Forza Motorsport 3

  • Thread starter RedOak
I know I hate him too.
the part where you get to choose the car color is also similar to gt5p.(the camera view). They do copy alot from other games,,,,but I dont care about him I just care about the game(Fm3). Its not like its going to be bad. Fm1 and Fm2 where great. THe only disapointment I had was the replay camera views. :yuck:
I still find it funny how worked up people are getting over some guy spouting PR non-sense. I mean if someone from Coca-Cola was going around talking about how they have the best pop under the sun, would people really get all uppity about it? Seriously just do what you with every other instance of PR crap and ignore it.
I still find it funny how worked up people are getting over some guy spouting PR non-sense. I mean if someone from Coca-Cola was going around talking about how they have the best pop under the sun, would people really get all uppity about it? Seriously just do what you with every other instance of PR crap and ignore it.

It's not PR, it's flat out lying against solid fact. It was a stretch to claim you have the BEST racing game when "best" is an opinion among the consumer, but to claim you created a feature when it's shown you didn't makes you look really bad among other developers.
It's not PR, it's flat out lying against solid fact. It was a stretch to claim you have the BEST racing game when "best" is an opinion among the consumer, but to claim you created a feature when it's shown you didn't makes you look really bad among other developers.

Why in the gods names do you care? You would have thought the Forza guys insulted your mother. Just ignore it, companies lie all the time about their products to make them seem better than they are. If you can separate fact from fiction then kudos to you and you'll make an educated decision while buying something. But a lot of people will think whatever they are told and that creates sales.
Why in the gods names do you care? You would have thought the Forza guys insulted your mother. Just ignore it, companies lie all the time about their products to make them seem better than they are. If you can separate fact from fiction then kudos to you and you'll make an educated decision while buying something. But a lot of people will think whatever they are told and that creates sales.
Why do you care if people have a problem with it? I like the FM Series, but I don't particularly want to have faith in them producing a good game if they're just going to claim out right that everyone's ideas were copied from them. You can claim all the crap you want with companies making stuff up, but it's very rare that any claim a previous invention is actually something they created years later.

That kind of talk will & has gotten a company sued.
Why do you care if people have a problem with it? I like the FM Series, but I don't particularly want to have faith in them producing a good game if they're just going to claim out right that everyone's ideas were copied from them.

Because I'm sick of coming into this thread looking for information on the game itself, only to see the same couple people going on and on about what some PR guy is saying. Fine you have a problem with what he's saying, now kindly shut up about it unless you actually have some information about the game.
Because I'm sick of coming into this thread looking for information on the game itself, only to see the same couple people going on and on about what some PR guy is saying. Fine you have a problem with what he's saying, now kindly shut up about it unless you actually have some information about the game.
If you don't like it, skip it & come back later. Nobody forced you to read it, let alone, take the time to reply to it.
If you don't like it, skip it & come back later. Nobody forced you to read it, let alone, take the time to reply to it.

When the whole thread is full of it, it's rather irritating and sad at the same time. I thought GTP and by association would be here to provide actual information about games, not incessant b******* about some PR goon, guess I was wrong though :indiff:.

Guess it's time to add names to the ignore list.
Ok Joey D Get some 8 hours of sleep come back to your computer and stop caring of what the guy says on the videos.

Real information is on or on Look at all info you'll need and come back and discuss it here.
I am sorry, but I can't just sit back and shut up when someone is getting credit by stealing it from someone else. Some people may not care, but I would like to see some shred of honor somewhere. It may be 'cool' not caring, but not caring is just saying keep on saying what you want, I don't care because I know it's not true - while some people will take it as the truth.
I am sorry, but I can't just sit back and shut up when someone is getting credit by stealing it from someone else. Some people may not care, but I would like to see some shred of honor somewhere. It may be 'cool' not caring, but not caring is just saying keep on saying what you want, I don't care because I know it's not true - while some people will take it as the truth.

like me :D
again, FM1 and FM2 where great, why not FM3? I have a good feeling about it....Its not like I'm an very caring exciting person but I'm a fan of FM too.
Ok Joey D Get some 8 hours of sleep come back to your computer and stop caring of what the guy says on the videos.

