My Nissan Skyline R33 GTR V-spec

  • Thread starter gt4rulez
same as my PSN, GTRulez :)

GTPlanet is actually the only message board that i still have my old nickname on. gt4rulez was when i used to play gt4 alot and right before i started to love gtr's
GTRulez is good for the GT series and the GTR's:) so i changed the name. might ask an admin to change it here aswell.
Hey matey,

have one or the other question, just got my pricing lists for the tune ups:

the greddy suction kit, is that the same as you have on your car, do you have z32 afm or stock?? Or is your kit even bigger??
This is surely better option than the apexi kit which is for a lot less €??
Are you happy with it, does it need to be cleaned often, How is filtration?

For the suspensions I still have no idea what to take. So many choices...
Same goes for ECU.
Apexi is out ;). it's between haltech and link.
I read that huge Haltech vs Apexi thread on the forum, but didn't really came out wiser, just that i rulled the apexi out.
It's now between the link and haltech (maybe I ask the question in that thread)

On the brakes, just getting vented disc upfront and upgraded pads + lines should be enough for the output horsepower I get with the above??

In my humble opinion, in regards to Link G4 vs Haltech, it's a complete no brainer. LINK!

If you go for the plug in type if recommend buying a Knock Block with it, for closed loop
Knock control. Or else you could go with the G4 Xtreme with built in knock control, but you'd have to have it wired in, however you will have an abundance of inputs and outputs that you could potentially run out of with the plug in depending on what you want to do. You'll have to buy a MAP sensor with either of those aswell.

All the G4 models come with the same firmware and features, closed loop idle control, lambda control, anti lag, flat shifting, launch control, boost control, the list goes on.
ECU induction is 99% sure the greedy suction kit and the link g4 with a boost controller and senors.
Haltech is tempting but messes up my budget. Totally! :D
And as in the futur I will stay under the 500hp bracket the link should be enough.

When i get an engine overhaul then i can think going over top and even then wouldn't get crazy numbers out as it wouldn't even pass the homologation even if I cheated
Dude, the link will handle anything. Really. And save money on the boost controller - the link can do that for you all you need is a 3 port solenoid, around 50 bucks or something. Less devices in cabin
yeah either way is good, if the link fits your budget better, go for the link.
the link is a great ecu too.

remember that after sitting in the garage for 3 months i got an offer for the haltech i couldnt refuse so i didnt even bothered the other ecu's. the old aem was pretty much dead or at least not working the way it should so it needed replacement asap anyway...

and yeah i love my greddy intake.
filters are good, and after a good mapping session with the new haltech equipped aswell i could really notice a diffrence in response. but know that the old aem was mapped like it wasnt that hard to gain alot. it really turned out like a completely diffrent car after i got it back. fun part is that i can now actually hear the turbo's spool up and blow off alot better too.

mine has the MAF's removed. its using MAP now. wich also improves the flow quite a bit. you can clearly see it in the engine bay pics.

might going to change the intercooler/plenum and intercooler piping with trust/greddy aswell. i've seen a nismo plenum at pi looks so well designed. but it costs quite a bunch more lol.
^Yeah the Haltech would kill my budget (or the other parts planned). And I read alot the last days about the link and seems to be quite up the job I will throw at him.

Yeah Greddy looks like a great piece of kit. The Link will come with a MAP, but because the greddy comes with the MAF, i thought asking never hurts. So it is MAP then, better anyway for the future.

Yeah after those tune ups, I will also strengthen up the engine (cooling and stuff).

Do you have those oilcoolers (tranny, diffs,...) like the Uk-spec models?

@punknoodle: Thanks, I think that's the Boostcontroller my importer was implying.
That's a very nice R33 GT-R.

Go for the Link. I have played around a bit with a LINK LEM G3. Great ECU. Got to love New Zealand technology. :sly:
no because these were fitted for the uk market only. mine was originally sold in japan. around mid 2008 it came to the uk. since 2010 it was for sale and could be found on pistonheads. in november 2010 it was imported to holland by SW Performance, in that same week i visited SW, it still had its uk plates on.

here sam was about to put the green license plates on so we could make a test drive. sam would drive it first because he didnt had a chance to test it out yet. and as you can see, those werent ideal conditions for a test drive was very windy too. one of the first things i noticed when i drove it was that the hard wind had like no effect on the car. i was used to my megane station, if that thing gets hit by a strong wind you really had to hold the steering wheel tight. the sky just went on in a straight line, you could actually take your hands off the steering wheel and it would keep going in a straight line. pretty awsome in stormy wheather.:) the rain kinda sucked though, it was my first time behind the wheel of a fast car (with 4 times more hp then i was used to!) with wide sporty tires lol. so yeah i was kinda scared to loose grip.
luckally sam has plenty of experience with skylines so he showed me what it was capable off. (in other words, that put a big smile on my face:) it was exactly i was looking for.)

still warming up. notice its sitting on standard r33 gtr rims. the Volk GT-C's were @ the paint shop at that time.

after the test drive not a single leaf was on the car hehe.

also test driven this R32 GT-R, it was bone stock and actually the car i was visiting SW for. this car was right in my budget at that time, the r33 was way over budget but in a better condition. Sam offered me a test drive with the r33 anyway so why not.
im glad i did it because i fell in love with it, luckally i managed to work something out with sam so the r33 was mine! :)


these were the actual pistonheads pictures from the advertisement, they were still online when the car was already in holland lol.



