Official GTPlanet Member of the Fortnight [Member of the Week]

But if they float it means they are a witch. Why would they admit to that?

Well apparently, we're in a society (Sans the crazy folk) that accepts Vampires and all sorts of strange things so why not witches?
Well apparently, we're in a society (Sans the crazy folk) that accepts Vampires and all sorts of strange things so why not witches?
I think we can all agree that this:


is much better than this:

Notice the lack of "Sparkling" in front of the word Vampire :lol:

But yeah, most definitely agreed.
@ TB
YUP :lol:

It's kind of a no brainer as to who you would rather have cast a spell on you. ;)
Did (do) you have good school achievements and were you always a nice child? Or did you kind of fail at school and terrorized your family? Or something in between?
Helicopter hands or speedboat feet?

Who would win in a fight, the fox or the badger?
NAH! :scared:

OK, perhaps I should have stipulated that Dennisch Honey Badgers are banned from my weekly Animal Fight Clubs... err no, I mean Animal Appreciation Society meetings.
Well, I guess what mostly defines you and your personality are these questions:

Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola or Dr. Pepper?
McDonalds, Burger King or KFC?
iPhone, an Android smart phone or no smart phone at all?
Your brand new MB C63 AMG/BMW M5/Ford Mustang GT/any other powerful car you like is: black, silver or blue/red/yellow/any other colour?

And most important:
In your dreams: Riding a stallion or a unicorn?
You can choose to live with a gorilla who knows sign language or a dog that sings sweet songs, which would you choose and why?

You wake up naked trapped in a broken lift with a celebrity - which celebrity would you choose and why?

Name three places where you'd like to find your tongue.
You could probably add the question "Who or what inspires you." And the merge them with 'Favourite Racing Driver' and 'What GTPer inspires you?'

  • 'Where would you really want to go?'
  • Do you frequent any other forums? Traitor.
  • What would the first chapter in your autobiography be called?
Q If you could set out on a World Record Attempt, what would it be?

"If you could be any other GTPlanet-user for a day, who would you be?" :P.

This is a good one. Or you could have something similar like, "If you could combine the best quality of three different GTP users, who would you choose and what is their quality?"

What would the first chapter in your autobiography be called?

I like this one too.
Ohai. Were you expecting to read this week's MotW interview?

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