Why is Sex so taboo?

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz
Which is a direct result of a lack of sexual education.

Which is from their parents thinking sex is taboo and not talking about it in the 1st place.
Actually, what I don't get is that they can show sex, but no private parts.

On a side note, what Snoopie said is 100% accurate. What do people do with things that are interesting but they don't quite understand? They experiment. That's why there's a teenage pregnancy problem in America.

I really wish parents would just talk to there kids about sex and not get all uptight if they're asked about it. If the children are asking it means that they're confused and looking for HELP! Not trying to find the best way to get their groove on this Saturday night. Sheesh..
well said.

sex is a natural thing. you can't just pretend it would not exist, since the drive is inside everybody, that is the reason why we all exist. beings become sexually active entirely by themselves, so if you don't want your kids to get pregnant you have to discuss it before they find out by themselves. ;)
I don't understand some parents. I've talked about sex so many times with my parents and they think it's natural to have sex. They've also said that I can have sex as long as I use some kind of protection :)
I don't understand some parents. I've talked about sex so many times with my parents and they think it's natural to have sex. They've also said that I can have sex as long as I use some kind of protection :)

So you've got you parents approval, now all you need is womans approval...I'd use that as the pickup line...My Parents Said it Was Ok 👍 :)

j/k of course....
I'd use that as the pickup line...My Parents Said it Was Ok 👍

My favourite pickup line is "Hey... Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"
I have never seen a game where “screwing ho’s” is the objective of the game. Care to point out an example?

Killing cops … well, in many games it is the objective—at some point, anyway.
Leisure suit Larry, any of the Playboy Mansion games would cover that.

I also object to the objections that "rampant" Christianity is the cause of sex being taboo.

First off; Why the hell do you think the "missionary position" is call the missionary position?
Hint: it ain't cause the pirates thought it up!!!
It chaps my ass that Christians are held up to be the people that want to stop the "heathens" from having their fun. Especially if that fun includes indiscriminate sexual escapades.
We aren't looking for sex to be "taboo". We are just looking for some discretion.

Read the Song of Solomon sometime. It is pretty much about sexual attraction and love in a commited relationship. And once you get past the archaic language of the KJV, it's pretty steamy stuff.

Everyone pretty much agrees that a girl that is "easy" is a whore.
And everyone pretty much agrees that it is a bad situation of a girl of 15 is pregnant, and unmarried. (else, why are the offspring called "bastards"?)
Everyone agrees that STDs are bad.

So, why is it that the people that support sex in a committed relationship, between two responsible adults are called "prudes" and "stuck in the mud", and other worse things?
What is so bad about parents not wanting their kids playing games that depict the shooting of cops and "scoring" with the ladies?

Yes, I'd rather not have my kids playing games that depict sex. Especially, if it's sex with the street ho's. I'd also rather they not play first person shooters, especially those that have the objective of becoming a "master" criminal.
Leisure suit Larry, any of the Playboy Mansion games would cover that.
Fair enough. I actually didn’t think of such games – I tend to ignore them.
Yes, I'd rather not have my kids playing games that depict sex. Especially, if it's sex with the street ho's. I'd also rather they not play first person shooters, especially those that have the objective of becoming a "master" criminal.
I can see your point of view, but, being a gamer I can honestly say that such games (GTA etc.) make me less likely to do such things in real life. The games, for me, are simply a way to do such things without the moral, social, and legal consequences that would be experienced in real life. They are simply a release – nothing more.
I can see your point of view, but, being a gamer I can honestly say that such games (GTA etc.) make me less likely to do such things in real life. The games, for me, are simply a way to do such things without the moral, social, and legal consequences that would be experienced in real life. They are simply a release – nothing more.

I'm with you 100%. But yet there are some people that can't handle themselves and actually go out and do what they see, or they feel encouraged to. I've read a few articles saying GTA is the blame for some things that have happened. It's sad and just sucks. Just take your aggression out with the game for a few minutes or so and continue life. When I get a little mad or angry, I pop in some GTA:SA and blast away, 'cuz in real life, the consequences are no joke, and I wouldn't last a day in jail.

I'm still confused as to why sex is taboo, and blame religion/church. I thought in the far eastern countries there wasn't such taboo of the sex topic(at least Japan, I don't know why I think this).
I can see your point of view, but, being a gamer I can honestly say that such games (GTA etc.) make me less likely to do such things in real life. The games, for me, are simply a way to do such things without the moral, social, and legal consequences that would be experienced in real life. They are simply a release – nothing more.

