Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
Here's the BMW M3 repaint I did.



Sadly there's a paint chip on the front left wheel arch. :indiff:
hey, that looks very good Apok! The freehand detailing on the chrome srrounds of the gilles is excelent. To patch up the chip, siply spray some of your same black paint in a recipient, enough of it so you ca take it with a small brush, and touch it up.
I might do that, but I'm just glad to get it finished. I had to strip the paint twice. :irked:
I'm also thinking about maybe painting the wheels a darker metallic than now. Might try it and see how it looks.
Great job on the trim around the grille, Apok! BTW - did finally get to check out your whole collection - wow - the Majors and Sikus you have!

Cano - my dear Generale, apologies for the taking so long to get back on that question - here are a few more pics:



These of course are 1:64s meant to be raced. These packs are upgrades for the regular cars. If you are familiar with Zip Zaps or Micros, then these are very similar. Working lights and motors, interchangable bodies and wheels, etc. A lot of fun.

BTW - photos of Mexican moolah on the way?
Woah I though they were JadaToys shells! :eek::dunce:

As they always say, you learn or discover something new everytime. Now I'm really liking these Zip Zap or Micro GT cars. Do they sell these here in the U.S.? I want the R34 and the Supra.

I originally thought it was radioshack's 1:43 X-Mods (there are some great shells; they have the Evo VIII, JZA80 Supra, GT-R, 350Z, Impreza... all with licensed body kits as optional purchases)

But i looked at the rear and thought they weren't.

Then i kinda thought it was the Toys R' Us RC brand, the name slips me, but they had a "drift mode" where you flip the body around so the rear end gets the steer wheels. It wasn't really "Drift" mode, but i guess the rear steering gives a mediocre illusion of "drifting"
Great job on the trim around the grille, Apok! BTW - did finally get to check out your whole collection - wow - the Majors and Sikus you have!

Thanks! And thanks for taking a look. There's a couple I didn't take pictures of yet, namely a very awesome Siku.
It's a Mercedes. :sly:
Cano - my dear Generale, apologies for the taking so long to get back on that question

Ergh, saw this at work but wasn't able to reply, then forgot lol. Those are pretty neat, I'll have to take apeek for myself @ E-Bay.

Also, today was paint day!! And this time, all the cars came out pretty well. I'll post pics of them soon, they are a silver Matchbox Porsche 930, a blue Hot Wheels Dodge Rampage, a silver Hakosuka turned street car, a blue Meyers Manx Buggie and a black Hot Wheels Countach, and a coat of clear over a matte black and flamed 34 Ford. The next club get-together is next saturday. At least one of them will be ready by then.
I actually didn't do a wheel swap, Ben - was a quick mock-up with markers before opening it up and doing the real thing. Yes, it already does look better. The red spokes are okay - it just needs see-through or blacked-out areas between the spokes.

Edit: Also the white tires looked strange; are they dirt-proof?
bringing this thread back from the dead (page 3) to report: today I went to the resin workshop to see if we (the paint guy) could reproduce wheels and parts.

We expected to be told that the wheels would be the hardest parts to make and that roofs, interiors and such would be pretty easy.

It was absolutely the other way around, we made a big silicon mold for several models of wheels and will start experimenting tomorrow with resin and black pigment to make solid wheels.

We were also told that there wouldn't be too much probelm re-creating Real Riders, that is, resin/plastic centers (wheels) and silicon, rubber-like tires.

We will be experimenting soon with all this stuff, it has a lot of potential. I'll let you know how it goes.
I would have painted the wheels a raw alloy instead of red, Harry; there's already so much red on the car that the wheels just don't stand out at all.

bringing this thread back from the dead (page 3) to report: today I went to the resin workshop to see if we (the paint guy) could reproduce wheels and parts.

Mass produce them and sell it to us.
we will be trying to replicate several models of wheels and tires, with a bit of time to fuss out the details, we think we could be ableto make practically any wheel/tire combo we want, and even create custom jobs.

Also, these guys have a chrome plating "paint" that, from the looks of the videos, does look like chrome, is durable, and can be aplied to plastic with no problems. We will also be looking into that. Patience, my friends.
Weee double post.

But! it's for a good reason.

