Why is GT7 so boring?

  • Thread starter Sinisalo81
Hi, i restart my PS-1-4 last year in November and i start GT-Sport after long time...bad news with the Online Service let me buy GT7.

But this Game is worst Titel in the GT area!!!

I understand that Sport was a low spec titel...but GT7!!!

1. Where are this good old Cars like Opel, Volvo and all this DTM and STW cars?

2. License and missions, with stupid Cars total boring with this "dont hit a wall or come of the track" also in missions. Only little Cr. for Silver no price!!! Only first time...why should i play this for hours!!! 100 time for one lucky run!!!
3. KI in races is a joke, in every difficulty, i drive 150 races at same track and every time the other cars in every round at same position on track. it make no sence if i break them out or crash them, always the same. Like Spawning in every round at exactly this position. Time penalty always for me, never see a NPC must break, the most drive his line always the same, blue flag...doesn't matter! No Gas, no problem...they drive 10 rounds slow around...dont use pit lane...realy bad programming.
4. Race from last position...where are the real start on stand...Qualification. Real Racing!
5. buy transmission, turbo, tires and win always!!! with many rounds in leadership!
6. Statistics...Racing with no Stats...only best Place and fastes Lap...with witch Car??? How many races.
7. Dirt Races...think frozen lake fits better to this physics. Anyone of them always drive Offroad race????
8. Drag Mode (Missions) why they dont part of races?

9. Lapping...than it is not possible to show time to next car in frond/behind, after 2 laps there is no way to show anything???

Thing that go better GT, what you guys think
1. Missing cars? No license to use - for whatever reason (yes, I would love to see some brands that have been previously available in the game)
2. License tests? Always been this way (as a child I was convinced the Mazda Demio would be the worlds worst car by only knowing it from GT1...)
3. AI? no change to any game before, same old obstacles
4. Roling start is real racing, much more than standing start.
Qualification with the current AI wouldnt be anything but time trial for a set amount of laps, with very early blue flag because of it being nothing more than obstacles.
5. Simply dont buy, and see how low you can get on the car you want to drive and still win - this one is solely up to how you do it.

6. 9. information would be nice, but are not that valuable actually.
Try VR, there is a valid point of missing crucial information.

7. I never liked the non-tarmac tracks of GT at all and I dont think they fit the games dedication, but this is a piece of opinion.
Same goes for 8.
Hi, i restart my PS-1-4 last year in November and i start GT-Sport after long time...bad news with the Online Service let me buy GT7.

But this Game is worst Titel in the GT area!!!

I understand that Sport was a low spec titel...but GT7!!!

1. Where are this good old Cars like Opel, Volvo and all this DTM and STW cars?

2. License and missions, with stupid Cars total boring with this "dont hit a wall or come of the track" also in missions. Only little Cr. for Silver no price!!! Only first time...why should i play this for hours!!! 100 time for one lucky run!!!
3. KI in races is a joke, in every difficulty, i drive 150 races at same track and every time the other cars in every round at same position on track. it make no sence if i break them out or crash them, always the same. Like Spawning in every round at exactly this position. Time penalty always for me, never see a NPC must break, the most drive his line always the same, blue flag...doesn't matter! No Gas, no problem...they drive 10 rounds slow around...dont use pit lane...realy bad programming.
4. Race from last position...where are the real start on stand...Qualification. Real Racing!
5. buy transmission, turbo, tires and win always!!! with many rounds in leadership!
6. Statistics...Racing with no Stats...only best Place and fastes Lap...with witch Car??? How many races.
7. Dirt Races...think frozen lake fits better to this physics. Anyone of them always drive Offroad race????
8. Drag Mode (Missions) why they dont part of races?

9. Lapping...than it is not possible to show time to next car in frond/behind, after 2 laps there is no way to show anything???