Same, why do it in real life when i can do it on the video game and not harm a sole.

Im less likely to do stuff in real life if i can do them in a game.

It all comes down to if you know that games are different to real life and games are just that, games.
It all comes down to if you know that games are different to real life and games are just that, games.
Exactly, which makes it more of a mental problem, not the games fault. If you can’t cope with the fact that a video game is just a game, you shouldn’t be playing video games.
But when you are talking about the impressionable, or the mentally troubled it's just more trouble than I would like to see visited on anyone.
I admit that I like Baldur's Gate, and Ace Combat, but In those games, The concept of "Enemy" is a little more "enemy-like".
I'm opposed to the nature of a game that has the players out killing the people that are supposed to be the "good guys".
First off; Why the hell do you think the "missionary position" is call the missionary position?
Hint: it ain't cause the pirates thought it up!!!
It chaps my ass that Christians are held up to be the people that want to stop the "heathens" from having their fun. Especially if that fun includes indiscriminate sexual escapades.
We aren't looking for sex to be "taboo". We are just looking for some discretion.

Its called that because a certain religous figure way back in the day couldnt keep his willie in his pants. he tried to justify himself by saying sex was ok as long as it was in that position.

And if it chaps your ass that christians are thought of as "sticks in the mud" well, sorry. most of them are far right conservatives that preach moral perfection. I have no problem with more liberal christians but they make up a very small percent of the total religion.
Its called that because a certain religous figure way back in the day couldnt keep his willie in his pants. he tried to justify himself by saying sex was ok as long as it was in that position.

And if it chaps your ass that christians are thought of as "sticks in the mud" well, sorry. most of them are far right conservatives that preach moral perfection. I have no problem with more liberal christians but they make up a very small percent of the total religion.

This totally bores me.

Having sex just for "fun" outside of a commited relationship(marriage) leads to one of two things eventually. Unwanted children or STD's. So that's what that's about.
Its called that because a certain religous figure way back in the day couldnt keep his willie in his pants. he tried to justify himself by saying sex was ok as long as it was in that position.

And if it chaps your ass that christians are thought of as "sticks in the mud" well, sorry. most of them are far right conservatives that preach moral perfection. I have no problem with more liberal christians but they make up a very small percent of the total religion.

Let me start off by calling you a name and hurting your pride.

... Idiotface!


Now, Missionary position isn't named so because a missionary couldn't lose his boner. They preached that the only way to have sex without sin or what have you is to be face to face, etc., etc., blah, blah.

Now then, most christians are not preaching moral perfection. That's just your inference based on biased opinion. Religion just can be a reinforcement to the already obvious reasons for not going and screwing everything that moves. You don't want STD's or unwanted children.

I think, ultimately, sex is not taboo, especially in today's society, but sex irresponsibly or irresponsible sexuality is what is being looked down upon and condemned.
ouch, my pride... :lol:

That was just what i remember hearing on a tv show several years ago. I thought there would be a much longer story.

I am not biased against christians. I consider myself to be one. My problem is how conservative most of them are.
Because it is not tempered with the "rights and wrongs" of sex and love.
It's somewhat irresponsible to put sexual activity in a game that is very likely to be played by those in their early teens. (at the risk of sounding like I don't wanna be a granpa cause my 13-year-old wanted to "hit that")

Before you say, "It's rated "M" so the youngsters can't play it...understand that Big bro can buy it for little bro. Some parents don't give a hoot about ratings on games and music. Then throw in the "twisted mind" and you have those that get a sexual thrill from violence and such.

Is a kid a killer just because he plays GTA? No.
But is the same kid affected, or perhaps desensitized to violence or ramdomized sexual encounters after vicariously carrying it out time and again? Perhaps. Is it worth even one person's life because "little Billy" wanted to see if it felt the same to "put a man down" as it did in GTA? Is it worth one more person getting a STD because some character in a game subjugated his women with a beating and the LD (ref: the "Shaft" remake for the "LD") 'cuz he ain't taking any crap from his ho's?

Aren't there enough babies making babies in their own right?
Aren't there enough kids killing kids, without the desensitization to violence that can come from playing first/third person shooters? Especially those that have you play the guy whose mission it is to kill cops and score as much stolen loot as possible?

