Xploder V2 codes?

  • Thread starter united_07
Okay well try these. If you see another code that you want converted somebody around here should be able to help you out.

FA7DB49C 33782E77

FA7A006E 3379781D

Max Race Timer
2A9F179E 2442FFFF

Disable AI
(Select+Left to activate, Select+Right to stop)
DAB4154D B29C4E81
2AF3103C 24020000
DAB4154D B29C4961
2AF3103C 1440FFF9
I got an Xploder V2 Free with my slim line PS2... but I can't find any Gran Turismo 4 cheats for it at all.

I would be greatfull if you could help me with some codes that work to put into it so I can use them on the game.

Lots of money, like unlimited or somthing or other would be good, and Super License passed, like that guy said would be good too, mainly the money one for me tho, it that possible? thanks!
I'll try to help you fellas out tomorrow. It's to late where I'm at now to start converting codes. Question though, did the ones I posted earlier work?
Sorry guys. Went to a 2 day kegger this weekend. :)

Max Cash
2A93A1E6 B8C9425E
2A9FA1E6 7A726F98

Infinite Fuel
2AFCC8FD C48005D0
2AF8C8FD 03E00008
2AE4C8FD E48005D4
2A2B1B38 0C030834

Infinite Nitrous
2A1317D2 3C01461C
2A1F17D2 34214000
2A0F17D2 E46204E0

Tyre Wear (Your Car)
2AECC8FD 3C010000
2AE8C8FD 34210000
2AD4C8FD AC810210
2AD8C8FD AC8104D4
2AC4C8FD 03E00008
2AC0C8FD 8E650014
2ADF1B35 0C030838

All Cars Are Free
2ACB36C7 24100000
2A730148 0002282D
2AAF0092 24020000

All Tune Shop Parts Are Free
2ACB36C7 24100000
2A730148 0002282D

No Crash Penalty Time
2ADF1702 00631823

All Gold B License
4A759A5F C448F95B
0AB20B14 00000000

All Gold A License
4A359A5F C408F95B
0AB20B14 00000000

All Gold IB License
4AF59A5F C4C8F95B
0AB20B14 00000000

All Gold IB License
4AF59A5F C4C8F95B
0AB20B14 00000000

All Gold IA License
4AB59AA0 C488F9A4
0AB20B14 00000000

All Gold S License
4A759AA0 C448F9A4
0AB20B14 00000000
Could you please try this code?

All Licenses Gold
4A759A5F C408F95B
0AB20B14 00000000

Here is the code for all the Mission Hall golds if you want it:

Mission Hall
4A299AA0 C466F9A4
0A200B1D 00000000
i know this may be jus for gt but i was jus wonderin cause i hav an xploder v2 aswell n it ****s me off cause there arent any codes for that version that i can find on the net unless im after codes for the v4 n v5 etc.

i was jus wondering if anyone could create codes for 'resident evil:code veronica x' or let me know where v2 codes are on the net regarding, infinate life, infinate ammo, all items etc.

oh n how would you go about in creating your own codes for other games.

cause gt4 is an awsome game but gettin gold in all the liscences aside from jus gettin the bloody things is a very tedious n difficult feat to achieve, n the best stage i found was during the s liscence with the bentley speed 8 on the sarthe circuit II.

cheers mates
I converted the ARMax codes (I assumed you wanted PAL codes). I was never a big fan of the Xploder V2, preferred my V1. Not 100% sure of these code so just give one a try.

Resident Evil - Code Veronica X

Master Code
F010F748 0010F74B
F0000000 00000003

Health Codes

Infinite Health
20448F2C 000000A0

Never More Than 75% Health
20448F2C 00000078

Never More Than 50% Health
20448F2C 00000050

Never More Than 25% Health
20448F2C 00000028

Claire Codes

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 1
10449BA8 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 2
10449BAC 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 3
10449BB0 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 4
10449BB4 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 5
10449BB8 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 6
10449BBC 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 7
10449BC0 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 8
10449BC4 000003E7

Steve Codes

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 1
10449C28 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 2
10449C2C 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 3
10449C30 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 4
10449C34 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 5
10449C38 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 6
10449C3C 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 7
10449C40 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 8
10449C44 000003E7

Chris Codes

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 1
10449BE8 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 2
10449BEC 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 3
10449BF0 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 4
10449BF4 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 5
10449BF8 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 6
10449BFC 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 7
10449C00 000003E7

Infinite Item/Ammo Slot 8
10449C04 000003E7

Always First Save
104499B0 00000000

No Retries
1044A1DA 00000000

Low End Time
2044A1D0 00000000

Unlock Extras
10449934 0000FFFF

Freeze Timers
Only use the timer code when needed.
20464A94 0000FFFF

In Item Box Codes
Only use the codes for Items you need. Do not use all of them at once.