Thing that go better GT, what you guys think
If you drive better and don't hit walls you go faster and don't get penalties. Did you know that in real life racing that your race is usually over if you hit a wall?
If you drive better and don't hit walls you go faster and don't get penalties. Did you know that in real life racing that your race is usually over if you hit a wall?

i dont hit walls, crah or something. But if the AI do this nothing happens. And yes i race in real life for 35 years, dirtbikes, racebikes, supermoto, offroad buggys and sometimes modified Streetcars.
Take look at my Avatar and you see Pit-Lane in Misano, i know what real racing is, and GT7 is nothing of that, only graphic and sound is good
i dont hit walls, crah or something. But if the AI do this nothing happens. And yes i race in real life for 35 years, dirtbikes, racebikes, supermoto, offroad buggys and sometimes modified Streetcars.
Take look at my Avatar and you see Pit-Lane in Misano, i know what real racing is, and GT7 is nothing of that, only graphic and sound is good
You said this part, not me.

"License and missions, with stupid Cars total boring with this "dont hit a wall or come of the track" also in missions."

During license tests there are no other cars on track, some missions are like that too which makes it sound like you are frustrated with penalties for hitting walls and going off track. Also, the AI doesnt get penalties so once again it sounded like you were talking about your driving. It doesn't bother me what the AI does because they are generally slow so just drive around them carefully and problem solved.
I completly disagree that gt7 is worst gt game, absolutly not worse than gt sport, it dosent have a very good single player yes but in many other areas its for the most part a step up from previous games, and the reason some cars is not in the game is because they started over with car models in gt sport and there is no way you can expect 1000 cars in the current quality pd makes the cars now, i can agree that at times they could go with better choises through some part of can be down to lincencing to
For me (don’t get mad it’s my opinion), GT7 is the best GT because the sandbox give us much more possibilities than previous GT.

With enough imagination and time, you can replicate so many championships, events and cars.

With my team we have done a lot of championships and events. Like, Alpine A110 Elf Europa Cup, Funyo Cup, Le Mans Hypercar, DTM, BTCC, 24H Nurburgring (SP4 & SP4T categories), Clio Cup, JGTC, Formula 4, Top Gear like events and so many more…

All these things cannot be done with the same amount of possibilities with previous GT title. (Yes GT5 & GT6 have a great sandbox but GT7 is a way ahead).

For this reason, GT7 is my favorite so far.
As for sounds and physics. GT7 is the best Gran Turismo yet.

Still think the AI needs work, single player is boring with chase the rabbit and no qualify, we don’t see tire temps yet the info is there in SimHub, half hud all hud or no hud when it should be pick and choose, can’t share tunes efficiently, and a whole lot more. It has many flaws that could easily be fixed but I think it’s the best one yet.
Being honest, GT7 is boring. It's little more than a thinly disguised tech demo. Half the cars barely have any use, there's no world championship, no race prize cars and very little races.

Yes there's online, not everyone wants to play online. There's custom race. No player should have to do the developers job for them.

It's a shame as the driving experience is very nice, the graphical fidelity terrific, the track roster very varied... which is all rendered pointless by the absence of career mode
That’s one feature I really want to see. I want radar up, race position and some lap time/time gaps. And I want to be able to turn the opacity down so the lap times and race position just sort of blend into the background while I’m driving.
Hi, i restart my PS-1-4 last year in November and i start GT-Sport after long time...bad news with the Online Service let me buy GT7.

But this Game is worst Titel in the GT area!!!

I understand that Sport was a low spec titel...but GT7!!!

1. Where are this good old Cars like Opel, Volvo and all this DTM and STW cars?

2. License and missions, with stupid Cars total boring with this "dont hit a wall or come of the track" also in missions. Only little Cr. for Silver no price!!! Only first time...why should i play this for hours!!! 100 time for one lucky run!!!
3. KI in races is a joke, in every difficulty, i drive 150 races at same track and every time the other cars in every round at same position on track. it make no sence if i break them out or crash them, always the same. Like Spawning in every round at exactly this position. Time penalty always for me, never see a NPC must break, the most drive his line always the same, blue flag...doesn't matter! No Gas, no problem...they drive 10 rounds slow around...dont use pit lane...realy bad programming.
4. Race from last position...where are the real start on stand...Qualification. Real Racing!
5. buy transmission, turbo, tires and win always!!! with many rounds in leadership!
6. Statistics...Racing with no Stats...only best Place and fastes Lap...with witch Car??? How many races.
7. Dirt Races...think frozen lake fits better to this physics. Anyone of them always drive Offroad race????
8. Drag Mode (Missions) why they dont part of races?

