GT5 Online Closes 20th May 2014

  • Thread starter Oniichan
GT5 is an old dated game on an out going gaming platform so it is wise for PD to put valuable resources to another project like a PS4 version of GT.
Explain to us how GT5 didn't get better.
No better sound, no better ai, no better career, no better clutch, no better smoke, no better shadows, no better...... etc, etc, etc...

GT5 GT6 is an old dated game on an out going gaming platform so it is wise for PD to put valuable resources to another project like a PS4 version of GT.
I think it will vary from franchise to franchise how long a particular game has its multiplayer servers up. Some series such as Battlefield and Half-Life still have their servers up for the first entry in their respective franchises despite being more than a decade old, on the flip side some EA games only get a two-year lifespan at maximum with regards to their online services.

With regards to GT5, there are a handful of things that aren't in GT6 that might be little incentives to play IMO, such as the Top Gear Test Track or a handful of cars that oddly didn't make it to GT6 (Jensen Interceptor anyone?). The thing I am wondering is if PD is going to release one final patch to allow the handful of items that only appeared with online connectivity, for starters one thing is the standard cars that don't cycle through the UCD and only appeared via PD through the OCD (the newer 2010 Jaguar sedan or the standard Enzo for anyone interested), but most importantly I am hoping such a patch would unlock all the museum cards as the nature of acquiring them requires online connectivity.
I remembered yesterday, that some time ago, some hackers discovered the 'secret menu', and the secret menu has an option to play online in LAN.
If that really works, who has GT5 will be able to play online even after 20th May.
I remembered yesterday, that some time ago, some hackers discovered the 'secret menu', and the secret menu has an option to play online in LAN.
If that really works, who has GT5 will be able to play online even after 20th May.
Wasn't the secret menu patched out?
Just because you cant drift on the game doesnt mean others cant. Speak for yourself as GT6 is great to drift on for alot of people, including me.
Also, its not like you started out as a drift king when GT5 was released. You should definitely go play something else since all you do is giving the drift community a bad name.

I still check in regularly on GT5 for the paint chips and museum cards. I think I'm one of the few people that actually *likes* the museum feature, and is hoping to complete his set.

Also, what of the various helmets / suits? I love winning those as prizes during Seasonals, to see if I get something cool.

I'll be over the moon if, as a parting gift, PD grants everyone complete sets of the museum cards / helmets / racing suits.

I'll be HUGELY disappointed if they just remove our ability to gain / earn those, with no recourse. :(
No better sound, no better ai, no better career, no better clutch, no better smoke, no better shadows, no better...... etc, etc, etc...


Yes both GT5 and GT6 is outdated at this point, because it's on the PS3 ...
Honestly, I couldn't care less. I really got all I could out of GT5; bought every dlc, my copy was updated to the most current patch, got every car I wanted in the game plus some of the same cars for various tunes & replicas, did every event I felt like doing in A & B Spec, and I sure had a blast online with my friends and some random players.

It was a great run, but I moved onto GT6 where everything just seems 5x better to me than GT5 ever was, I don't think I'm going back to play GT5 anytime soon unless I feel like doing what I did with the other Gran Turismos and scrape my game data to start again.
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GT6 already has pretty much all my needs nailed down. PD listened and accepted my sacrifice of 5 Honda Fits and put in the LFA Nurburgring and a premium 2000GT, added more great courses to the already stellar lineup, added the new Viper and the new Vette alongside various other bonus machines, more photography and more car porn all around. Sequels these days are just evolutions over the last game, especially if the game is not story driven.

I'm trading my GT5 copy for something else when I get my GT6 copy.
Closing down GT5 servers is a pretty stupid idea,at least wait a solid year before doing it,I understand GT5 is very old now going on 4 years but they're basically forcing you to buy GT6 which IMO isn't really that big of a difference.I think they should at least give some kind of special discount when you trade in GT5 for GT6.There are a lot of people who intended to skip GT6 for GT7............well I guess they're screwed.
This is one of the main reasons i wish they would keep the old loved features like LAN play, tracks, one make races,etc. from previous versions. If they kept what we loved in the new they could more easily keep the fan base!

There's no reason they can't take surveys, or user data and give us or keep what we want!

With all the time invested I'd like to continue racing against my friends head to head online, but at least LAN. Can't they some how allow us to use our systems to support the online features. It sucks, you buy a game only to have part of it disabled later. This should be avoided in the future. I can still go back and play an Atari 2600 game just a when it came out. Or the old GT with LAN support.

Come on PD wake up!