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I suspect the reason why the Link is cheaper than the Haltech over there is because they are trying to break in to the market. Here they are one of the higher priced ECUs. The NZ V8 Super Touring Cars run Link ECUs, as well as numerous rally cars (due to the built in motorsport features) and they can be found on 1000hp plus drag cars. Certainly no limitation.

Anyway, I've been playing with the tuning software for the link, it's very good - at the end of the day the tuning software plays a massive role as that is what your tuner is using to set up the car.

If it comes with a MAP sensor, I suspect you are buying a plug in type G4. There is nothing wrong with that choice, but the reason I have decided on the Xtreme wire in for my vehicle is because it has built in knock control, as well as more inputs and outputs. Buying a plug in type with a Knock Block controller was more expensive, and didn't have the extra i/o. Being an industrial sparkie I don't mind the challenge of wiring it in myself!

You don't NEED the knock block, of course, but I recommend it. That way if something happens, say you loose fuel pressure or something or you have a bad batch of fuel and your engine runs lean and knocks or the engine gets too hot and knocks, then your engine management will retard timing and add more fuel to try and stop the engine from destroying itself. It also means your tuner can set it up more aggressively knowing you have the knock sensing capabilities, so he doesn't have to make the tune extra conservative for a just in case scenario.

There's a reason the stock ECU has knock sensing built in, after all. By the way your standard knock sensor can work with the knock block/Xtreme.
lol and a random pic i just found

i was on my way to the first "event" with the gtr.
i joined the skylineclub and we drove together on the freeway, awsome experience!

i was behind the car were this pic was taken out of, wich is actually a white R33 GTS-4 4door sedan!

a friend of mine was in the Lancer station thats surrounded by sky's, at the next stop he stepped in my car lol. he loves skylines aswell, he told me that was one of the best things he experienced:) being surrounded by sky's on the freeway!

and next to the R33 GTS-T S2 of another friend of mine
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Surrounded by Skylines. rofl.

Nice story on your visit to SW.
The R32 is of all Skylines my least favorite one. But it is a hell of a machine and at the pricing level they are they would be a perfect hillclimb car or other competition car ;)

@Punknoodle: I still don't know which my importer meant as he didn't precise whether it was the wire in or the plug in version.
As it seems Link even can provide a harness adapter for the Sky if choosing the wire in model
time for a serious update....

the car got a new optima Red Top battery
the wheels have been laser alligned, drove a bit with it, feels GREAT now! much better!
its got new apk/mot. no problems at all! even the CO measurements were great.

now on to the not so good news...

-turbo shuffle is caused by the turbo's themselves. wich means one of them is pretty much dead. or soon will be..

to avoid damage they will be replaced ASAP

-the Splitfire coilpacks will need replacement in the future

so the plans are now:
-im going for a Twin Garret GT2860-5 turbo set up.
-the exhaust manifolds wil be modded with a balancer pipe to avoid pressure diffrences.
-DW300 fuel pump
-fuel pressure regulator
-a very safe mapping.

because my budget isnt really high atm we are going to do it in 2 steps.
step 2 will be
750-1000cc injectors
okada coilpacks
PI custom intercooler (based on greddy core)
fuelrail etc.

should be good for around 580-600hp then.:)
Nice package.

How many kilometers has your car done??

Now even the new generation of Porsches will bite the dust ;) he?

580-600ps? You're still one stock internals?
78,000km. stock internals.

another customer of pi, has 613hp on stock.
same turbo's been using it on circuits from time to time. even time attacks. no problems whatsoever.:)

yeah would love to beat some new porsches hehe.
you have really low milage. Mine will have 89000km when i get it and I think it's not bad for a 17 year old car.

Best I yet have seen, is a R34 GTR with 7000km. Like factory new ! But for 66000€ rofl.

613hp on stock is pretty bad ass.
I think i read that Kozo Watanabe said it was good for around 600hp on stock. Baffles me everytime.