9. Lapping...than it is not possible to show time to next car in frond/behind, after 2 laps there is no way to show anything???

Thing that go better GT, what you guys think

1- there’s a thing called licensing, if they achieve with the brand or car owners a license contract, they can add a car, track or song .. otherwise they can’t… just before GT sport launches PD lost the lotus license and didn’t achieved an agreement since.. sad , but that’s life.

2- in real life racing there are rules, don’t pass with more than 2 wheels the track limit lines , in GT you have the rules they put in to avoid some behavior.
Get used to it, like in the real world rules.
Seems that you don’t have PS5 were you can race against sophy AI , wich has a great behavior and realistic.

For the rest, GT is GT since the old games in single player, it’s a game, wich offers content and amusement for everyone, from kiddos to adults.
Go to track experience for big credits and if go trough Cafe mode to unlock everything, start with sport mode, where you have special events, and with gold medal you get 2 million credits, offline you have weekly challenges, wich gives good money to , if you’re in for serious races, online welcomes you in two formats, sport racing or you can go for private lobbies and get races in virtual as on a real race… you see ? Amusement and content enough for all type of people and ages.
With that i answered more than one point

Dirt racing, it isn’t the best around, that’s for sure, but it offers the option.

GT is a game, a good one, and a great entrance to car culture, racing for lot of levels offline, competitive online, car photography , tunning, community.

Some people will stay with GT, others will move to more developed dedicated hardcore sims , but no doubt that GT is still the perfect entrance to simracing gaming world

If you don’t like it, which is legit, move on , go to other sims as AC, ACC , iracing, but don’t forget something, they are also still games, where pausing you can get back to pits after a crash or you can’t get be hurt as in real life racing.
And it’s less expensive also 😉

Or you can combine both worlds, one to have fun with the racing rules and options a game offers and burn adrenaline in a real life racing environment following the real world normative.

See you around, I will keep enjoying GT7 wich is a great game together with other sims I have in my collection and go on real life track now and then to burn some adrenaline and enjoy to drive some cars
They went all in on milking players credits for car collecting, and gave up on building a game for it. They legitimately put more effort into the mechanism that incentivises spending money than they did building a comprehensive event list or career progression.

It's fun if you like a bare bones sandbox for tuning cars, making liveries and chasing down the leader from a mile ahead like you're playing a late 1990s game, but otherwise it doesnt cater to you.

Sport mode is stale and they don't have a vision to develop the game beyond adding brand tie-ins.
Is this about the game being boring or complaints about the game?
In before the "why not both." meme.

If players are bored there's a whole thread on how to have fun with the game.
If players have complaints there are like 200 hundred(plus ths one 😂) comlaining threads. 🙃
Reading the original post, I got the feeling it was both. Don’t think English is his first language so maybe he chose the word boring when he should have chose a different word.

I will say this, if none of my GT7 friends are on… I usually create liveries and rarely race, because the single player races are boring MOST of the time. I just don’t even bother. I don’t do sport or random online lobbies much because I just get frustrated because I’m taken out by the first few corners. So that leaves single player and it leaves a lot to be desired.

IF people drove like they were actually in the car and had consequences for their actions, you might have a hard time pulling me away from the game. Once again players can ruin a game by the way they play it.

We play DMZ on call of duty a lot. It’s turned into, spawn and RUN because now for some reason everybody just spawns and heads straight for other spawn areas to hunt other players instead of doing missions and just happening to come across people. It’s a bloodbath and it has become less enjoyable than it once was.

