Xenns Cheat Device Codes (Includes demo codes!)

  • Thread starter Xenn
Sorry for bumping this tread but does anyone have a autopilot code for Gran Turismo 2 1.1 for player 2 I've been trying to find a code for it but I haven't Been successful at finding it.
I havent found this code anywhere so I had to make it. Its a code to make all races to be 1 lap, and this code works correctly, not like the other where you start in lap 2 and are always 1st.

Gran Turismo 1 PSX PS1 PAL, tho it may work for NTSC too.
D00B6700 0000
800B619C 0001

You can replace the 01 for any number you want the laps. For always 5 laps races it would be: 0005
I havent found this code anywhere so I had to make it. Its a code to make all races to be 1 lap, and this code works correctly, not like the other where you start in lap 2 and are always 1st.

Gran Turismo 1 PSX PS1 PAL, tho it may work for NTSC too.
D00B6700 0000
800B619C 0001

You can replace the 01 for any number you want the laps. For always 5 laps races it would be: 0005

Cool! Thanks bro!
Does anyone have an "Acceleration Modifier" code for Gran Turismo 3 and Concept 2002? There exists one for 4: Prologue and 4, but I haven't come across one for 3.

Also would be looking for a "Handling Modifier" code for 3 (aswell as Concept 2002, 4: Prologue and 4)
Going back a few pages... @Xenn do you know how to make these codes work in GT3? I can't seem to find where tracks are loaded in the game :confused:

Track Modifiers (Racing)
route_5 (Wet)
1C053928 2FDB3556
1C05392C 173FF50C

1C053928 2FDB3556
1C05392C 173FF50C

1C053928 E29B7570
1C05392C D09F749B

1C053928 201B8CB4
1C05392C C113809C

1C053928 201B8C6D
1C05392C C113809C

1C053928 8062C2F4
1C05392C C113A433

1C053928 8062C1AD
1C05392C C113A433
Just tried the PAL version with my 1.2 NTSC and it WORKED!!!!

Really weird :odd: but somehow it worked! My ISO is NTSC 1.2 from America and it accepted a PAL Gameshark code :drool::drool:

Could there really be an explanation to this? "The world may never know..." :lol:

Ha, for some reason my pal disc always works best with the US bios
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I have this code:

Headlights For All Cars On (NTSC VER.)

Player Headlight - 21BE3650 00000001
Ai 1 - 21BE6C30 00000001
Ai 2 - 21BEA210 00000001
Ai 3 - 21BED7F0 00000001
Ai 4 - 21BF0DD0 00000001
Ai 5 - 21BF43B0 00000001

This codes works with the Cheat Engine program using PCSX2 emu, I tried to convert it for use on a real PS2 using codebreaker but I got nothing, doesn't work. Someone knows how this cheat engine code can work for use on real hardware? I tried converting into many forms: RAW, ps2rd, Codebreaker v1-6 and nothing.
Excuse me . who knows exactly about how to get into a.i. engine sound in granturismo 2 version 2.1??
by the way i have still tried a lot but all them made the game comes out of running .
GT2 2.1 isn't a version that exist... unless you mean GT2+, in which case, the value has moved due to it having additional cars that weren't in normal GT2. As for the crash it's very likely because you tried to enter a race with a code active that should be activated only in the pre-race menu ad not in the game's menus
So how to come up with this problem? I mean how to place a code in gamesharke while i am still in the pre race menu??
Excuse me i have heard that you have changed the sound of the ai game also
Will you please let me know how to do that also?
i'm not sure it's within GTP's rules but it's via editing the game's files, not a cheat. They're files named ene_n.es and ene_t.es. If you take any other .es file present in the engine folder then you can give any sound to the AIs by renaming one into the ai's. (always make sure you're not removing a sound or you'll break the game.
Actually Xenn did manage to make the car sound like the CPU earlier via a gameshark code. I'll see if I can find it.

Edit: Here it is.
Try this:

Your car sounds like the CPU (NTSC 1.2)
D01D5946 0003
801D5946 0001
D00A9B10 0200
800A9B10 0000
E00A96A0 0000
300A96A0 0002

Made a slight mistake, I've edited it to make it correct now.
Not sure what version of the game you're looking to use this on though.
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Thanks a lot do you have auto pilot and nitrous boost codes for "pal version" that suringly works because i have tested some codes so far but non of them work
Hello do you know a new code about getting ai sound without lag you know it has a problem that when pushing the start button the ai sound will disapear
And also it works alternatively because once it works the other time doesnt

Do you have any codes or idea about removing the ugly speedometer at the east south of the race page. It has occupeid the whole page of the game you know

Thank you

Who know what value does the "CCCC" and "X" get?
Beacause when i put the code by itself the game turns off

do you know exactly the code for 60fps in gt2?
I used the code in conversation in this site but didnt work
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Anyone please give me codes for gran turismo 3 ntsc-u specifically the freeze license timer. I tried to search on Google but no results
Аutopilot NTSC 1.2 (50-90hp)
# 1
D00A9538 0001
800ADE3A 0001
800A97BC 3A98
D00A9538 0002
800ADE3A 0000
800A97BC 3A98
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AI vs hybrids 1.2
80046F6C 0000
80046F78 0500
800A9CBC 0090
301D5866 0004
80046F6C 0000
80046F78 0650
800A9CBC 0090
301D5866 0004
80046F6C 0000
80046F78 0800
800A9CBC 0090
301D5866 0004
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Hello. I like to take screenshots from the game. Who can adapt this code for the PAL version of the game? (It was originally intended for the NTSC-U 1.2):

#More Misc. Codes\Replay Screen Clear (Simulation Disc)
D01FFA82 0200
801FFA82 0300
#More Misc. Codes\Replay Screen Clear (Arcade Disc)
D01FFA8A 0200
801FFA8A 0300
Hello. I like to take screenshots from the game. Who can adapt this code for the PAL version of the game? (It was originally intended for the NTSC-U 1.2):

#More Misc. Codes\Replay Screen Clear (Simulation Disc)
D01FFA82 0200
801FFA82 0300
#More Misc. Codes\Replay Screen Clear (Arcade Disc)
D01FFA8A 0200
801FFA8A 0300

This cheat should do what you want.
anyone have an autopilot code for Gran Turismo 3 NTSC? because the autopilot code in this YouTube video doesn't allow replay view. It quits immediately.
Jump to 15:49 to see what I'm telling.
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