I remembered yesterday, that some time ago, some hackers discovered the 'secret menu', and the secret menu has an option to play online in LAN.
If that really works, who has GT5 will be able to play online even after 20th May.
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In ways I am kind of glad there servers are shutting down because now once someone finds a way to hybrid cars again, I believe we will be free to do what we want in regards to hybrids and they can't stop us since the servers will be shut down. ;) Although I will admit, I will miss being able to gift stuff to people and such but luckily I have nearly every car in the game and most everything else I want, so it shouldn't be too bad. As for seasonal events, I don't really care, money is not a problem for me since I can mod my save to whatever I want it to be anyway. As for the open lobby, I never really cared to race online much at all and still don't, it's full of idiots every time I go on there anyway so it doesn't affect me hardly at all.

EA barely ever shut down their servers for games that extend to 6 years old.
Yep your right. I have Need for Speed Carbon for the PS3 and it was released back in October 31, 2006, literally no one gets on that game at all anymore and there servers are still up after all this time! I don't know why they are still up but they are still operational. ;)
gt5 online has been dead for months. after it took PD months to finally get rid of the hacked (hybrid) cars, nobody was on there anyway due to all of the lagging that these cars would cause in regular supposed clean (no hack) rooms. granted the hybrids gave all of the 40somethings living in their parents basement something to do, so in a few months the unemployed scourges of society will have something to do with their unproductive meaningless lives
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Yep your right. I have Need for Speed Carbon for the PS3 and it was released back in October 31, 2006, literally no one gets on that game at all anymore and there servers are still up after all this time! I don't know why they are still up but they are still operational. ;)

This I find interesting considering the successor to Carbon (and thus newer), Prostreet has had its servers shut down. I find NFS games that have had online play have never really had communities that really stuck around for that long, I almost blame the "game per year" aspect that shuffles people to the newer titles. While Rivals is entertaining, IMO it almost seems like EA and Ghost intentionally made the game lack depth so it will be easier for people to let go of the game when the next title pops up the following year, planned obsolescence in action I say.
I wouldn't know because I didn't even get this years Need for Speed title, I have hated every title from Shift and beyond so I quit buying there games. I like any title between Underground 1 and Undercover, all the rest suck in my opinion.

I know Prostreet wasn't a hit and may be why it got cut off so fast, as for Carbon I know it was good. Still a mystery to me as to why there servers are still up even though hardly no one gets on it anymore. I looked in it today and I found only one person (not counting me) who was online in the game. EA is so unpredictable, no wonder they got "Worst company in America" two years in a row. :irked:
I think this is one of the good reason why PC games is better (not the best). You can make your own server, just look at COD4, BF2, Half life, CS freaken 1.6 from 18th century :lol:... I can go on but you got the point, like it or not, console gaming has it's limits, it's not really a long term online gaming machine. Just like the first ever console, it's the best single/2 player gaming machine..

yeah its got really good physics, will be much better then rfacor that is for sure.

Well, a lot of opinions going around that it's physics is better than Iracing. IMO AC has a huge potential if they get the multiplayer right, Kunos did a great job by putting the base of this sim, I just hope the mod community release some top notch mod in the coming years.
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It's amazing how so many older games still have their servers running: Battlefield Bad Company (2008) still has it's servers running, Battlefield 1943 (2009), Battlefield Bad Company 2 (2010), Battlefield 3 (2011), Call of Duty 3 (2006, one of the first games for the PS3), Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (2007), Call of Duty World at War (2008), Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2009), Call of Duty Black Ops (2010), Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (2011), Call of Duty Black Ops II, Burnout Paradise (2008), and so many more.
But yet for some stupid reason, PD thinks it must shut down its servers immediately for GT5 even though thousands still play the game. PD being PD..............
It's amazing how so many older games still have their servers running: Battlefield Bad Company (2008) still has it's servers running, Battlefield 1943 (2009), Battlefield Bad Company 2 (2010), Battlefield 3 (2011), Call of Duty 3 (2006, one of the first games for the PS3), Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (2007), Call of Duty World at War (2008), Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2009), Call of Duty Black Ops (2010), Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (2011), Call of Duty Black Ops II, Burnout Paradise (2008), and so many more.
But yet for some stupid reason, PD thinks it must shut down its servers immediately for GT5 even though thousands still play the game. PD being PD..............
Don't forget DiRT 2, the online for that is still fairly active.

And PD aren't Sony's only first-party dev to shutdown online play for their games - the only Evolution game with proper multiplayer anymore is MotorStorm: Apocalypse.