Real information is on or on Look at all info you'll need and come back and discuss it here.


Someone else forgets what happens when you type in into your web browser. GTP is a Forza site too. If we aren't out to provide actual Forza information than Jordan is misleading people to a site that contains no information about the game at all...actually I think I might go bring that point up.

And if you've read anything I've typed I don't even remotely care what the guys in the various video interviews have said. In fact I've ignored them for the most part since all they contain is a bunch of PR nonsense. Thanks for playing though, maybe you should get 8 hours sleep and come back when you can read properly ;).
I still find it funny how worked up people are getting over some guy spouting PR non-sense. I mean if someone from Coca-Cola was going around talking about how they have the best pop under the sun, would people really get all uppity about it? Seriously just do what you with every other instance of PR crap and ignore it.

I dont care if he calls his game the best in the world. I dont like it when they flat out lie that they are the only one doing tire physics because of the fact I still regularly play a game which DOES have tire physics. If people are so interested about tire physics that the Forza PR guys feel they need to mention it in every bloody interview, then I want the world to know that Live for Speed has it too, coz I want more people online to play against in LFS coz its an awesome game. :P

Someone else forgets what happens when you type in into your web browser. GTP is a Forza site too. If we aren't out to provide actual Forza information than Jordan is misleading people to a site that contains no information about the game at all...actually I think I might go bring that point up.

I think that was done more of as a joke, unless Jordan has some unknown plans of making a Forza site. If Jordan wanted this to also be a Forza site, I'm pretty sure he would post some Forza news on the homepage.
I think that was done more of as a joke, unless Jordan has some unknown plans of making a Forza site. If Jordan wanted this to also be a Forza site, I'm pretty sure he would post some Forza news on the homepage.

It's already being addressed in the Site Feedback section of the site.

Someone else forgets what happens when you type in into your web browser. GTP is a Forza site too. If we aren't out to provide actual Forza information than Jordan is misleading people to a site that contains no information about the game at all...actually I think I might go bring that point up.

Regardless, he is correct. GTP does not have anywhere near the amount of corrcet info or hints being leaked at ForzaCentral or god forbid, Che at
When I want Forza information (I do check daily) I go to Forza central then sometimes I stroll to....eek I never expect to get the latest breaking news from GTPlanet.
I dont care if he calls his game the best in the world. I dont like it when they flat out lie that they are the only one doing tire physics because of the fact I still regularly play a game which DOES have tire physics. If people are so interested about tire physics that the Forza PR guys feel they need to mention it in every bloody interview, then I want the world to know that Live for Speed has it too, coz I want more people online to play against in LFS coz its an awesome game. :P

You know, it's not just that. I get from him that he is a petty man. He can say all day long that his game is the best, but when it comes to lies - oh how petty can a man be! Trying to make GT look bad because they took the green line and made it blue? That line was there is GT1 and onwards. How hilarious can T10 become, and what more pure nonsense are they going to say in their campaign to smear the GT name...
Hey guys my gamertag is General E Live, I recently competed and won the AXF 24 hour Audi Forza Le Man Challenge a couple weeks ago with my two teammates. I just wanted to come and share my impressions of Forza 3 with all of you.

First things first, after reading through this thread I want to say that I am impressed by the maturity in this forum most GT forums I have visited recently are 80% Forza bash when none have even played any of the forza games, here most everyone is respectful and for the most part keeps things cool.

On to forza 3, during my time in New York I got to race on 4 tracks and I raced about 8 cars most significantly the R8 V10. Other cars I drove include the Ford GT, ML 63 AMG, SL 65 AMG Black Series, Audi R10 TDI, 908, and others. The 4 tracks were obviously Le Man, Camino, Ladera, and Tiberian (the last three are fantasy). Just briefly I will say that the 3 fantasy tracks far far exceeded my expectations, they were fantastic on every level, and were much more technical then I thought as well.

