Why do you still play GT3?

  • Thread starter buziii
Forza 4 is pretty much the only Xbox game that I play, so buying a 360 just for that isin't that crazy. (Youtube on the TV is nice too.)
And nice vid, what are the mods on that 86?
It looks like it has over 350hp.
224hp/734kg, normal tyres, stock Evo is 300/1230. Not sure about the AI one though, it becomes progressively faster in 3 and 5 lap races on SSR5.

Well, on X360 at least you've got FM2, FM3 and Horizon soon, FM5 comes in 2013 I'm sure.
The reason i still play GT3 because it has the best tracks like smokey mouantin and SSR11 and is the best gran turismo. Also has feeder songs and the best songs of any gran turismo.
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224hp/734kg, normal tyres, stock Evo is 300/1230. Not sure about the AI one though, it becomes progressively faster in 3 and 5 lap races on SSR5.

Well, on X360 at least you've got FM2, FM3 and Horizon soon, FM5 comes in 2013 I'm sure.

If I'm not mistaken, on the 2 and 3 lap rally races the AI doesn't go full throttle.
And I forgot just how light you can make the S.S, it's p/w ratio is about 3.5 vs the 4.1 of the Evo.

And FM4 is a REALLY good game, so much stuff you can do in it.
Gt3 Is probally the only reason why I fell in love in cars, plus its the first game I got for ps2, but i mostly play gt4 instead of gt5
Why do I still play GT3 ?

Couple of reasons:
- cars are neutral, no annoying understeer like in GT4 (drifting with AWD :drool:)
- handbrake actually works
- plethora of events to race on (especially small 20min endurance events- 10 laps with FF around Deep Forest ?! Priceless 👍👍👍)
- feel of softness when you cross over curbs and bumps in addition to best chase cam
- Qualification available on every single event
- some circuits are still beautiful apart from GT4 where even Deep Forest and Mid Field are under deforestation process
- existence of SS Route 11 👍
I started out on GT3. After trying the first event in the Sunday Cup at the Super Speedway, I found that my car would skid off the track instantly. It was at this point that I found out how to use brakes. The circuits in GT3 were (and still are) amazing. Seattle, Complex String, Apricot Hill, SSR11, Midfield. I miss them so much!

As for GT4, it really didn't measure up to either GT3 or GT5. The handling just wasn't right.

To be honest, I don't play GT3 anymore as GT5 has taken over and I don't even know where my PS2 is :lol:. I really want to start again. Aah, sweet nostalgia.
Graphics don't look half bad for PS3 i thought it would've been worst, why do i still play it? Cause i have the game even thought its scratched all over it plays like new on Fat Boy PS3
Nostalgia, the first time is usually the best nd it holds true in this case, this was the 1st game I got with my ps2 back in 2001 and was my first gt game, was blown away as a kid, sometimes it's good to dust of old games and just escape for a while ya know?
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What I like about GT3 is the quick game response. The menus are simple and loading times are minimal compared to the other games.

Also, it's the last game to have a freakin' analog RPM gauge in 3rd person view.
Well there are lots of reasons why I still race in Gran Turismo 3. The first being that I have never actually raced with a steering wheel in GT3 before. When I used to play it I used the DS2 and got 100% completion with that but not all golds. Now I have a wheel to that I am using and it makes it so much funner and smoother to drive GT3 with a wheel. I did however play GT4 with a wheel so it's not my first experience with a wheel in GT. My second reason is tha major nostalgia I get with the game. I first got GT3 in 2002 when I was 14 years old. I miss those days of little responsibility, lots of carefree fun and what not. Lastly because the Menu music rocks and I lover the intro and some of the in race music.
I'm trying to buy an old logitech wheel so I can get back into GT3. I played the game so much,GT4 didn't impress me so I went back to 3.

Now that I've been using the G27 on GT5 I'm hooked. I tried the G27 on 3 but it doesn't support the 900 wheel,so as soon as I get my old school wheel I'm going back to 3.
Do any of you guys play GT3 with a wheel? If so which wheel? Then I can answer the question why I still play GT3, because I have a wheel! I miss my hybrids,I want to drive them again! I can't believe 12 tracks kept me occupied for so long,the hybrids helped a lot though.
Do any of you guys play GT3 with a wheel? If so which wheel? Then I can answer the question why I still play GT3, because I have a wheel! I miss my hybrids,I want to drive them again! I can't believe 12 tracks kept me occupied for so long,the hybrids helped a lot though.

I do now and I am loving it very much. The wheel I use is a Driving Force PRO it was the official GT4 wheel but it is backward compatible with GT3. You can find them for 55-100 dollars used on ebay or some such for a good used one. I got mine about two weeks ago for only $53.99 with free shipping used and it works great. I already have all golds on the B, A, and IB licences. I only say this to express how much more control you have with a wheel than with a controller.

Just wanted to point out that when you play GT4 or GT5 the G27 wheel or G25 are the best choice. They are stronger and more durable and have stiffer brake pedals.

When you get your wheel have fun with GT3.👍
Why do i still Gran Turismo 3? Well mainly because i still have things to do in he game and i want to get them done, as well as drive them secret cars that were never ment to be in the game, always makes it even more fun.:D Gran Turismo 3 is awesome!:dopey:
I can't stop playing the game from many features because you have, Hybrids, amazing music, the wheelie car, secret cars and mainly the tracks, i can never get sick of this game, it just has more and more to it. I have purchased the game 5 times.
This game still provides a challenge, mainly when beginning the GT mode when you might be forced to repeat lots of races in order to get some more powerful cars... Still play it despite having GT4.
Do any of you guys play GT3 with a wheel? If so which wheel? Then I can answer the question why I still play GT3, because I have a wheel! I miss my hybrids,I want to drive them again! I can't believe 12 tracks kept me occupied for so long,the hybrids helped a lot though.

I used to play GT3 with a blue Competition Pro wheel that I got for my 10th birthday. Now I play with a regular controller because the circuitry inside the wheel is really screwy and it keeps thinking I'm turning right when it's just sitting on my lap.

And the reason why I still play GT3:

It's the only Gran Turismo game I have right now(I REALLY want to buy GT4 soon).
It's better than GT5 in every way possible!

Graphics are decent, and I love the car selection. It is the only game I've still been playing since I was 2 years old!

It's a great simulator, also. It's not only about what you see and feel, but also what you hear. In GT5, you only hear the solid engine sound and screeching tires only when it's intense. In GT3, you hear the engine sound, suspension squeaks, screeching tires, and the wind. It's an amazing game. I LOVE IT! It also has better tracks than any ther GT game. It's epic.
I can't stop playing GT3 because i still remember seeing the ending 12 years ago, it felt so amazing i felt like crying.

I started playing it over the weekend for the first time after buying a copy a few weeks ago. Out of all the GT's it is the only one I missed growing up.

Going to try and go for 100% then move onto another!
I still play Gran Turismo 3 because it was the first racing game that I ever played. I play it time to time, but its nice to get back to my roots.
Because for some reason, I like the way that GT3 looks compared to newer games.

It just kinda... feels better.
Kazunori Yamauchi confirmed that the ps3 had a weak SPU, and a powerful GPU, and that the PS3 cannot handle gazing lighting effects that GT2000 and GT3 had, this is why we don't get a colourful feeling in Gt5, now in gt6 PD are trying to achieve this goal, I reckon the ps3 can do amazing lighting effects but it is hard to programme it. GoodLuck Polyphony.D 👍👍👍👍:)
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