It's like makers of gt6 don't want to improve gt franchise

  • Thread starter Hategt6
Where are the question marks in the OP?
The full package on day 1.

You think by switching to the PS4 from the PS3 has anything to do with their ability to deliver the whole package on day 1?

Those days are gone. No game developer will ever release a fully-programmed game ever again. There will always be stuff left on the table to add later, usually as paid DLC. I'd love to see a return to GT1-4 where the game you got at launch was the same game 5 years later, but it's not going to happen.
There's a difference between content advertised and delivered on day 1 and content not advertised before release and delivered later through DLC. Why would anyone not want both? You'd rather the devs just stop working when the game is released and not make any more cars, tracks or features to be added later?

Just gives us a complete game at launch with all advertised features and all the DLC you can output and we'll decide whether it's worthwhile or not to pay for.
.............I felt that this was somewhat appropriate so I'm gonna leave this here:

I agree that PD doesn't want to make use of all the suggestion stuff here, the Kaz Q&A is proof of that, but that isn't what we're talking about.

If I were on the PD team, I would stay pretty far from this site. The never ending tirade of hate would be demoralizing. When I worked on BF going on forums made our work seem so pointless, but at least we could find the clans, go online, and shoot them :).
If I were on the PD team, I would stay pretty far from this site. The never ending tirade of hate would be demoralizing. When I worked on BF going on forums made our work seem so pointless, but at least we could find the clans, go online, and shoot them :).
If I worked for PD, I'd come here and face the music and take the criticism to help improve the game. A lot of people here make some good points. A minority just whinge and have nothing constructive to say, which is proof enough in the quality of their posts.
Fortunately, the OP ran out of steam with just one post. But just in case he discovers more gibberish, there's always the Ignore Button!
You think by switching to the PS4 from the PS3 has anything to do with their ability to deliver the whole package on day 1?

No, but it would be nice, followed by unannounced free dlc for our dedicated loyalty :)
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they don't want to do anything to update where person with slow connection endure million hours of updating but they decided best live alone keep using same program they been using since Gt5 I know every idiot good connection after me making this thread its ****ing truth I talking it's not a lie

Some people with slow connections are also idiots. Try moving closer to the router.
So the manufacturers will be pushing for PD to include their videos directly into the game (mandatory to download) to help them stand out from all the other brands participating.
I'm sure there's lots of people like me who simply hit start as soon as the video starts and never watch those videos, so in the end we spent time & hard drive space with stuff that's totally useless.

Large update downloads are annoying, but even more annoying is download & installing an update, then having to download & install updates again when starting the game, the in-game updates usually take very long.

Imo the biggest evidence of PD not wanting to improve GT6 is them ignoring fan requests, and making certain features unavailable in certain portions of the game (standing starts/damage/tire wear/penalties/full grid unavailable in arcade mode).
I'm sure there's lots of people like me who simply hit start as soon as the video starts and never watch those videos, so in the end we spent time & hard drive space with stuff that's totally useless.

Large update downloads are annoying, but even more annoying is download & installing an update, then having to download & install updates again when starting the game, the in-game updates usually take very long.

Imo the biggest evidence of PD not wanting to improve GT6 is them ignoring fan requests, and making certain features unavailable in certain portions of the game (standing starts/damage/tire wear/penalties/full grid unavailable in arcade mode).
It doesn't matter if you don't watch them. The manufacturers will go to any length to get their brand out there. Just look at Mercedes, they've put their name on all things between hats to perfume. And perfume only appeals to a small percentage of women, but they still do it anyway. The exact thing goes for the VGT videos, it may not appeal to everyone, but for those that it does, it's worth a shot. A lot of people don't realise that business sense goes into pretty much everything these data, sadly.

I don't have the best of internet connections, but I actually couldn't care about downloading the extra bit for the videos, I quite enjoy most of them. But that's just me.

Look, I don't like PD, but instead of being ignorant and childish, I appeal to both sides.
I'm still lost as to why GT5 had Acceleration tests and course creator but GT6 doesn't. I fail to see the logic behind it.

With regards to the acceleration test there are also several things missing that were added to GT5 as updates & never made it to GT6 which seems strange.
My theory is a totally disorganised PD with no one overviewing the whole project so they forgot these & just used the base code for GT6. Its pretty much a direct port of GT5 with a few extra cars & tracks, new driving model & a slightly upgraded interface after all even many of the races are identical.

