have to admit there aren't a lot of new cars in there. Then there is the lack of GT-mode. What really held me back is the fact that the game looks a lot like GT4, but it's on a handheld and lacks a lot of concepts. Furthermore, GT5 is coming around and the prospect of transfering cars from GT PSP is not that appealing to me; i'd like to go in clean and perhaps use some cars out of GT5p if that is possible. Furthermore, it would need a psp and the bundle is 190 euros...I have a Wheelpro Stand and a new DFGT...I don't think the transition would be that great.

Other than that I am looking forward to GT5 and I hope those who play GT PSP enjoy themselves! I have no beef with GT PSP, just my arguments and those only apply to me; which are to me sound!

Enjoy your GT PSP's!
Why are people always whining about a GT mode??? I for one am happy theres no GT mode and I can just pick up and race the Ring when I want to... My average trip to work with public transport takes at most 20 minutes. So I dont have time to get into tuning and furthering my career. I just want to start the game and start hotlapping or racing.... This game lets me do that... Its not the WHOLE GT experience I admit, but the gameplay which is what matters MOST to me is on par... On Pro physics it just feels great to cruise the ring... I did have to get use to using pad controls again but once I had that back it was like second nature... I want to ask those who are not buying this if they have tried the game at all before making their opinions... I had mixed feelings about this title as well, but now that I have it I am very happy with it... kind of like how Shift surprised me... The way this game is setup without GT mode just suits the platform it was made for very well... So again.. why are so many people whining about it (GT mode)? In the end when youre on track racing it feels like GT on a small screen... and thats whats important for me... I couldnt care less that theres no GT mode... Time trial, single race and drift mode are there... enough to keep me busy until the big daddy comes out... ;)
excuse me, but you should refrain from using the word "whining". Because I am not whining. I just gave a list of reasonable arguments as to why I won't purchase the game. To me those reasons are valid. There is no use for you trying to undermine a perfectly well executed list of arguments with "whining".

I know the game is probably a lot of fun, yet that does not distract from the fact that when one looks at the entire game as objectivly as possible, one cannot say that it hightens the experience or goes where no other GT game has gone before (sure its a handheld...for those who might want to use it in that sense I can see the value of GT PSP).

So please, keep it nice.
excuse me, but you should refrain from using the word "whining". Because I am not whining. I just gave a list of reasonable arguments as to why I won't purchase the game. To me those reasons are valid. There is no use for you trying to undermine a perfectly well executed list of arguments with "whining".

I know the game is probably a lot of fun, yet that does not distract from the fact that when one looks at the entire game as objectivly as possible, one cannot say that it hightens the experience or goes where no other GT game has gone before (sure its a handheld...for those who might want to use it in that sense I can see the value of GT PSP).

So please, keep it nice.

Im sorry you feel like Im attacking you but I was just generalizing and not calling you out...My post happend to come right after yours, if I was referring to you I wouldve quoted you... As you can see I used the term "PEOPLE" and I didnt say, "Why is "GT" whining so much about this game not having a GT mode." Its funny how people feel so attacked right away on this site when you offer your own criticisms of things Ive read on forums next to this one..? If you carefully read the context and dont change it into what you want it to say, you might see I wasnt calling you out. I enjoy the game and I see all this "GTmode" non-sense as whining... thats all... next time I will try to use other words so I dont hurt peoples feelings... :rolleyes:
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It's because the game would be better with GT mode. Indeed GT Mode defines Gran Turismo as Gran Turismo to me.

There's not much wrong with GT:PSP though. You can set the race distance anywhere between 1 and 99 laps which is enough for anybody not trying to do a 1000KM race at any place not called the Nurburgring.

The AI is the best I've ever found in a GT game and every collision I've had so far has been my fault. There's good balance with the AI in the races once you get passed the first couple of difficulties so it offers a reasonable challenge as well.

It is perfect for short play session on the bus/train etc.

