Would you like to play on the Ring,Nursnow,LasVegas?

Bad news: the complete Nurburgring file (extracted from the BMW demo) is not compatible with GT4P Pal. The game freeze during the track is loading. :guilty:

But I want to thank bnommensen here. :)
He is the only one who had accepted to send me the track file.
Merci beaucoup, Bjorn. 👍
Bad news: the complete Nurburgring file (extracted from the BMW demo) is not compatible with GT4P Pal. The game freeze during the track is loading. :guilty:

But I want to thank bnommensen here. :)
He is the only one who had accepted to send me the track file.
Merci beaucoup, Bjorn. 👍

It has something to do with the size of the track data file. If the Nurb track is bigger than the track it replaces then the game will freeze on loading. :crazy:

I dont spose it's somehow the file is smaller than assisi?
The Nurburgring file (5040 ko) is smaller than the Assisi file (5655 ko). And I've replaced Assisi track. I've checked this point. :indiff:
The size of the unfinished Nurburgring (Kor version) is : 3898 ko.
So you can put it on Tsukuba (4199 ko) or Fisco (4233 ko).

... but the size of the finished Nurburgring (Bmw version) is : 5040 ko.

Anyway, I've also tested it on Tsukuba : the game freeze. Sorry. :(
Has anyone managed to play on the other hidden prologue tracks yet......that we have seen in replay vids like Trial Mountain or SSR5???
I got trial mountain to load on tsukuba, but it crashes shortly after the race starts.
I gave up on TM, but Grand Valley is AWESOME. The course has changed significantly since GT4...
When I say significantly I am referring to the degree of turns/sharpness, road width etc...

Perhaps I will make a quick vid later.
^...really! cool!.....what else has changed.......bulidings? adverts?.......it is more uphill, downhill (well mapped landscape)

can you post some screen caps??

edit.....I just saw the word VID!.....that would be great if you could...thanks in advance!
Good News : Capri and New York tracks, extracted from BMW demo, work with GT4P Pal. :cool:
Capri is completely finished and there is much less clipping on New York. :)

Files will be on line tomorrow during the day. :sly:
One more time, big big thanks to bnommensen. 👍 👍 👍
great news :D , but can u give us the Nürburgring track too ?
maybe some other can " edit " the file , that we can build it in the prologue ;)

maybe some other can " edit " the file , that we can build it in the prologue ;)
Hoho ... And who is (... or where is ?) this specialist for the internal format of the crs files ? :D
since the demo will be widely available in 2 weeks, maybe someone will find a way to remove the timelimit and put some of prologue's cars in the bmw demo. :)
As promised, here are the track files :

BMW Demo Capri
BMW Demo New York

You can put them into grandcanyon or assisi (the 3 other pal track files are too small).

On Capri, the spectators are in real 3D.
And there is a particular thing on the body of the cars : some sort of red iridescent reflections.
it works 4 me with:

old newyork - with the one from the BMW demo
Citta - with Capri

the red reflections are realy crazy hehe

can u send me the BMW NR track .....maybe it work with my version ? because i see some other guys, who cant " patch " there version of Prologue - so not all versions are the same i think .... pleaze give me a chance mate ;)

All versions are the same ... I just think that the guys are not the same. :odd:

To send a solution which don't work ... I don't think so ... you must wait at least a few days ... and hope. ;)
Please VV get the Nurburgring file online too!!!

Some guys here want test it with her own version of gt4p (me too).
perhaps it'll work or not. Nothing to lose.


(sorry for the bad english)
Please VV get the Nurburgring file online too!!!

Some guys here want test it with her own version of gt4p (me too).
perhaps it'll work or not. Nothing to lose.


(sorry for the bad english)

I wouldn't mind having a crack at it either. Could you please upload it?
Thanks for posting the other 2 tracks.
A few days ago, the file was sent to some guys able to find a solution.
Currently, these guys search, but for the moment nothing was found.

Be patient, and one more time : it's not a question of version.
I've just tested the 2 working tracks from the BMW demo with GT4P.

New York
Few more objects, slightly prettier, less graphic 'glitches'. Still the same boring track though. :crazy:

Beautiful. The 3-D animated spectators are very well done. There are also some changes to the track. The the kinks on the section of track up the back along the cliff face is now sharper, and there is more of a sharp crest leading into the 4th hairpin of the track. Really unsettles the car while trying to brake and set the car up for the corner.

Thanks again VV.
I found some more courses on my asia version of gt 4 prol,here are their names:

laguna seca
route 5
route 5r

the only problem is how get them to work???The DVD.bat of the ripfile won't work with the asia version of gt4p :-(

any ideas???
deep forest, midfield, were the only ones I got working from your list.

The rest all crashed shortly after starting and/or didn't load with any of the 5 courses.


I found some more courses on my asia version of gt 4 prol,here are their names:

laguna seca
route 5
route 5r

the only problem is how get them to work???The DVD.bat of the ripfile won't work with the asia version of gt4p :-(

any ideas???
Hi All,

I'm not a frequent poster, sorry...I tend to rely on the Search instead:-) Just adding my 2 cents worth.