Le Man - The track was beautiful and quickly became the most fun I have had playing a racing game ever. No longer does turn 10 only produce smooth surfaced tracks the mulsanne straight was bumpy as hell and was bouncing the car everywhere and you could even feel the crown of the road work your car towards the outer walls on each side of the straight. The overall feeling of track was just fantastic and was a feeling not ever felt from a forza game before. The cars looked amazing, they look just as good as the screen captures do.

The car physics, the phrase night and day comes to mind when comparing FM2 to FM3. The biggest physics complaint with FM2 was that the cars felt floaty and didnt have weight to them. Well FM3, we all could feel the weight of the car everywhere, especially through the turns and in braking. It felt extremely realistic, and I couldnt be happier about it. We couldnt tune anything on the car but the car compared to forza 2 was much much more difficult to get a grasp on, the car would loose traction if we overdrove it, and the car would also require earlier or late braking depending on the corner whether it was downhill, uphill, flat, etc. Not to mention you can see the tire deformation through the turns which just looks nasty! (good way) Over not to start anything here just my opinion, after playing FM3, and GT5P physics hands down to FM3, graphics honestly is much closer then you think and for that I am very excited. Overall FM3 is a must get for anyone who wants to play a great sim racer.
Hey guys my gamertag is General E Live, I recently competed and won the AXF 24 hour Audi Forza Le Man Challenge a couple weeks ago with my two teammates. I just wanted to come and share my impressions of Forza 3 with all of you.

Nice! Its good to hear some news from someone who has had some hands on experience. Have you played any PC sims like GTR or Live for speed? How does Forza 3's physics compare with them? Were you using the Fanatec wheel?
Hey guys my gamertag is General E Live, I recently competed and won the AXF 24 hour Audi Forza Le Man Challenge a couple weeks ago with my two teammates. I just wanted to come and share my impressions of Forza 3 with all of you.

First things first, after reading through this thread I want to say that I am impressed by the maturity in this forum most GT forums I have visited recently are 80% Forza bash when none have even played any of the forza games, here most everyone is respectful and for the most part keeps things cool.

On to forza 3, during my time in New York I got to race on 4 tracks and I raced about 8 cars most significantly the R8 V10. Other cars I drove include the Ford GT, ML 63 AMG, SL 65 AMG Black Series, Audi R10 TDI, 908, and others. The 4 tracks were obviously Le Man, Camino, Ladera, and Tiberian (the last three are fantasy). Just briefly I will say that the 3 fantasy tracks far far exceeded my expectations, they were fantastic on every level, and were much more technical then I thought as well.

Le Man - The track was beautiful and quickly became the most fun I have had playing a racing game ever. No longer does turn 10 only produce smooth surfaced tracks the mulsanne straight was bumpy as hell and was bouncing the car everywhere and you could even feel the crown of the road work your car towards the outer walls on each side of the straight. The overall feeling of track was just fantastic and was a feeling not ever felt from a forza game before. The cars looked amazing, they look just as good as the screen captures do.

The car physics, the phrase night and day comes to mind when comparing FM2 to FM3. The biggest physics complaint with FM2 was that the cars felt floaty and didnt have weight to them. Well FM3, we all could feel the weight of the car everywhere, especially through the turns and in braking. It felt extremely realistic, and I couldnt be happier about it. We couldnt tune anything on the car but the car compared to forza 2 was much much more difficult to get a grasp on, the car would loose traction if we overdrove it, and the car would also require earlier or late braking depending on the corner whether it was downhill, uphill, flat, etc. Not to mention you can see the tire deformation through the turns which just looks nasty! (good way) Over not to start anything here just my opinion, after playing FM3, and GT5P physics hands down to FM3, graphics honestly is much closer then you think and for that I am very excited. Overall FM3 is a must get for anyone who wants to play a great sim racer.