So to answer the question the thread asks as to whether I will not buy this game, the answer is I have already bought it and I don't regret it.
I played this 2 days before release on CFW, competed all the challenges part and had a ******** of cars, then still bought the game on release day. Well worth £22
Looks like your question really only concerns you... I"m buying both the download and the UMD... Gran Turismo is Gran Turismo... and being able to play it outside my home while I'm out and about is awesome!!... no championships?? so..... I'm not sitting in traffic for hours (unless a massive pile-up on the 405fwy). What GTPSP has now is perfect in my view....
I have several reasons not to buy GTPSP (and that's besides interrupting the GT5 release):

1. It's unnecesary, as there are enough options on PSP. If you really wanted a pick up racer, there's Ridge Racer and WipeOut already available, both great games. If you were looking for a sim style racer, Toca Race Driver already filled that spot. So why do we need GTPSP again?

2. It's not Gran Turismo without Simulation mode. That's the one thing that made GT what it is; licenses, racing series, etc. GTPSP has none of those.

3. 4 cars at a time. Pathetic...how can you deface the GT series with such an abomination?? What other racer has 4 cars at a time??

4. It's pretty clear GTPSP is a moneygrab by Sony corporate suits to try and sell their new PSPGo, using a lame watered down racer and slapping the GT logo on it. And I won't participate in that scheme.

To me, buying GTPSP is a waste of money. I'd urge anyone to not let themselves be used by the corporate heads into buying a label, which is what GTPSP is.

Well first off, you keep saying "WE" as if you respresented me and everyone else in this forum.. you don't... you should have just said "I". Yea YOU do not need it.. for YOU it's not GT without simulation... well anyways.. you don't speak for me..

1. Actually no video game is necessary if you really think about it.. the world will not DIE out without a video game, but is made to give us something we like, given that there are people who are fans of it, in this case GT.

2. Again, for you it may not be GT without simulation mode... but for me since it was made by Polyphony Digital, the same people who made the Original Gran Turismo to the upcoming GT5... it is Gran Turismo.

3. The PSP is not a console and to achieve its specs (60fps, great graphics on the PSP, 900 cars, tracks) the limit of cars can be understood... the PSP does not have an unlimited amount of power to do what other games have done. IE, more than 4 cars (at the games current specs)... the game looks great on PSP and if it only has 4 cars then great... I really don't care because I'm playing Gran Turismo because I love the series..

Yea for you it is a disappointment, and like you said... a way to pawn people into buying a watered down racer.. but for ME, and I can only say for myself.. It's Gran Turismo and I'm buying it... Reviews help in a purchase decision and also outside opinion.. but when it comes down to it, I'll be making the purchasing decision and it will be with my own money...
Im sorry you feel like Im attacking you but I was just generalizing and not calling you out...My post happend to come right after yours, if I was referring to you I wouldve quoted you... As you can see I used the term "PEOPLE" and I didnt say, "Why is "GT" whining so much about this game not having a GT mode." Its funny how people feel so attacked right away on this site when you offer your own criticisms of things Ive read on forums next to this one..? If you carefully read the context and dont change it into what you want it to say, you might see I wasnt calling you out. I enjoy the game and I see all this "GTmode" non-sense as whining... thats all... next time I will try to use other words so I dont hurt peoples feelings... :rolleyes:

You did not hurt my feelings, nor can you. But the point remains, if that is your opinion, use valid arguments. Don't give an opinion just for the sake of having one or needing to justify why GT PSP is a great purchase (not saying that it isn't). I know you weren't calling my out specifically, and I don't see us fighting about anything. I tend to think that perhaps we should argue in a more mature manner instead of referring to people who critisize GT PSP -- whoever they might be -- as "whining". Which in all honesty is generally not the best description of individuals with a different opinion than yours which are based on valid arguments (such as mine) which could warrant a 'not buy' from them. You have to realize that people tend to do things for different reasons, and reffering to those reasons with "whining" is pure subjectivism.

So again, I have no problem with those, like you, who have purchased GT PSP and enjoy it, as you should. But leave others who tend to disagree to have their opinions in a mutual, respectful manner.
You did not hurt my feelings, nor can you. But the point remains, if that is your opinion, use valid arguments. Don't give an opinion just for the sake of having one or needing to justify why GT PSP is a great purchase (not saying that it isn't). I know you weren't calling my out specifically, and I don't see us fighting about anything. I tend to think that perhaps we should argue in a more mature manner instead of referring to people who critisize GT PSP -- whoever they might be -- as "whining". Which in all honesty is generally not the best description of individuals with a different opinion than yours which are based on valid arguments (such as mine) which could warrant a 'not buy' from them. You have to realize that people tend to do things for different reasons, and reffering to those reasons with "whining" is pure subjectivism.