Rocket Launcher
20449CA0 000103E7

Assault Rifle
20449CA4 000203E7

Sniper Rifle
20449CA8 000303E7

20449CAC 000403E7

20449CB0 000503E7

Grenade Launcher
20449CB4 000603E7

Bow Gun
20449CB8 000703E7

Combat Knife
20449CBC 000803E7

Handgun 2
20449CC0 000903E7

Custom Handgun
20449CC4 000A03E7

Linear Launcher
20449CC8 000B03E7

Hand Gun Bullets
20449CCC 000C03E7

Magnum Bullets
20449CD0 000D03E7

Shotgun Shells
20449CD4 000E03E7

Grenade Rounds
20449CD8 000F03E7

Acid Rounds
20449CDC 001003E7

Flame Rounds
20449CE0 001103E7

Bow Gun Arrows
20449CE4 001203E7

M93R Parts
20449CE8 001303E7

First Aid Spray
20449CEC 001403E7

Green Herb
20449CF0 001503E7

Red Herb
20449CF4 001603E7

Blue Herb
20449CF8 001703E7

20449CFC 008E03E7

Enhanced Handgun
20449D00 008303E7

20449D04 008503E7

Luger Replica
20449D08 008803E7

Family Picture
20449D0C 008A03E7

Magnum Bullets
20449D10 001E03E7

Ink Ribbon
20449D14 001F03E7

20449D18 002003E7

Gold Lugers
20449D1C 002103E7

Sub Machine Gun
20449D20 002203E7

Bow Gun Powder
20449D24 002303E7

Gun Powder Arrow
20449D28 002403E7

BOW Gas Rounds
20449D2C 002503E7

M. Gun Bullets
20449D30 002603E7

Gas Mask
20449D34 002703E7

Rifle Bullets
20449D38 002803E7

Calico Bullets
20449D3C 008F03E7

A.Rifle Bullets
20449D40 002A03E7

Alexander's Pierce
20449D44 002B03E7

Alexander's Jewel
20449D48 002C03E7

Alfred's Ring
20449D4C 002D03E7

Alfred's Jewel
20449D50 002E03E7

Clement Mixture
20449D54 009003E7

Crest Key S
20449D58 009803E7

Crest Key G
20449D5C 009903E7

Lock Pick
20449D60 003203E7

Glass Eye
20449D64 003303E7

Piano Roll
20449D68 003403E7

Steering Wheel
20449D6C 003503E7

Crane Key
20449D70 003603E7

20449D74 003703E7

Eagle Plate
20449D78 003803E7

Side Pack
20449D7C 003903E7

20449D80 003A03E7

Hawk Emblem
20449D84 003B03E7

Queen Ant Object
20449D88 003C03E7

King Ant Object
20449D8C 003D03E7

Biohazard Card
20449D90 003E03E7

Duralumin Case
20449D94 003F03E7

20449D98 004003E7

Control Lever
20449D9C 004103E7

Gold Dragonfly
20449DA0 004203E7

Silver Key
20449DA4 004303E7

Gold Key
20449DA8 004403E7

Army Proof
20449DAC 004503E7

Navy Proof
20449DB0 004603E7

Air Force Proof
20449DB4 004703E7

Key With Tag
20449DB8 004803E7

ID Card
20449DBC 004903E7

20449DC0 004A03E7

Airport Key
20449DC4 004B03E7

Emblem Card
20449DC8 004C03E7

Skeleton Picture
20449DCC 004D03E7

Music Box Plate
20449DD0 004E03E7

Dragonfly Object
20449DD4 004F03E7

20449DD8 005003E7

20449DDC 005103E7

20449DE0 005203E7

20449DE4 005303E7

Padlock Key
20449DE8 005403E7

20449DEC 005503E7

SP.Alloy Emblem
20449DF0 005603E7

Valve Handle
20449DF4 005703E7

Octa Valve Handle
20449DF8 005803E7

Machine Room Key
20449DFC 005903E7

Mining Room Key
20449E00 005A03E7

Barcode Sticker
20449E04 005B03E7

Sterile Room Key
20449E08 005C03E7

Door Knob
20449E0C 005D03E7

Battery Pack
20449E10 005E03E7

20449E14 005F03E7

Turn Table Key
20449E18 006003E7

Chem.Storage Key
20449E1C 006103E7

Clement Alpha
20449E20 006203E7

Clement Sigma
20449E24 006303E7

Tank Object
20449E28 006403E7

SP. Alloy Emblem
20449E2C 006503E7

Alfred's Memo
20449E30 006603E7

Rusted Sword
20449E34 006703E7

20449E38 006803E7

Security Card
20449E3C 006903E7

Security File
20449E40 006A03E7

Alexia's Choker
20449E44 006B03E7

Alexia's Jewel
20449E48 006C03E7

Queen Ant Relief
20449E4C 006D03E7

King And Relief
20449E50 006E03E7

Red Jewel
20449E54 006F03E7

Blue Jewel
20449E58 007003E7

20449E5C 007103E7

Sq. Valve Handle
20449E60 007203E7

20449E64 007303E7

Earthenware Vase
20449E68 007403E7

20449E6C 007503E7

Silver Dragonfly
20449E70 007603E7

Silver Dragonfly 1
20449E74 007703E7

Wing Object
20449E78 007803E7

20449E7C 007903E7

Gold Dragonfly
20449E80 007A03E7

Gold Dragonfly 1
20449E84 007B03E7

Gold Dragonfly 2
20449E88 007C03E7

20449E8C 007D03E7

Plant Pot
20449E90 007E03E7

Picture B
20449E94 007F03E7

Duralumin Case 1
20449E98 008003E7

Duralumin Case 2
20449E9C 008103E7
thanx for converting the codes for me. i tried one, jus the infinate life code, like u suggested to, but after adding the code n then loading the actual game it didnt end up working.

im jus curious as to if the new xploder codes from the actual site would work if they were to be converted, thats if they can be that is, n if any game shark codes for that game, if found, could be converted aswell, jus so theres more chance of a working code to pop up somewhere ya know.

even if they dnt work ur a champ for atleast tryin to help me out, thanx mate.