Sony obviously has a hand in this - hopefully now that multiplayer is a subscription service on the PS4, this will give them the incentive to do a Microsoft and keep the servers up.
I just hope PDI will release final GT5 update which will remove all online features and this stupid login bonuses (with lock it at 200% rate as it was before these "bonuses") and will make GT5 offline full-featured game for historic collection.
gt5 online has been dead for months. after it took PD months to finally get rid of the hacked (hybrid) cars, nobody was on there anyway due to all of the lagging that these cars would cause in regular supposed clean (no hack) rooms. granted the hybrids gave all of the 40somethings living in their parents basement something to do, so in a few months the unemployed scourges of society will have something to do with their unproductive meaningless lives

Why is it that people always have to act like hybrid creators are complete no-lives? I'm pretty sure most of those hybrid makers you talk about actually have lives, as well as jobs and families to take care of. They game in their free time. Ignorant posts like this annoy me so much. Hybrid makers are not bad people. They brought life back to the game temporarily.

Really sad! :( Feels like the end of an era. I remember getting GT5 for Christmas off my girlfriend days before I went to Afghanistan. She let me open it early so I could get a few goes on it bless her. Many happy memories on that game! Had to happen sooner or later though.
It's amazing how so many older games still have their servers running: Battlefield Bad Company (2008) still has it's servers running, Battlefield 1943 (2009), Battlefield Bad Company 2 (2010), Battlefield 3 (2011), Call of Duty 3 (2006, one of the first games for the PS3), Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (2007), Call of Duty World at War (2008), Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2009), Call of Duty Black Ops (2010), Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (2011), Call of Duty Black Ops II, Burnout Paradise (2008), and so many more.
But yet for some stupid reason, PD thinks it must shut down its servers immediately for GT5 even though thousands still play the game. PD being PD..............

Yup, just had an online game of Call of Duty 3 circa late 2006. I'm very disapointed in the direction PD has taken with the not so micro transactions, the relatively small payouts and now wrenching GT5's online component from us so soon after the successor is here. This could be the beginning of a very slippery slope for PD, I'm quite shocked about the suddeness of all these events and leaves me quite fearful for my favourite franchise's future.
Yup, just had an online game of Call of Duty 3 circa late 2006. I'm very disapointed in the direction PD has taken with the not so micro transactions, the relatively small payouts and now wrenching GT5's online component from us so soon after the successor is here. This could be the beginning of a very slippery slope for PD, I'm quite shocked about the suddeness of all these events and leaves me quite fearful for my favourite franchise's future.
Even though the payouts are only slightly less than in GT5, and there are more events, and the cars are cheaper, and physics are vastly improved, and sounds are and will continue to be improved, and there are more cars, and there will be more cars to come, and PD have added a plethora of tracks, with more tracks coming, and weekly seasonals, and new features, such as the track editor, along with all those new cars and tracks and sounds will be coming via free DLC. Seems like a very slippery slope to me.
It was a wild ride for me with GT5, but I enjoyed it, all of it. This game got a solid two years of playtime from me ever since 2010, and I haven't regretted it since. Although, I did find other interests from time to time; the online feature of GT5 wasn't exactly the best in my opinion, then others started to discover features that were locked away and were making hybrids. I haven't updated my game since v2.11, and it's stayed on that version for a long time.

I'll miss GT5, with all of the excitement that I had waiting for it and playing it. Time goes on though, and I now have GT6, but that doesn't meant I won't give GT5 an occasional spin; every installment in the GT series has its unique quirks, like GT5 having the Top Gear Test Track. It's those unique features that are taken out or re-added into every game that's kept my interest in the series for so long.
Even though the payouts are only slightly less than in GT5, and there are more events, and the cars are cheaper, and physics are vastly improved, and sounds are and will continue to be improved, and there are more cars, and there will be more cars to come, and PD have added a plethora of tracks, with more tracks coming, and weekly seasonals, and new features, such as the track editor, along with all those new cars and tracks and sounds will be coming via free DLC. Seems like a very slippery slope to me.

I was clearly referring to the recent introduction of notsomicro transactions and with it the low payouts and GT5 being pulled to help focus towards said micro transactions, a potential slippery slope I thought.
I was clearly referring to the recent introduction of notsomicro transactions and with it the low payouts and GT5 being pulled to help focus towards said micro transactions, a potential slippery slope I thought.
And like I said, the payouts aren't really that much less, in fact the recent seasonal events pay MORE than their GT5 counterparts.They really don't force you towards the microtransactions. Which is good because that would be really dumb.
Have you guys not noticed assetto corsa. Its an A okay sim :). Its still in its beta stage but its good enough still.

Why not have both? I play AC quite alot as its physics are just unreal. Best out there in my opinion. GT6 is also a great game but isn't near the PC Sims. I'm hoping AC gets a really solid multiplayer close iracings (wishful thinking).