Interesting. It raises the fascinating possibility that FM3 really will be very significantly better than FM2: that FM2 was just a rushed product to fill time while Turn 10 worked on the real "next-gen" Forza. Together with the fact that with the new Fanatec wheel will finally provide a first-class wheel for use with the 360, it also opens up the possibility that FM3 might be significantly superior to GT5.

Of course, it's also possible that GT5 will have major improvements over what we've seen in GT5P & that PD will retain the pole position in the console racing-sim wars. Either way, it seems likely that both PD & Turn 10 will finally have had the chance to optimize the respective powers of the PS3 & 360, to provide a great racing experience.
Forza 2 was really guite good already so doesn´t come as a surprise to me. Perhaps didn´t expect to much improvement in the physics. They where already quite good and I had no problem feeling the weight of the cars.

I have to admit being more hyped about Forza 3 then GT 5. This mostly due to my Forza 2 vs GT 5 Prologue experience but all the comments on it on E3. Not the least from the insidesimracing guys who just nailed the Forza 2 versus GT 5 prologue comparison and are biased to PC simracing and got kind of star struck it looked like :). I generally agree with pretty much every review they make with gear or sims I have experience with of course :)
Forgot to ask what controller did you use? Did you get a chance to try out the Turbo S by any chance or was you stuck with MS FFB wheel or gamepad?
Hey have not played any PC sims, but I can tell you I have ton of console racing experience and FM3 is by far the best I have played.

As far as the wheels go, yes I got the chance to play around with the full hydro. simulator that was at E3. By the way this simulator is insane, so much fun to play on. On Camino there are a few areas where the car goes over hills and the seat will through up in the air, so crazy. Anyway on the full simulator with the 6 speed shifter and clutch I got to use the new Fanatic Porsche 911 wheel or whatever its called, and the wheel itself puts the MS wheel to shame, it is beautifully designed and the pedals and wheel feel fantastic.

It made me seriously consider ordering one when I get some extra cash, I am by nature a controller user though, and that is what I used in the Challenge, I got some time with an MS prototype wheel as well. Either way the cars felt great, the FFB was top notch and what sucks the most is that I got to play the game for about 36 hours straight and now I have to wait for 4 months knowing how kickass it was and how much I want to play it. :(
demo may arrive sooner :).

As for the wheel did you find any deadzone in the steering? Did it feel linear? Noticed any lag or did it feel right? In comparison to your real cars. As for force feedback was it of the type to let you feel the grip or focusing more on giving you the bumps, curbs etc. could you adjust the FFB in any way. I want to remember it looked like Forza 2 could have decent ffb but again let down by the wheel.
As for the wheel did you find any deadzone in the steering? Did it feel linear? Noticed any lag or did it feel right? In comparison to your real cars. As for force feedback was it of the type to let you feel the grip or focusing more on giving you the bumps, curbs etc. could you adjust the FFB in any way. I want to remember it looked like Forza 2 could have decent ffb but again let down by the wheel.

Was wondering myself. Also is 900 degree wheel rotation animated with hand cross over and such?
The animation is not finished yet part of the thing they are working on until the release. I may be repeating myself but hope they have an option to remove them and the in game steering wheel since it gets cake on a cake. If it´s really well done doesn´t disturb that much though.
So is the game going to have the option of hooking up a full hydro system when it comes out or are they just running it as a gimmic? Also with regard to tire physics, does that mean the game is not running on center axis since it will have the physics of each tire or is that another PR gimmic? Inquiring minds wana know what the real deal is?
center axis thing is something codemaster apply not turn 10. Forza 2 also have quite good tire modelling already so I see no real reason to expect anything less from Forza 3. You can even see the tire deflation in videos :).

As for the moving platform thing I see no reason why since Forza 2 already supports telemetry why it should be impossible to get that data out for different movie platforms. Obviously it´s working here... Now if it´s a gimmick is hard to say. Though it doesn´t really replicate G-forces accurately I can surely see how it could be a lot of fun. Would love something like Force Dynamics 401 or what it´s name if I had the money ;)