I’ve raced online, given two car widths thru a corner, with a car on the inside, I hold the outside line, somebody punts me off. I’ve been the car on the inside line before, still get knocked off. It’s like people drive through corners with their eyes closed and chance it. So that’s made it boring for me, but I will be checking out that thread you mentioned. Curious how they’re solving the boring issue, booze perhaps. Lol
Being honest, GT7 is boring. It's little more than a thinly disguised tech demo. Half the cars barely have any use, there's no world championship, no race prize cars and very little races.
We addressed how wrong you are back in October so let's address it again,
GT7 now stands at 195 single player races plus additional 28 races coming from the 10 championships, which guess 3 of those are World Championships.

31 races of the 223 races above are specific to race cars .
Therefore for any road car in the game, it is eligible to enter 86% of the races
All 491 cars can be used for 86% of races that are not specific to a dirt/snow rule or a rule of only kei cars or only skylines for example

Hardly a tech demo and hardly barely use for half the cars.
We addressed how wrong you are back in October so let's address it again,
GT7 now stands at 195 single player races plus additional 28 races coming from the 10 championships, which guess 3 of those are World Championships.

31 races of the 223 races above are specific to race cars .
Therefore for any road car in the game, it is eligible to enter 86% of the races
All 491 cars can be used for 86% of races that are not specific to a dirt/snow rule or a rule of only kei cars or only skylines for example

Hardly a tech demo and hardly barely use for half the cars.
I think the issue comes in when you buy a legendary car and find very few races you can take it in unless you detune or throw parts at it. I faintly remember buying the Mark Iv or Daytona Coupe being excited to use it and was having trouble finding races to race it in.

Ok I’ll go historic, this will be awesome, oh it can’t enter cause it’s a race car or whatever it was. I’m sure there’s races for those types of cars but I was having trouble finding one. Sometimes I find a race but it’s against much different years of cars or at times you’re running it against a truck. Bleh.

Being in a weekly league with a good group of guys has saved the game for me, that and making liveries. I rarely play single player content, weekly’s just because they payout decent for finishing them.
Ok I’ll go historic, this will be awesome, oh it can’t enter cause it’s a race car or whatever it was. I’m sure there’s races for those types of cars but I was having trouble finding one. Sometimes I find a race but it’s against much different years of cars or at times you’re running it against a truck. Bleh.
Historic Sports cars requires road cars and 580pp or less
Neo Classic requires cars between 1980-1999,

so those cars mentioned wouldn't fit the description, however Mark IV can instantly enter any WTC 700 race & Clubman Cup Plus race with no upgrades/detuning.
Daytona Coupe, add racing hards on and a supercharger and then it's great for WTC 700 & Clubman Cup Plus race, but these are specific examples of cars with a lack of races but can be used for 16 race events

I do agree on PD need to add more races, and higher pay out events, but to say the game is a tech demo is disingenuous
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Yeah game isn’t a demo, just has some issues. If custom races were better (somebody mentioned horrible rubberbanding) then that solves some issues.

I’ve had varied experiences with custom races. Sometimes I have a really good race, other times it’s about as bad and boring as it can get.

As for what car I can bring where, not huge into tuning, I prefer to run cars relatively stock so sometimes it just feels wrong to hop one up or detune the some of them just to enter a race.

We’ve got A LOT of cars, I don’t care what anybody says, 400+ cars is A LOT! What we don’t have is well thought out car classes. We are left to tuning them to try and make the equal but sometimes that requires them to be in different ranges of performance points. I have a love hate relationship with tuning in the game. It saves some cars but ruins others and some it just doesn’t matter what you do, it’ll never be competitive despite it being super fun to drive.
I think I agree with on the car classes. They could have been a little more well defined like they are in Project Cars. It still has some issues but they are well defined. I think that would go a long way to help this game somewhat. The economy would still suck but at least we would have places to use every type of car maybe