Will gt4 use the HDD?

Let me put it to you this way...READ THE STICKIES!!!!! It has been confirmed that GT4 will use the HDD in some way, shape or form. I won't do a search for you, but if you type in "Hard Drive" you should get many, many threads. If you don't, search harder.

That's one of the best ideas I've heard yet. 👍

Now we're gonna have to make a new thread calling it "Poll: Should New Members Be Able to Create New Threads?" :dopey:
i WAS just kidding, but if you want me too, I could put it in the "Questions and Comments" forum. I would mention that it is naude's idea.
I actually think it is a good idea. I know there are some people who come on here and post a thread saying, 'Hi, I'm ......, I just wanna say...'. I don't mind them people, it is just when people post threads on here and start saying I am this, I am that, what do you think of this. And alot of times it is a topic which has been mentioned hundreds of times before. So maybe it woudl be good, if people were made to actually read through the site before they could post a thread.
visiting another part of the forum.. whew that felt weird, like i was in the wrong house or something. anyhoo my votes been cast! another idea would be to take away some of the need for moderators (who have other stuff to do than chace ppl around for ****e threads) by allowing active members (ie 100 posts+) to "vote" that the topic/post is crap, and if say.. 10 people vote then it wil be removed atuomatically.

just an idea
Except one person (i.e.N0S (we all remember him)) get's his alien, space-shooting clan together and votes on every thread, that = no new threads ever. hahaha

Keep bumpin this up so more ppl will read it and vote.

I find it funny how a simple "no" would have ended this topic and sent it to the grave yet your all going overboard and trying to put a Nazi Stranglehold on anyone new now :)

I mean no offence to anyone in particular at all, this just sounds so crazy to me.
we could have just said no.. and then no the next time.. and the time after. or we can figure a way to make sure it wont happen again whiles't keeping people happy
That's true and I agree with you because seeing the same goddamn topic a hundred times IS annoying but trying to make up rules on the spot is kind of crazy. Why not have an open discussion about it WITH the new people and see what would be fair for both sides.

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