Yoshida: "Future Gran Turismo"..."Soon"

  • Thread starter paskowitz
I don't really subscribe to the "hype train." I just like discussing each new topic as it comes, and what it may mean to the new title. And plus, it really shouldn't be that far off.
Of course, I wasn't saying you were trying to start one and I completely agree its great to discuss topics and how they may develop, I just don't like it when people's expectations get blown completely out of proportion, leaving them disappointed when they see the final product, but I suppose its just their loss in the end! :sly:
After seeing they "nuts" about Vita in Gamescom presentation, I believe if it's not GT Vita, it'll be GT6 with Vita Cross-play.

Yes, make it a thousand cars, in 3d, in HD1080, with PSmove support, and Vita Cross-play, and make it compatible with Sony Xperia phones, and with Bravia TVs... and with walkman.

Gran Turismo: The Real Sony Hardware Salad Sauce

Seems like its going more likely for 4k resolution. As Sony has released blurayplayers, projectors and soon TV's with 4K res.
Though i know that soon doesn't really mean the same timeframe for PD as for the rest of the world.
Latest technology and latest expression.
It's Vita.

In after Toronado says Vita but before someone else says Vita.
This is the video of when Kaz announced DLC. Watch from where the video starts to 3:16.

"Latest technology" isn't hardware/PS4/Vita related. We're constantly misinterpreting what they say. No more mentioning that GT6 will be on the PS4 when referencing that quote about "the latest technology".
There is nothing "likely" at all about the next GT game displaying at 4K resolution when the current one has some problems displaying a quarter that.
Seems like its going more likely for 4k resolution. As Sony has released blurayplayers, projectors and soon TV's with 4K res.
Though i know that soon doesn't really mean the same timeframe for PD as for the rest of the world.

TVs with 4k are not coming soon to mass market because 4k TV broadcasts do not exist and never likely will. The PS4 is also not going to have hardware capable of 4k gaming, not even close.
The hype train will be leaving the station, soooooon.

Looks like its already left. Glad to see progress being made. I assume that this is the beginning of the leaks for 6.

Any news, Amar?
TVs with 4k are not coming soon to mass market because 4k TV broadcasts do not exist and never likely will. The PS4 is also not going to have hardware capable of 4k gaming, not even close.

TV's are coming, in 3-4 years i bet it will be ordinary. PS3 didnt have 3D when released because there was no tvs with 3d at that time. Things move fast!

If its to last 10 years they know what they have to do. Sony have good R&D that knows whats hot in 3-6 years from now.
OLED, 4K, 3D, Smarttv getting smarter and faster. Betting that within 3 years they will be faster than the ps3. Streaming games, movies will be more common. This is what Sony must battle if the PS4 is going to be more than a gamingmachine. I think that is a question they are discussing if it should be just a gamemachine or more. Ipad/Ipods/Phones have in 2-3 years taken over mobile gaming so it is a fastmoving market now.
TV's are coming, in 3-4 years i bet it will be ordinary. PS3 didnt have 3D when released because there was no tvs with 3d at that time. Things move fast!

If its to last 10 years they know what they have to do. Sony have good R&D that knows whats hot in 3-6 years from now.
OLED, 4K, 3D, Smarttv getting smarter and faster. Betting that within 3 years they will be faster than the ps3. Streaming games, movies will be more common. This is what Sony must battle if the PS4 is going to be more than a gamingmachine. I think that is a question they are discussing if it should be just a gamemachine or more. Ipad/Ipods/Phones have in 2-3 years taken over mobile gaming so it is a fastmoving market now.

TV's will support 4k in the future, yes. GPU's are already manufactured that support 4k.

The PS4 will not be able to render anything at a 4k resolution. The only thing it will be able to do is render at 1920x1080 and then upscale the image to 4k resolutions; which is what SimonK was stating.

It has nothing to with "things moving fast" and everything to do with hardware limitations.
You gotta admit, pretty timely especially with all these small tidbits of info starting to leak out.
TV's are coming, in 3-4 years i bet it will be ordinary. PS3 didnt have 3D when released because there was no tvs with 3d at that time. Things move fast!
4k TVs will never become ordinary if future television broadcast standards don't support them (and 4K wasn't even designed as a television broadcast standard, so that will probably be the case). Sony might sell a cursory amount of TVs and BDs that support the resolution, but nowhere near enough that game consoles will be designed around it. At least not for the next generation.
It's all very well with Kaz keeping schtum and perhaps learning from past media experiences and all but am I the only one worried about Translator-San not being occupied right now due to that?
Maybe they've reschooled him in the meantime and he's currently adding the finishing touches to those new Hyundais but if not, they can't risk him getting berserk out of frustration and throwing a huge tantrum in PD's headquarters, that may cause a serious delay.
It's all very well with Kaz keeping schtum and perhaps learning from past media experiences and all but am I the only one worried about Translator-San not being occupied right now due to that?
Maybe they've reschooled him in the meantime and he's currently adding the finishing touches to those new Hyundais but if not, they can't risk him getting berserk out of frustration and throwing a huge tantrum in PD's headquarters, that may cause a serious delay.

Haha, it's all a ruse; really, Translator-San is on holiday. Kaz can't speak to the press until he's back. :P
4k TVs will never become ordinary if future television broadcast standards don't support them (and 4K wasn't even designed as a television broadcast standard, so that will probably be the case). Sony might sell a cursory amount of TVs and BDs that support the resolution, but nowhere near enough that game consoles will be designed around it. At least not for the next generation.

and then comes Japan, where 8k TV broadcast is coming "soon"

Personally I don't care about leaks and speculation. Kaz and other sources of information confirmed the only thing I wanted to hear (more like read): they are already working hard on gt6.
Seems like its going more likely for 4k resolution. As Sony has released blurayplayers, projectors and soon TV's with 4K res.
Though i know that soon doesn't really mean the same timeframe for PD as for the rest of the world.