Even if it doesn't influence anybody, it's still a pretty poor example to set.
People complain that there is no law and order. Then they go out and play games that mock law and order. Or downright scoff at law and order.
I see a connection.
Not everyone who plays these games is "stable".
I've worked in a prison full of these unstable persons.
Why put a game into their hands that "teaches" them to be a better criminal?

I think he meant the fundementals, from an early stage. Like, way back in the early century, that kind of thing. Usually being open about something makes someone more mature about it, instead of keeping it away from them and not teaching them about it. Just look at Denmark, they're very open with sexuality and drugs and yet there's hardly any crime at all in that country. Almost all over conservative countries end up with problems, likely out of a form of rebellion and the mind being held back/against a natural will.
Ok, I'm too lazy to read all the posts so I might be behind BUT - Smallfryz you're totally right. I mean come on, our society is messed now. Kids can play games like GTA. Like kill cops, burn people, blow heads off but not see boobs made of tiny squares? Its like parents now think if you look at porn your automaticly going to be a rapist, pornstar, and all the wonderful things out there. I'm only 14, I can watch people be blown up and all that stuff and still not see a boob. I might be going around in circles becuase im half asleep but - Todays society is messed up, like Iraqi's blowing themselves up for god and people not able to see a boob yet be able to blow up and shoot people. This is a exellent thread fryz!
The types of games you guys are discussing have no place in a minor's hand in the first place. It's up to the families of children to make the judgement call on the content they're allowed to play. Isn't it the same for any other type of media that can influence young minds?
Leisure suit Larry, any of the Playboy Mansion games would cover that.

I also object to the objections that "rampant" Christianity is the cause of sex being taboo.

First off; Why the hell do you think the "missionary position" is call the missionary position?
Hint: it ain't cause the pirates thought it up!!!
It chaps my ass that Christians are held up to be the people that want to stop the "heathens" from having their fun. Especially if that fun includes indiscriminate sexual escapades.
We aren't looking for sex to be "taboo". We are just looking for some discretion.

Read the Song of Solomon sometime. It is pretty much about sexual attraction and love in a commited relationship. And once you get past the archaic language of the KJV, it's pretty steamy stuff.

Everyone pretty much agrees that a girl that is "easy" is a whore.
And everyone pretty much agrees that it is a bad situation of a girl of 15 is pregnant, and unmarried. (else, why are the offspring called "bastards"?)
Everyone agrees that STDs are bad.

So, why is it that the people that support sex in a committed relationship, between two responsible adults are called "prudes" and "stuck in the mud", and other worse things?
What is so bad about parents not wanting their kids playing games that depict the shooting of cops and "scoring" with the ladies?

Yes, I'd rather not have my kids playing games that depict sex. Especially, if it's sex with the street ho's. I'd also rather they not play first person shooters, especially those that have the objective of becoming a "master" criminal.

You make a few valid points, but almost all of them started with Christianity.

It chaps my ass that Christians are held up to be the people that want to stop the "heathens" from having their fun. Especially if that fun includes indiscriminate sexual escapades.

From my experience, it usually, if not always, is them. In right-center to far-right political countries, sex is always taboo. They claim it isn't, but it is. People who make a joke about sexuality always gets the "OMG! This is racy!" response or description, and then they pretend to be casual about it. Anything overly opressive or restrictive of peoples' intentions, rights, thoughts, desires, ambitions, etc. always leads to a form of uprising, or rebellion, and that's exactly what's happening in America today. If you look at Europe, or Canada, Australia, where the laws and issues of sex aren't as strict or morally regulated, there are a lot fewer problems.

I don't have statistics off-hand, or websites to prove this, but I'm almost certain, and willing to bet, that their per-capita reports of sexual crimes, assaults, or other acts of law-defiance are much lower than they are in America. The age of legal consent in Canada, Alberta at least, is 14. And AIDS, rape, sexual assault and sexual abuse isn't rampant all over the news. It's the same with Québec, and in Ontario it's 16.

Movies in America with sexuality get an "R" rating, or 18+, whereas sometimes the same movie may get a 14-16 rating everywhere else. Bondage, BDSM, and all that crazy stuff is usually considered extremely taboo, noone talks about it, and it's very difficult to find others who are like-minded about it for fear of telling the wrong person. Why is this?