Call me cynical here but I am beginning to wonder if PD/Sony made many features only available online on purpose.
Japanese company where virtually everyone has very high speed internet & I think its the cheapest in the world so that's the norm to them.
Therefore we will make many features only available online & give people videos they don't want to increase internet traffic as its a profit stream.
Of course when the servers are down for maintenance this policy is damn annoying I cant even tune a car if I want to take tyre wear into account.
Call me cynical here but I am beginning to wonder if PD/Sony made many features only available online on purpose.
Japanese company where virtually everyone has very high speed internet & I think its the cheapest in the world so that's the norm to them.

Therefore we will make many features only available online & give people videos they don't want to increase internet traffic as its a profit stream.
Of course when the servers are down for maintenance this policy is damn annoying I cant even tune a car if I want to take tyre wear into account.
No. A lot of features are online-only because that's the only way they will work. Stuff like Open Libby and Community can't work without a connection to the Internet as without the connection, the game can't receive the data needed to operate that said function.

For things like the lack of tyre wear and fuel depletion in Arcade mode, that can only be summed up by the ridiculous idea that many developers believe that Offline is dead and Online Gaming is the only way to go. Times are changing.
No. A lot of features are online-only because that's the only way they will work. Stuff like Open Libby and Community can't work without a connection to the Internet as without the connection, the game can't receive the data needed to operate that said function.

For things like the lack of tyre wear and fuel depletion in Arcade mode, that can only be summed up by the ridiculous idea that many developers believe that Offline is dead and Online Gaming is the only way to go. Times are changing.

Err Der Open Lobby & Community are online features of course they need the internet as do updates.
Tyre wear etc should not be an online only feature, if it can handle the overheads online it sure can offline.

Developers don't believe offline is dead they just think online is more important as it generates an income, its not just PD.
Sadly in my view the internet is a double edged sword with regard to gaming.
On the one hand it greatly enhances the game allowing for true multiplayer content.
On the other single player content seems in general to be suffering, less content or not as polished.

Not bothering to fire up GT5 & look but I bet single player is far quicker to complete in GT6 than GT5.
Even if you say Goodwood, Coffee Breaks & the Moon Missions (what were they thinking) account for B-Spec.
If you wanted you could calculate the total race distance you need to travel to complete both games by just looking at the races & doing a comparison.
Considering many races are direct ports from GT5 & they manage to knock out 3 seasonal races + time & drift trials every couple of weeks what did they do with their time?
Err Der Open Lobby & Community are online features of course they need the internet as do updates.
Tyre wear etc should not be an online only feature, if it can handle the overheads online it sure can offline.
Err Der, many doesn't mean one, so choose your words wiser as you said "many features", the only feature that springs to mind that should be offline included but is exclusively online is tyre wear/fuel depletion. Even if you can find another, that still won't be enough to back you claim up that "many features" are online only.

Even if you say Goodwood, Coffee Breaks & the Moon Missions (what were they thinking) account for B-Spec.
No one in their right mind would think those 'novelty' features would account for B-Spec.
I'm still lost as to why GT5 had Acceleration tests and course creator but GT6 doesn't. I fail to see the logic behind it.

It took just over two years for PD to "finally" add Speed Test as Paid DLC to GT5. Now we are only just into the first Birthday of GT6.

Even if GT6 didn't take as long to make. My guesse is that we might get these features or not a lot sooner. GT6 overall Development cycle will be a lot shorter than GT5 so we could get the features people have been asking for sooner or not. GT7 can't be far away at all.

If GT7 is two years away then there is still plenty of time, work and features, fixes and bugs, DLC to be added before GT7's release.

I keep on hoping for Speed Test. But i've recently lost interest because on GT5 all i would do is tuning for Drag racing and this was the most fun part about GT5 that 6 misses. I can't get interested in the offline career mode and poor AI. So ok theres multiplayer circuit racing.

I do think that what PD put into GT5 should not be excluded from GT6 as this has only led to the upset of fans missing what they like best. But again it's purely Sony pointing the stick and politics of business decisions and money making the deciding factor. A product designed to make money so why do PD care what goes into the game.

This is the 21st century and 2015. The community and the "people" the "Customers" matter so "PD" needs to know that they can lose a lot of fans if GT7 isn't what GT5, GT5.5, 6 should have been.

We decide what we want so and the money won't be handed on a plate so easily unless there are still millions of gullible GT fanboys willing to throw their money at a game that doesn't do or have what they want.