What are you talking about...4k...buy a PC and you´ll see what games are going to look in the future...no more no less..."next-gen" (graphics or games) is just a term to say that the new consoles are coming...games are evolving all time...if you play on consoles you have no clue in what good graphics really are...and talking about 4K resolutions because Sony has plans to release something with that resolution (like everyone can afford something like that...lol)...and by the way with what purpose...seeing bacteria´s?

You have no idea how much costs to develop a game these days and how many time they need to make textures in higher resolutions... 4K you say...i am laughing so hard.

Future TV´s are Laser...it has nothing to do with resolutions it has to be with hardware...that´s the evolution and the progress and what you can call "next gen". (Mitsubishi is selling Laser TV´s in Japan only by now)

Games are not going to be "next gen"...games are going to look better because hardware is going to be better (new) than current consoles (this generation of consoles)...

Again play on a PC as much as i play in both (my PS3 and my PC) and you´ll see that multi-platform games are looking so bad compared to the same ones on PC...i stopped buying games for my PS3 because of that...you don´t have PhysiX effects by Nvidia on consoles, you don´t have tesselation and X16 antialiasing and not even ubersampling (The Witcher 2) , MSAA X8 HQ details...we don´t have post-processing...etc...and GPU´s can´t do real 1080p resolution with games because the frame rate will drop even more.

NEXT GEN GAMES? We have already "next gen" games at every release...but we don´t have next-gen consoles yet to play those games with the graphics that we already can see...
Next gen consoles = better and new hardware as simple as that. Games are going to look tons better even those that we already have on consoles.

I am tired of those who speak about NEXT GEN and crazy resolutions that only are possible using 2 to 4 GPU´s with 3 monitors or more by now...

The standard is and will be 1080p...if next-generation consoles are not going to give us real 1080p resolution games...or better frame rates, plus better quality graphics overall...at least compared to current PC´s (talking in details when games are maxed out and at that resolution)...we are not going to see anything that can tell that games are better or look better.

With that said..."Gran Turismo 5 to be transformed into Gran Turismo 6" needs all that...needs better hardware, it needs real 1080p, better antialiasing, tesselation, post processing and more effects to give it a realistic look and even more detailed. Add textures and stuff like that to the mix. (a more "next-gen" look if you like it that way)
The rest will be features and more features and a good car/track list.

That´s why i think that this game could be for PS4 and it is not going to be announced in the near future (TGS 2012).

4k resolution...please go to sleep.

I know, TL-TR and cool story bro to myself. xD
What are you talking about...4k...buy a PC and you´ll see what games are going to look in the future...no more no less..."next-gen" (graphics or games) is just a term to say that the new consoles are coming...games are evolving all time...if you play on consoles you have no clue in what good graphics really are...and talking about 4K resolutions because Sony has plans to release something with that resolution (like everyone can afford something like that...lol)...and by the way with what purpose...seeing bacteria´s?

You have no idea how much costs to develop a game these days and how many time they need to make textures in higher resolutions... 4K you say...i am laughing so hard.

Future TV´s are Laser...it has nothing to do with resolutions it has to be with hardware...that´s the evolution and the progress and what you can call "next gen". (Mitsubishi is selling Laser TV´s in Japan only by now)

Games are not going to be "next gen"...games are going to look better because hardware is going to be better (new) than current consoles (this generation of consoles)...

Again play on a PC as much as i play in both (my PS3 and my PC) and you´ll see that multi-platform games are looking so bad compared to the same ones on PC...i stopped buying games for my PS3 because of that...you don´t have PhysiX effects by Nvidia on consoles, you don´t have tesselation and X16 antialiasing and not even ubersampling (The Witcher 2) , MSAA X8 HQ details...we don´t have post-processing...etc...and GPU´s can´t do real 1080p resolution with games because the frame rate will drop even more.

NEXT GEN GAMES? We have already "next gen" games at every release...but we don´t have next-gen consoles yet to play those games with the graphics that we already can see...
Next gen consoles = better and new hardware as simple as that. Games are going to look tons better even those that we already have on consoles.

I am tired of those who speak about NEXT GEN and crazy resolutions that only are possible using 2 to 4 GPU´s with 3 monitors or more by now...

The standard is and will be 1080p...if next-generation consoles are not going to give us real 1080p resolution games...or better frame rates, plus better quality graphics overall...at least compared to current PC´s (talking in details when games are maxed out and at that resolution)...we are not going to see anything that can tell that games are better or look better.

With that said..."Gran Turismo 5 to be transformed into Gran Turismo 6" needs all that...needs better hardware, it needs real 1080p, better antialiasing, tesselation, post processing and more effects to give it a realistic look and even more detailed. Add textures and stuff like that to the mix. (a more "next-gen" look if you like it that way)
The rest will be features and more features and a good car/track list.

That´s why i think that this game could be for PS4 and it is not going to be announced in the near future (TGS 2012).

4k resolution...please go to sleep.

I know, TL-TR and cool story bro to myself. xD

tl;dr: we speak "marketing" in the forums because it's faster

Though it is true some people somehow think consoles are the most advanced thing. Back in 2005 I bought a $2000 pc that in that time ran games better than what consoles do in 2012. Furthermore now the gap (between a top notch pc and "next gen" consoles) is even bigger than what it used to be.