Why do people have to live in fear in America about their beliefs? Shouldn't we be comfortable to think and do anything we [legally] want to? In Europe, that sort of thing isn't looked down upon, or even talked about that much, and it's out in the open.

Something is going extremely awry here. Drinking age is 21. Consentual sex is 18. That puts a huge strain on teens, not only because they're naturally rebelious, but because they're also discovering themselves. They can't legally have sex with each other until they're 18! They should be able to consentually do whatever they want with each other, so long as both parties agree and their parents at least have knowledge about it, or some sort of idea what their kids are up to.

The issue of morality is a touchy subject, but ultimately, I think when I person turns 15, 16 maybe, the parents should just stop trying to control them. It's completely typical; if you tell a 5 year old not to push the giant red button sitting conspicuously in front of him, he's going to do it. On a grander scale, it's just like humanity. Every time they say we can't do something, it gives us the urge to do it, to see what it's like, and banning the wrong things makes people go nuts.

Why is sex taboo? I don't know. Because people tell you it's wrong, and it's dirty, and you have a 99% chance of getting pregnant or an STD if you don't use a condom, it becomes hugely controversial. But I do know what happened to make it taboo, and what's happening since it is. And something has to be done.
Gravedig to talk about an article from the daily mail. Yea, not something I expected to say either.

I suppose the first question is, why is this in this thread. The main answer is because I didn't feel like creating an entire thread dedicated specifically to pedophilia. I guess that's just how taboo the topic is really. But also I'm not sure it comes up enough to really warrant its own thread. So far it has kinda been discussed in other threads where the issue of different kinds of sexual attraction comes up - mostly in the gay or transgender threads. I feel like it doesn't really belong in there, and in this particular case, it totally belongs in here - so I'm exhuming a 19 year old thread.

As to the article, my first question was whether it's even real. I did about 5 minutes of googling on the various people involved, and so far it seems like it's real. So I'm going to base the rest of this post on the presumption that it's real. Even if it turns out to be fabricated, I still think it's entirely worthy of discussion.

Am I the only person who reads this article and thinks "seems great, more power to them"?

Pedophiles exist. It's an uncomfortable topic for a lot of people, especially those of us with kids. Because the idea of someone being attracted to our children is revolting and scary. But it is reality that pedophilia exists in humanity. It is also true that adult humans exist in many forms, and some of those forms are child-like. Whether that's because they developed that way "naturally", or as a result of cancer treatment, it simply is the case. I don't presume that any given pedophile is a rapist, or that any given person with a child-like appearance would be revolted at the thought of someone being attracted to them as they are, and so it seems perfect that a pedophile would be able to meet up with someone who developed a more child-like appearance but is an adult that can give consent. Win win.

I also don't doubt this man's claim that he cares about this woman because of her personality. Is it impossible for a pedophile to care about someone because they like their personality? Sexual attraction that you don't understand does not have to exclude a mental connection.

However, I do kinda doubt the implication that the attraction is not pedophilia. The reason I don't take that at face value is not because I think it's impossible. Plenty of people are asexual and that could be what's going on here. The reason is because pedophilia is very taboo, partly because it's linked with rape. Since the idea that this guy is a pedophile is taboo and dangerous for him to talk about, I assume that's why he's not talking about it.

I do wish this article could be written with the understanding that this guy is a pedophile, and that that's hard because he's not a rapist (presumably), and that it doesn't mean that he can't have a healthy relationship with an adult. And further, that she looks like a child, and that that's hard because only a pedophile would be attracted to her, and that that doesn't mean that she can't have a healthy relationship.

I write all of this with the assumption that pedophilia is not inherently linked with any kind of personality disorder or trait. As far as I know, it isn't. That being said, there are sexual proclivities (such as humiliation or S&M) that may be linked with personality issues.
I don't think she even looks particularly young, probably age-appropriate. She's just tiny. Short height is a preferrence of lots of men because of course we always have to be bigger and stronger else we cry ourselves to sleep in secret. Also consider that the dude is 26, he still considers himself young and is kinda wishing he was still in college having a good ol time. I'm in my mid-30s and wouldn't mind dating a woman in her mid-20s. There are plenty of rich old guys who literally do that. Is it because we men are fragile and weird? Yes. Anyway, that's enough about the dude.

The girl has admitted she's had trouble finding love because of her disability. Assuming she prefers men, that basically means any dude who dates her - unless he's also visibly disabled - would get flak for dating her. They're only separated by 3 years of age which is perfectly normal for dating in your 20s.