When I be bored of my 400-ish horsepower we will see what road I go down, but probably the same turbos you gonna fit in (so i can keep the really cool greddy suction kit ;))
yeah its amazing what the RB26 can do in stock form. part of it are the modern ecu's though. these days you can set them much more precise. really if you meet henk in real life, he can talk for hours and hours about it. very interesting stuff it is:) he just goes on and on, hehe great man he is.

the test drive today with my r33 was with brand new oem test coils that pi uses for diagnose. man it run so sweet. i never thought it would run so much better then when i bought it. sounded very healthy:) damn i really want those okada's now!
kinda sad my turbo's need replacement...would love to drive it now the weather is getting better.

cant wait to get pushed in the seats again hehe:)
yes she is finally mobile again:tup:

today she had a dyno session.
and the results are pretty good for the specs she got!

the fuelpump and fuelpressureregulator arent installed yet because they need to redo the fuellines anyway when the bigger injectors are ordered. so its better to wait for a while with these or else it would be twice the labour.

stock engine
stock injectors and fuelrail
OEM Coilpacks (yep replaced the Splitfires because they were starting to misfire)
Stock Intercooler

Twin Garret 2860-5 Ball Bearing turbo's
Custom balancer pipe
Trust/Greddy Intake with maf's removed
Nismo Exhaust line

thats about it
mapped on a haltech platinum pro:


542Nm! on just 1.08 bar!

(was 428Hp 482,5Nm)
2860-5's can do 1.6 bar so there is still lots of room to play with in the future:)

the injectors are the "weak" point at the moment, so they will be replaced by bigger ones along with the fuel rail, fuellines, pump and the pressureregulator. might be getting the Okada coilpacks at the same time aswell. then they can turn up the boost, 550hp should be no problem then.
Looking at that chart. My 300hp BMW weeps in the corner. Must get some turbo's too. :lol:
Update time!!

Today i could finally pick the car up again!
Had a great day at Pro Import! always fun to be there on saturday:tup:

when i arrived she was already waiting outside

Kevin Go, driver of the PI R33, and the guy that modified my car was just looking for a new race overall so he was not there yet. henk go was though, so had a nice conversation with him and some loyal customers:)

Later some guys of the Streetgasm club arrived, Streetgasm have organised a tour for modified cars thats going to be 2000km long, thats why the cars are loaded with streetgasm2000 stickers.
look at the face of Henk (ECU Mapper), i think he rather sees a skyline then an Evo hehe:)

Owner of this STI bought it about 3 weeks ago. very clean car.

a few rides of customers, all of them have interesting specs


Marcello his R33, the one that can be seen in one of the movies in this topic, it now has 660hp!


The R34 GTR V-spec of Maurice, its fitted with a Nür engine. he is founder of the Streetgasm club and organiser of the Streetgasm 2000 challenge.


not much later Glenn arrived with his R33 GTR V-spec, i finally had a chance to chat with him, he has the same turbo's as me, with a few extra mods on the engine. 613hp in his R33 skyline! i asked if i could take a ride in his car to get a feeling of what is possible with these turbo's....totally nuts! that thing goes SOOO fast 👍 now i know, not yet enough! hehe :)

Btw, i also ordered some Okada Coilpacks for my R33, curenntly i have the OEM testcoils of Pro Import because the Splitfires were rubbish. they started to misfire on the dyno so they took them out.

But holy **** it goes now! boy do i love these 2860-5s :D because they installed a balancer pipe there is like no turbo shuffle at all. lovely! and very relaxing to drive on cruise speeds :)

Here are some pics of the Modifications.
you can clearly see that the Greddy intake piping is modified quite a bit.
they already had the maf sensors removed and replaced by straight piping.

the right side pipe with the filter on it is streched in the middle and shortened on the end to place it lower.
the waterlines have been moved away from the heat and replaced by steel ones.

here is a close up of the balancer pipe itself. it has been heatwrapped and kevin made it so that you can disassamble it easeally if you need to.
he also made a spacer for the intake pipe behind it so that its placed a bit higher, on the right side you can see a bit of the new 2860-5 turbo.

hope you like it, i do!👍
@ home it was time to give her a good wash and detail the headlights a bit so they are clear again. then i took her out for a spin again and stopped by @ my work for a quick fotoshoot with some cranes on the background. some of you might know that im a mobile tower crane operator, i've worked with pretty much every machine you see in these pictures. you can say its another hobby for me!


last friday i've worked with the crane that sits behind the skyline on the picture below. behind it is a bit older crane, with that one i work most of the time. both are build in the Netherlands by the Spierings company. yup even these are powered by turbo inline sixes :) the 6 axle one weights 72 metric tonne though.







all the pics can be found here: Skyline R33 GT-R V-spec/May 2012/
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Yup. Still a bloody nice car :) It looks great, and sounds like it goes really nice too, which I'm quite envious of! Here I am putting a ton of work and effort into my little guy to make only around 300awhp!
Call me offically jelly!!

Really nice.

Will read through your lengthy post tonight. But lenghty post + lots of pics = Win 👍
Alright! Fukishima, Genkai, Hamaoka, Kashiwazaki, Onagawa and Tsuruga are in place

mini reactors for my spark plugs lol... :)


Okada Project Plasma Direct Coils! :)
