Winter Nights

  • Thread starter akindness
Are we looking at a upturn of racing due to the crappy weather season.Good to see more turneruppers on the racing again.Boom i don`t know how you have managed to keep this thing going all year but well done.

see ya
well, it's alive for another 6 months anyway (GT4 isn't out until April...). I'd imagine that this form of OLRs will continue until at least the 5th 9-boards-challenge (It may take that long for Polyphony's servers for OLR to be set up, or even for some members to break the game in).
brrr....yeah, cant go outside w/ those 60 degree winter nights im havin :D NOWS the time when you do stuff around here, summers when you stay inside for me. hehe
Damn you South Hemispherians! :)

I don't know about staying in. I have an Impreza that I want to toss around in the snow!
It is about 5 degrees outside right now and it gets even colder at nights. About an inch and half of snow on the ground. and you complain about your 50 degree coldness

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