Is it the PAL codes that you are needing, or do you have the American version of the game (in whihc case the PAL ones are not going to work).
Sorry, I don't think the codes I did were right. Try this:

FABA7F61 3201FF52
FA62106E 32C89885

Infinite Health
2A9F006C 000000A0
yeh the codes i'm after are for the pal version, and being in australia i cant seem to find another cheat system available in stores since a few years ago.

the two codes u posted didnt end up working though i made sure that i entered them correctly, cause i know that it can be a very simple yet common mistake made wen tryin to see if certain codes will work. but unfortunately i did enter them correctly and i was greeted with a negative result.

all i can think of to ask is if there are any codes from (an)other cheat system(s) that can possibly be used for the v2?

even though none of the codes u hav given me hav worked, jus wanna say thanx again for wat u hav suggested to try.
According to the code converter the Xploder uses the same codes as the Codebreaker (which us the format I used). Do the other codes you have entered have a MasterCode (the one that has to be there) or is it called something different?

Not sure if the Xploder X2 uses Raw format codes like these:

F010F748 0010F74B
F0000000 00000003

Infinite Health
20448F2C 000000A0
sorry ive been busy for a few days, ahh the codes i've used in the past all had a 'master code' and weren't called anything else and i jus got round to trying the raw format codes u last posted and they didnt work either. jus really unlucky so far in tryin to find workin codes for this particular game. all 'n' all, thanks again.
Hi, aren't i glad i found this forum, been searchin for ages for GT4 codes for my old Xploder v1.

2o, thanks for the codes, I got most of them to work besides the license codes, i turned on the A and B and only rewarded me with one gold in each and not for all.

RogsR34UK, ur all licenses gold code didn't work for me but your missions one did.

If anyone is getting them right, let me know so i can find out what the problem is.


does anyone know where i can get xploder version 1.0 cheats for gran turismo 4 i know its old and all but please can some body help, im lookin for


max cash

all licenses (gold if u can)

infinite cash

please if sumone can post back quickly i'd b so greatful thanx!
Hey powp,

I have the Xploder Version 1.0 and the codes that 2o posted up works, i got the master, the max cash to work, though i haven't tried the rest. The Missions one that RogsR34UK posted up on page one seems to work but the licenses i still can't get it to work.

RogsR34UK, didn't work for me, after selectin the cheat, put GT4 in then try to load game it says 'can't load game' and returns. So not sure if i'm doing it wrong or if the code just doesn't work for me.

if anyone has loads of xploder V2 codes for tekken 4 it would be much appreciated i've been looking for ages cant find any and a code trasferer thing would be wicked as well cause i try to get them but they never work. and a brief on how to use plz? srry if im asking for to much.
hi plz may i have some codes for monster hunter converting to xploder v2 the codes are

master code

760E3A60 00000000
980D90B6 8041E471


76059810 00000000
284EA4F6 8041E471


76059810 00000000
28445AA0 80D0A982

76088140 00000000
282090E6 0C517867
does anyone have the code that always 1 lap for this xploder v2 version. i'm trying to finish out the special condition and 1000 miles but it takes and hour to complete it..
Hi everybody here,

I treid years and years to get my licenses for gran turisomo 3 a-spec on gold but i just can''t get it.

Now a few mounths ago i bought a new ps2 second hand because mine didn''t workt anymore the way is should be!!!
When i came home i discoverd that they also put in a xploder v5 mega cheats and a xploder v5 with media centre!!

so went on hunting o get the code for the game..... and seached .......and searched.........and searched but i just cant find the any where.
well i got some but they didnt workt very wel. Beter said they didn''t workt at all.

Is there anyone who can help me to get the codes i''m looking for??
i come from the netherlands so i hope someone can help me out.

Hi im new to this forum
I have just got a xploder v4 pro with x-link
I have no idea how to put cheat codes in or how to put save games on
and as for reading the instructions...
they dont give any clues
any one help please