GT6 Home for Android

  • Thread starter TheRedStig
Hey there, this app looks great but I'm running a Sony Xperia SP on Android 4.1.2 and when go to download it I get a message saying "Your device isn't compatible with this version". Any particular reason? :cheers:
Hey there, this app looks great but I'm running a Sony Xperia SP on Android 4.1.2 and when go to download it I get a message saying "Your device isn't compatible with this version". Any particular reason? :cheers:

Thanks mate. Yes there is actually. I didn't actually have any Sony Xperia device owners register for the beta test and I've actually had a lot of weird random xperia only errors in my previous apps. This app is vastly more complex and I didn't want to put a product out there that would just break for xperia owners.

That said, I have had this question from about 3 or 4 others and each time I send them the nightly build link or the latest version I have finished and none have reported problems so mayyyyyybe I should change that so that xperia devices can use it.

For now, go ahead and check out my third post in this thread for the latest builds.

P.S. Sorry for the delay, on the weekends I have little time to work on this.
I want this so much! but it's not available on Sony Xperia J :(

Hey mate, Check out the latest "Nightly" download on the 3rd post here. Also if you'd rather, shoot me a PM with your email and I'll send it over!

BTW everybody...The RWD base tunes have been released!
This app has become magnificent. And now that base tune for rear wheel drive cars has ben included, I believe it is almost completed.:cheers:

Thank you for all the work you have done, and it enables the rest of us to enjoy GT6, with some extra goodies.

Nice work, and maybe there will be a GT7 app, sometime in the future
Thanks Red Stig for the app! I was switching back and forth on my monitor, between pc and playstation to get tunes, but went out and bought a tablet to run the app. Now, I can tune while I play. Thanks again.
This app has become magnificent. And now that base tune for rear wheel drive cars has ben included, I believe it is almost completed.:cheers:

Thank you for all the work you have done, and it enables the rest of us to enjoy GT6, with some extra goodies.

Nice work, and maybe there will be a GT7 app, sometime in the future

Apologies for the slow reply.

Thank you. I do really appreciate that and I can tell you, it's a great weight off my mind to be able to release it. I won't call that section done but I'm glad it's at a solid point where I could release it.

I'm really looking forward to a day off of real work so I can devote some time to the other parts of the App I've been waiting to update.

I bet I'll release another update in the next few days. Looking to include notifications when content is updated on the blogger pages.

Again. Thank you. It means a lot.
Thanks Red Stig for the app! I was switching back and forth on my monitor, between pc and playstation to get tunes, but went out and bought a tablet to run the app. Now, I can tune while I play. Thanks again.

Apologies for the late reply.
I can't tell you how cool that is to hear. Truly humbling. Thank you for your support. Lots more to come!
I tried the tune request (paid version) and received an answer after about two hours. And tunen was good.
The base tunen (free verson) is also pretty good. This is a must have app if you do not know how or do not bother the tune yourself
Hey thanks so much guys. Working hard on an update. I really truly appreciate the support. I found out that the app got reviewed by Android dissected too. Really glad to share this.
I really truly appreciate the support. I found out that the app got reviewed by Android dissected too. Really glad to share this.

Yes it has been. Congratulations.

I think you all know by now, one of my loves is playing racing simulation games. The flavor of the month is Gran Turismo 6 at this moment. And if you don’t know what that is, you may want to exit this article, if I’m honest. Gran Turismo is one of those games for both the car lover, the racer, and the car geek. Considering I’m 2.5/3 of those things, I feel I have a good handle on explaining this app my friend Stephen Rivers has developed for folks that are a little obsessed when it comes to these types of games. With all of the cars, and the achievements, how can one person do it all? The short answer is you can’t. Enter GT6 Tunes and Tips by Dark Lion Racing.

The Objective
Gran Turismo as a game, is many things. It is most certainly something you can pick up and play for a race or two and be done. Gives you the feel of what it would be like to drive something you may never get to see, much less drive in real life. Something like a Pagani Zonda perhaps. Or maybe a Ferrari 458. But it is also a simulation game where folks with wheels and pedal setups show up to race, and some are pretty serious. However, they have packed a lot of “normal” cars in this game, which allows some of us to give “our” cars a go at the track. And these are the things this app is good at. He has links to all of his favorite, and his users favorite GT “tuning houses” on the net. You can save vehicle tunes, find tunes, and read the nuances about the handling of those cars. Stephen has the app linked to his blog where he updates GT news, like what cars are in the newest update or bug fixes available. He has the entire list of tracks and cars available within the app, in addition to the cars added by updates.

Something I wish people would do more in the online portion of Gran Turismo 6, is understand the handling of a vehicle before launching into an online race. He has painstakingly uploaded his tunes and tested them for your use, and even has a “tune request” feature in the app, where you can request a car and a level of performance and he can get you the best bang for your buck. Gran Turismo also includes “Seasonal Events” in their updates, and Stephen performs the events and reports back in the app what works for him. Sometimes these updates contain 3-4 seasonal events, and I know from experience they can take half the evening to get right!

Function Over Form
While I truly enjoy the app for Stephen’s experience with the events, and his tunes, sometimes the interface feels, well, dated. And being that he started doing this when Android 2.3 and 3.0 were the thing to have, its hard for one person to re-code an entire app, and I can respect that. Even Gran Turismo 5 still gets monthly events, and was getting updates until Gran Turismo 6 launched, so at the time he was still keeping up with that, in addition to making this app. As he says on his Google Plus page, he’s always looking for dev help and experience, so if you have anything useful or helpful to offer, I’m sure he would be more than happy to have it.

The trick is, the app functions and provides great information, it just isn’t pretty. And while we get caught up in apps being pretty a bit too often for me, there are plenty of examples where function should most definitely be above form. You could make this app quite pretty, but unless it retains all of the info, I don’t want it!

Dark Lion Racing
Google+: Stephen Rivers
Twitter: theredstig


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