I'm of the opinion that the only people doing wrong in this situation are the ones criticising the relationship. Their ages speak for themseleves, who cares about the rest. Unless of course you want that woman to suffer for being disabled.
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Am I the only person who reads this article and thinks "seems great, more power to them"?
Nope. I'm actually already a little bit familiar with the woman in question and learning about her situation also caused me to consider things as you have above. Pedophilia isn't about the body, but mental maturity, so if you do have an adult in a child body, I don't see the problem. Consent is possible.

I also don't think that being attracted to child like bodies prevents a relationship from fully developing as normal. Teenagers can love teenagers afterall. I know from Shauna's perspective, love and relationships can be a very trouble topic as she has worried before how her appearance would influence that part of her life. For her, it's preferable that people exist that would find her attractive.
It all surely depends on how they met.

I'd presume that as she's legally an adult she operates in the adult world, which - aside from apparently being in a TV show about herself - would include going to work, having adult friends, driving, and generally having the same independence and autonomy as any other adult. If they've met while she was out with friends and hit it off as people, there's no reason why her looking... young is the driver for his attraction to her; it'd just be a detail of their relationship.

If she was an average-sized human but in a wheelchair, would we be questioning if he had a disability fetish?

Edit: Incidentally, it should go without saying but I've been recently reminded of the sheer number of blithering idiots who will just read whatever they want,
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Gravedig to talk about an article from the daily mail. Yea, not something I expected to say either.

I suppose the first question is, why is this in this thread. The main answer is because I didn't feel like creating an entire thread dedicated specifically to pedophilia. I guess that's just how taboo the topic is really. But also I'm not sure it comes up enough to really warrant its own thread. So far it has kinda been discussed in other threads where the issue of different kinds of sexual attraction comes up - mostly in the gay or transgender threads. I feel like it doesn't really belong in there, and in this particular case, it totally belongs in here - so I'm exhuming a 19 year old thread.

As to the article, my first question was whether it's even real. I did about 5 minutes of googling on the various people involved, and so far it seems like it's real. So I'm going to base the rest of this post on the presumption that it's real. Even if it turns out to be fabricated, I still think it's entirely worthy of discussion.

Am I the only person who reads this article and thinks "seems great, more power to them"?

Pedophiles exist. It's an uncomfortable topic for a lot of people, especially those of us with kids. Because the idea of someone being attracted to our children is revolting and scary. But it is reality that pedophilia exists in humanity. It is also true that adult humans exist in many forms, and some of those forms are child-like. Whether that's because they developed that way "naturally", or as a result of cancer treatment, it simply is the case. I don't presume that any given pedophile is a rapist, or that any given person with a child-like appearance would be revolted at the thought of someone being attracted to them as they are, and so it seems perfect that a pedophile would be able to meet up with someone who developed a more child-like appearance but is an adult that can give consent. Win win.

I also don't doubt this man's claim that he cares about this woman because of her personality. Is it impossible for a pedophile to care about someone because they like their personality? Sexual attraction that you don't understand does not have to exclude a mental connection.

However, I do kinda doubt the implication that the attraction is not pedophilia. The reason I don't take that at face value is not because I think it's impossible. Plenty of people are asexual and that could be what's going on here. The reason is because pedophilia is very taboo, partly because it's linked with rape. Since the idea that this guy is a pedophile is taboo and dangerous for him to talk about, I assume that's why he's not talking about it.

I do wish this article could be written with the understanding that this guy is a pedophile, and that that's hard because he's not a rapist (presumably), and that it doesn't mean that he can't have a healthy relationship with an adult. And further, that she looks like a child, and that that's hard because only a pedophile would be attracted to her, and that that doesn't mean that she can't have a healthy relationship.

I write all of this with the assumption that pedophilia is not inherently linked with any kind of personality disorder or trait. As far as I know, it isn't. That being said, there are sexual proclivities (such as humiliation or S&M) that may be linked with personality issues.
Yeah I don't understand all that lingo either. Well if he's rapist then why isn't he seeking help? That's gotta be some bad placement to be in!! That's why I'd rather live alone tbh. To be safe!
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Yeah I don't understand all that lingo either. Well if he's rapist then why isn't he seeking help? That's gotta be some bad placement to be in!!
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