your favourite arcade

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
  • 1,906 views's been so long since i went to a good arcade.their are no good ones up here in P.A.

if i can remember the games i always played were at the arcade down in Astoria were at the pathmark supercenter was and the place was called super amusement.

the games i played at super amusement were:
Time Crisis 1 and 2
That game were you had a machine gun{can't remember the name}
Soul Cailber
Virtua Fighter Series
A Tank Game
and some game called Virtua On
i dont think you can judge a game by the standards in which its combos are done, its like saying that a game with characters that have 200 hp total and do about 15 dmg is stupid compared to the game where characters have 9999 hp and do like 95 dmg. al i'm saying is thats the standard in which the game has chosen, sides, its always fun to have different standards otherwise fighting games would all be the same.
(btw i'm not really a KI fan, just thought this was wrong)
snvc chaos ..preety nicezzz... love thats game but capcom graphic ...suck ...hmmmm

snk character i love iori yagami
his moved in these game from 97 to 2002 games ...

MY FRIENDS AND I WANNA PLAY CHAOS SO BAD, AND OF COURSE (crap sorry, caps) the capcom characters graphics look crappy, they always have, even when they had their turn to make the game they had bad graphics.
i dont think so, now thtat i think about it i think capcom owns snk, but it is still the orig company, if you know what i mean, anyway here are some vids, intro isnt as good as i expected but the kyo vs hugo video is pretty good, same as iori and ryu, cept ryu won :/
capcom in all their glory decided t make everything into wmvs, prob to save space but quality is .🤬 .
i've seen a bunch i dont reconize, theres a big new boss with a big nose? :odd: then theres a hugo, some other big fat character who i've never seen, i dunno, go look into it.
Street Fighter II Turbo was my all-time favorite. BTW I did play KI and liked it, I was just being sarcastic in that it was stupid. I actually thought it was a cool game, different from all the other fighting games that came before it.
I liked street fighter originals for dendy. but game i was in is Streeder Hiruy. I spend good 100hours beating that game. It actually takes 6 hours to beat it.
I'm going to go ahead and also say that Initial D is by far my favorite arcade game, and not just because I drift in real life either . . . .okay . . . it IS because I drift in real life but you better not make nothing of it.:lol: :lol: :lol:

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