So again, I have no problem with those, like you, who have purchased GT PSP and enjoy it, as you should. But leave others who tend to disagree to have their opinions in a mutual, respectful manner.

I understand your view... But we dont live in a perfect world and I was simply stating my opinion, which I have the right to do, be it with nice words or not so nice. I have read here and on multiple sites that people say its a crap game JUST because it has no GT mode and some other minor issues..... it seems to be the main point for people to have a negative opinion about the game... and I am all for people having opinions or feelings about a game being good or negative. The fact that this gets used as a main point all the time is what tempted me to use the word "whining"... because thats simply what it looks like... people have these idealistic ideas of how GT should be and then when those ideals are not met they have a negative opinion. I dont think this applies to you in this instance, but thats the impression I get from what I read around me. Again I ask, as I did in my first post, have the people with these opinions to not buy the game, PLAYED the game at all? Because I believe you cannot have a solid opinion about a game without having played it first-hand.... But again thats just my opinion.
well, at least we understand each other. And i agree with you that denying a GT PSP purchase just because of the GT-mode isn't a great idea. I think I would like the game a lot (I haven't played it) though I still believe that the amount of money needed to play GT PSP -- since I have to buy a psp too -- is just too steep and as an investment it does not hold enough value for me. Yet I believe that a solid opinion is possible in this case, since we all know what GT PSP is about and practically how it plays. It's GT on a handheld, which is awesome but it's not, nor was it meant to be, a revolutionary step for the series which would warrant a purchase. That is all I'm saying; needless to say, this applies to me only.

I'm sure however you are enjoying it and you should!
well, at least we understand each other. And i agree with you that denying a GT PSP purchase just because of the GT-mode isn't a great idea. I think I would like the game a lot (I haven't played it) though I still believe that the amount of money needed to play GT PSP -- since I have to buy a psp too -- is just too steep and as an investment it does not hold enough value for me.

I'm sure however you are enjoying it and you should!

Why not buy a 2nd hand one? Once your bored of GTPSP pick up toca race driver 2 and 3 and possibly flat out head on.

Good few months/years of racing there.. BTW both the Tocas are excellent.
well, at least we understand each other. And i agree with you that denying a GT PSP purchase just because of the GT-mode isn't a great idea. I think I would like the game a lot (I haven't played it) though I still believe that the amount of money needed to play GT PSP -- since I have to buy a psp too -- is just too steep and as an investment it does not hold enough value for me. Yet I believe that a solid opinion is possible in this case, since we all know what GT PSP is about and practically how it plays. It's GT on a handheld, which is awesome but it's not, nor was it meant to be, a revolutionary step for the series which would warrant a purchase. That is all I'm saying; needless to say, this applies to me only.

I'm sure however you are enjoying it and you should!

Ok, that clears things up... :) Not having a PSP and having to purchase one is also a factor in your case then I believe. I never wanted to get on the wrong foot with anyone or call people out with my post. I will try to formulate my views in a less condescending manner next time to avoid such confrontation in the future because I can understand how that comes across reading over that post again.. and I am enjoying the game... thanks! :D:tup:
my 2 cents:

Yes GT psp doesnt have gt mode, but I think its great that i can pick what ever race i want and use what ever car i like and earn cash for it, Ive dreamt of the day I can play gt on the go. That day has finally arrived, It is a mix of gt4 and gt5 personally which is a taste of what is to come, personally buy buying GTPSP ive put more funding into GT5 thats how i see it, Theres obviously a reason why they have postponed the release of gt5 and we will be more thankful for it. The only downer is the over kill of skyline gt-r's. One of each would have sufficed not every gt-r released, would have been nice to see some other cars like gtst r32 sedans or laurels or cefiros. would have been good to have a bigger range of cars other than gt-rs
What Fiasco, so far I have played GTPSP and it is amazingly well done. Has the best Graphics of any PSP racer i have played so far and beats Shift by miles.
Put it this way, by buying GTPSP your funding PD so therefore they can potentially spend more money on developing GT5 into something better ;)
Put it this way, by buying GTPSP your funding PD so therefore they can potentially spend more money on developing GT5 into something better ;)

Absolutely true. It's also a nice way to say thanks for all the effort over the past decade :)