My friend took the mold with him because he said he had some resin in the body shop, which they sometimes use to compensate a bit of the fiberglass, and that he also had catalyzer, so he wanted to do some testing.

turned out he didn't have catalyzer at the time, but he did some tests anyway with a bit of leftover bondo:


Yes, I know, they are horrible. But take into consideration that they are made of freaking bondo, a less than ideal material due to it bein' extremely hard and viscuous. Of course it didn't reach the far-off places and of course there are air bubbles everywhere.

Even so, look at how good the mold came out. Even the tire thread was picked up. When we make these with resin, they're gonna look awesome. We have started to investigate rubber casting too, for the tires. It will be completely possible to reproduce Real Rider-type tires.

Here is a quickie:

As you can see, this has a helluva lot of potential. Will keep you all posted.
Any way to get some tires for the watanabe's that have a shorter sidewall?

I bought another Boulevard Fiero to try and use the smaller sidewall tires on some watanabe's but the inner diameter was a smidge too big.
We will be test-fitting several rubber on several wheels; hell, we can even do hybrid wheel/tire combos, even with non-HW stuff. I've already started contacting people that I know have a lot of rubber-tired cars and telling them about the project, they are enthusiastic. I'm all excited because I think we can put together a VAST assortment of wheels. Heck, the paint guy has hundreds of 100% Hot Wheels, those do not need to be drilled open, the wheels simply pop offf the axle. We're also gonna do Jada and Maisto wheels, Matchbox premiere, JL, Tomica, whatever we find, solid or rubber.
Cano, those wheels certainly have potential, can't wait to see them in resin or rubber (am drooling in anticipation), once you and your buddy have mastered them, next step will be doing casts... Yes i can see it now, CC's, Cano-cars, HW's will pale in comparison :D, i'm really impressed that the moulds have picked up the tread as well. let me know when they're ready for sale, i have a Z in need of those Wat's.

Cool finished Galaxie as well R 1600, black on black really suits it.
next step will be doing casts...

Oh, trust me, we’re looking into it already. We have found a good method of doing two-part molds for casting bodies. It takes a bit of finessing once they’re done, but they come out good. We’ll be trying it for sure with some customized cars that could be reproduced.

For example, remember the black, flamed 32 Ford I posted the previous page? His dad also does customs, and he made one with a hood taken from a Mid-Mill, then added a square tube air intake in the grille shell, much in the fashion of salt flats cars. The car is in the early build process but it looks amazing already. We are planning to cast that one complete with the hood and intake, and the modified chassis they’re doing for it, before it’s finished.

As for the Watanabes, which ones? We have three versions of them, the HW version like the one in the Golf, the Choro Q version (in the sample pic, the one that sez “Dunlop”, I had them on my red Datsun 510), and soon, the Jada version (:
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As for the Watanabes, which ones? We have three versions of them, the HW version like the one in the Golf, the Choro Q version (in the sample pic, the one that sez “Dunlop”, I had them on my red Datsun 510), and soon, the Jada version (:

haha, yeah, I know you need Hot Wheels tires. I was asking 1ness, altough I think the coolest version is hot wheel's too. Though they are not Wats,, they're meant to be like Minilite rip-offs.
Oh, trust me, we’re looking into it already. We have found a good method of doing two-part molds for casting bodies. It takes a bit of finessing once they’re done, but they come out good. We’ll be trying it for sure with some customized cars that could be reproduced.

For example, remember the black, flamed 32 Ford I posted the previous page? His dad also does customs, and he made one with a hood taken from a Mid-Mill, then added a square tube air intake in the grille shell, much in the fashion of salt flats cars. The car is in the early build process but it looks amazing already. We are planning to cast that one complete with the hood and intake, and the modified chassis they’re doing for it, before it’s finished.

As for the Watanabes, which ones? We have three versions of them, the HW version like the one in the Golf, the Choro Q version (in the sample pic, the one that sez “Dunlop”, I had them on my red Datsun 510), and soon, the Jada version (:

Flamed 32 looks Hot! :drool:, As for doing some casts, Damn right Do it!!, i'm so jelly that i don't have any of the means myself to have a go (have cast lead pewter chess pieces before at a place i worked.. was done by small centrifuge.. not sure whether that's the same method used) , but it surely must be the next step for you guys, after doing your own custom wheels,

PS regarding the wheels, i did mean the 1's that are on the Golf, i meant the Minilites rather than Wat's (i get mixed up), is there any way of reducing the sidewall a tad though, i know they look period and fairly exact with the bigger tyre wall, but was hoping to see it slightly smaller, is that kind of thing possible or too complicated?