They can quite easily decide the budget of the game and change things and add what hasn't been added. If PD have more guys working on GT6 than Turn 10 how are Turn 10 doing so well. They outsource more and spend more money on resources and do things right they don't start with a GT5 base, polish it a bit and add GT2, 3 or 4 content to it.

And please standard cars on GT7 PD should be disgraced at the thought. This is abhorrent to me and all cars should be a premium high quality high textured game as equal as the next car on a next gen gaming console. This is a BIG thing we are talking about a BIG game and a first for GT on a Next Gen.

I'm quite excited to try Forza 5 and i will buy a Xbox One soon enough to try it. Also can't wait to try Forza 6. I'm on no sides because I've been with PD GT franchise since GT1 day 1. I don't usually say anything on forums bad about PD but i felt like i could let off some steam in regards to my thoughts today.
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We decide what we want so and the money won't be handed on a plate so easily unless there are still millions of gullible GT fanboys willing to throw their money at a game that doesn't do or have what they want
Ohh yes indeed. 7 will be the first one that I haven't been dead set on getting on day one. I'll look at reviews, peoples opinions on here, before I decide if I'm getting it or not
GT7 I'm afraid will suck worse than GT5 and GT6 GT is a Time Trial Simulator and Vision car franchise now Gran Turismo is DEAD! GT1-GT4 was the best as racing is concerned but now all focus on Vision Cars WTF is this BS?

Maybe if they made the download of HD video optional instead of forcing everyone to download HUGE files, it might go someway to helping people with lower bandwidths.

Yeah, the videos are very heavy. It would be better for the user to have those as an option. Actually, the videos could just be kept on their website and then streamed to the game whenever you want to watch them. You'd need an internet connection, but you'd need that anyway to get the patch.

I also like Blizzard's way of doing things, where you only need to download a small part of the game / patch before you can play, and the rest is being downloaded and installed while you play. But maybe there's technical reasons why that wouldn't work on the PS3.

I'm still lost as to why GT5 had Acceleration tests and course creator but GT6 doesn't. I fail to see the logic behind it.

Well, the course maker is missing because it's not finished (yet?). Acceleration tests... I don't know. Maybe it just didn't reach the top of the priority list (yet?)?
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So the manufacturers will be pushing for PD to include their videos directly into the game (mandatory to download) to help them stand out from all the other brands participating.

They can always put it on youtube and voilá, the range goes from 2 million to 20 million in no time.
GT7 I'm afraid will suck worse than GT5 and GT6 GT is a Time Trial Simulator and Vision car franchise now Gran Turismo is DEAD! GT1-GT4 was the best as racing is concerned but now all focus on Vision Cars WTF is this BS?

I'd like to see what evidence you have that GT7 will in fact, be worse than GT5 and GT6. I'm not sure about you, but the main thing I use GT for at the moment is for online championships, not as a time trial simulator or for the VGT cars (at the moment).
I'd like to see what evidence you have that GT7 will in fact, be worse than GT5 and GT6. I'm not sure about you, but the main thing I use GT for at the moment is for online championships, not as a time trial simulator or for the VGT cars (at the moment).
He said he's afraid GT7 will be worse indicating apprehension and and opinion at the same time. You don't need evidence for opinions as far as I know.
Better graphics on the PS4 is a given, but that's not PD's issue. What is it you think they'll be able to do on the PS4 they couldn't do on the PS3 that will bring the game back to the glory days?

Add better Game in general, as they were limited to what they could do with the PS3 games
Like what? What parts of the game design were held back by the PS3? That is besides graphics?
“I still cannot go into detail, but developing on PS3 was hard: you don’t have enough memory to do all you want. Our goal was to always preserve the feel of Gran Turismo but with the latest installment we had to face limitations. With PS4 we have a lot of memory available: we’ll be able to exploit it easily, inserting elements that we had to force or withheld on PS3.

There will be better graphics, better physics engine, smarter AI and more online options.”

“A lot of different things were cut: resolution, graphic designs, everything throughout the gameplay. The level of data that’s being handled, whether it be the environment data or the car data, they’re on a fantastically high level – but the PS3 isn’t able to process it very well.

Some of [the games] have things that I consider mistakes. There are a lot of things I would have done differently if I could do them again. Better physics, sound, AI, graphics… I’d like to do everything all over again!”

“For GT7, myself and my staff have a clear vision: to do everything we couldn’t do in GT6. We want to make it very Gran Turismo. By that I mean it’s going to be a game that matches the very era that we live in, in 2015 or 2016.”