For those with DVD burners (purchased one just for this project) and NTSC version, you can get the new tracks to work. Writing to DVD is simpler, albeit more expensive, as no trimming of GT4.VOL is necessary...simple substitution of desired hacked tracks into 5 existing ones will work.

Un gros merci à Tailleur de Zon (et Le coyote?). C'est super!

I wrote a mini guide, as seen below. I would gladly help anyone if they are having trouble.



Original GT4P (NTSC) disc - Asian version
DVD writer and DVD+R
From "tailleur de zon" ripkit (http://gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=47473), you only need:
- Applyppf.exe
- Patch1.ppf
- Patch2.ppf
- Extact.exe
- Rebuild.exe
- Hacked tracks
Sony CD_DVD-ROM Generator 1.5
Sony CD_DVD-ROM Recording Unit Controller 1.50
Swap Magic Disc

- copy all files from Original GT4P (NTSC) disc to PC into a project directory

- copy applyppf.exe , patch1.ppf, patch2.ppf into project directory

From command window (i.e. for win2k Start/Run, cmd [Enter])
- "attrib -r *.*" (to remove read-only attribute for all files)
- "applyppf a SCAJ_200.66 patch1.ppf"
- "applyppf a IOPRP280.IMG patch2.ppf"

- copy extract.exe, rebuild.exe into project directory
- From command window "extract GT4.VOL" ....wait....

Tracks are in folder "crs"
1. tsukuba (4164) (non-rally)
2. newyork (4589) (non-rally)
3. grandcanyon (5070) (rally)
4. fisco (4233) (non-rally)
5. assisi (5614) (rally)

- replace and rename hack tracks to appropriate original tracks
...ensure replacement is smaller than original
(not sure this is true in all case...e.g. BMW New York into orig New york)
...I believe rally tracks should only replace original rally tracks, mixing does not seem to work
- From command window "rebuild GT4.VOL" ....wait....
- delete GT4.VOL from project directory
- rename gt3_new.vol GT4.VOL

4. Using Isobuster, get LBA for all files of Original GT4P (NTSC) disc...save this to a text file for future reference
- here are the results, so no need to repeat
0000287 SYSTEM.CNF
0000288 SCAJ_200.66
0000422 CORE.GT4
0000984 IOPRP280.IMG
0001116 SIO2MAN.IRX
0001120 SIO2D.IRX
0001126 DBCMAN.IRX
0001140 PADMAN.IRX
0001162 DS2U_D.IRX
0001168 MCMAN.IRX
0001215 MCSERV.IRX
0001219 LIBSD.IRX
0001233 USBD.IRX
0001251 LIBPDI.IRX
0001264 PDISPU2.IRX
0001274 PDISTR.IRX
0001283 PDIUSB.IRX
0001296 LGDEV.IRX
0001320 GT4.VOL

5. Using CDVDGEN
- View/Volume: set Disc Name to SCED - 00032, set Volume to GRANTURISMO4
- View/Directory: drag and drop all files (as per list in step 4.) from project directory into window
- View/Layout: re-order according to step 4 results (simple drag and drop for order, ensure LBA is OK)
- Option/Preference: set Disc ID to "disable"
- File/Export IML: export gt4 to project directory (gt4.iml and gt4.ims created)
- you may wish to save the project for future use (gt4.ccz file)

6. Using Sony CD_DVD-ROM Recording Unit Controller 1.50
- ignore errors upon opening...this is Sony stuff
- File/Open "gt4.iml"
- File/Export "gt4.lst"....wait....should create gt4.000 and gt4.001, which need to be merged

7. Merge files into 1 iso
- From command window "copy /b gt4.00* gt4.iso"....wait....

8. Using Nero, burn image, gt4.iso to DVD+R

9. Try it out...works with Swap Magic Disc (v2) for me.
1. I believe substitutions can only be made to respective rally or non-rally race types, i.e. no mixing.

2. On non-rally races, competitors are still there. It's funny to see them race as they think they are still on the original tracks...they take turns into walls!

3. I could not get Trial Mountain to work on any of the 5 original tracks.

4. Las Vegas and ss_rialt don't work very well as they start you outside of the track.

To Do:

1. I will explore the rest of my GT4P Asian disc and see if any of the stored tracks are useable.
"Option/Preference: set Disc ID to "disable"
is this step very important?
should the swap magic burning method work with direct-boot mod?

I tried your method before on both PAL and NTSC only missing above step
PAL version came up with 2.01GB GT4.VOL instead of 3GB something after rebuild
NTSC version (both Asia and Japanese), I compare the iso file between working original backup and track exchange backup with ISObuster, the only different is the files in UDF part of track exchange one becoming all uppercase, but none of them boot

btw, has anyone ever solved the problem that the game freeze at credit screen?
DVD boots perfect,but only hong kong will work.
These 5 courses I put on the disk:
hong kong
san marco
laguna seca

P.S. I used a chipped PS2 no swap magic disc

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