Red Bull X1 Challenges, Dualshock 3 controller

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United States
Kalamazoo, MI
Is it even worth my time to try and beat the Red Bull X1 Challenges with a Dualshock 3 controller? Played for awhile and nowhere close. Can't afford a steering wheel at the moment. Has anyone with a Dualshock 3 Controller beaten the challenges? Should I just put these off until I get a steering wheel? Any advice?
I tried with the DS3 and it's virtually impossible in my opinion. I busted out the wheel and managed three bronze. Even that took hours! The X1 is a beast.

One of the hardest challenges I have ever had to do.
Yes I just "beat" this challenge, meaning got bronze on all three courses. It's not easy by any mean, took me about 3-4 hours, and I consider myself good with DS3. If you are good you can do it, but it takes time to get used to the speed.

The second event was easiest, since you can cut some corners on the chicanes and save some time. The exp you get is great, I got from level 27 to 30 after three bronzes(unlocked the event with b-spec).
if did it then you can do it too, maybe not from 1st try but you can do it, i got 2 bronze and 1 silver
it was very close for bronze about 0.100 or 0.050 but i did it
After hours of trying still about 8 seconds of bronze!!! What's really anoying for me is, when i go back to even a Toyota Minolta it feels stupid slow.
Yeah the X1 makes everything else in the game feel like a brick.

I've tried none stop for 3 days, and I can't do it.

Suzuka +4s
Monza +1s
Nurb + 10s

I cant even come close on any of them, though I have been trying Suzuka the most, only treid Monza & Nurb 4 or 5 times.
Was impossible for me with DS3 was 20 seconds off on nurburgring , switched to my dfgt got all bronze in about an hour and a half.
I did monza with the DS3 but there is NO CHANCE of doing the nurburgring and suzuka. luckily my wheel helped with those :D
Yeah, i gave up on that. The challenge was just too much with the DS3:nervous:. And i refuse to buy a racing wheel just for this one event :grumpy:. So i decided to just grind B-Spec til Lv.35. Currently Lv. 31 :cool:
I have two bronzes and a silver WITH THE DS3, and I don't think I'm an alien.

My settings are:

Transmission: AT
Traction Control: 0
Skid Recovery: On
Steering assist: Mid
ABS: 1

And I'm just 0.242 from Gold on Monza. Actually, I would have had gold if I wasn't so damn slow in Ascari Chicane, since I was able to get there in front of the ghost, once, but I just suck there. Right now I am not sure I can get gold on Suzuka and Nürburgring, but I am convinced I will get gold on Monza, one day or another (whenever I feel like trying again).

In my humble opinion, Nürburgring's hardest part was to find the speed, while Suzuka's hardest part was to get the ability to reach the end in a decent time without spinning out. Monza wasn't really that hard (for bronze). I hope it helps, and I'm honestly waiting to hear from someone who's getting gold on those with the DS3, since knowing it can be done will make me want to try it. Right now I have to admit I would not dare trying Suzuka and Nürburgring again.
I have a fond respect for anyone that can do this challenge with a DS3. I only just started this challenge and it's rough. Off by 8 seconds on the Nürburgring, barely got bronze on Monza, and 6 seconds off on Suzuka. This is with a wheel mind you. Monza is by far the easiest of the three as you can cut the curbs and shave off your time, so that helps immensely. Bravo to anyone that has completed this with a controller.
I managed this challenge with my DS3, I won't say it was easy or fun. I was bound and determined to do it because people spoke about hard it was with out a wheel. I spent approximately 10 hours of play time doing this. A few days later while visiting my brother who has GT5 a level 30 B-Spec driver and a Wheel. I decided to try the challenge to see what all the fuss was about, well lets just say I wished I had just went out and spent a $300 on a wheel. I hit up Amazon that very night and still have nightmares.
Concerning the subject of using the DS3, the more I progress through GT5, the more convinced I am the physics model has outstripped the practical use of this controller.

Being IMO the worst console design to start with, doesn't help.
(even the Dreamcast had a better controller than this, over 10 yrs ago)

I find myself constantly wishing I could use my 360 controller.
I'm not sure how much of having a better controller is a factor in the impression of FM3's physics being too easy.
Its definitely the opposite in this game for me

As pointed out in this thread, this will be even more apparent upon undertaking the X1 challenges.
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Yeah, i gave up on that. The challenge was just too much with the DS3:nervous:. And i refuse to buy a racing wheel just for this one event :grumpy:. So i decided to just grind B-Spec til Lv.35. Currently Lv. 31 :cool:
I'm at Level 23 at the moment so I haven't unlocked the challenge yet but I've started doing more B spec so I can try to get to Level 35 just in case I can't do the challenge but I'm going to have to use a DS3 when I do get the challenge. I know Argos in the UK do a £20 wheel but I don't want to get one just for 1 event.

I only want to do bronze though.
Transmission: AT
Traction Control: 0
Skid Recovery: On
Steering assist: Mid
ABS: 1

I didn't use Skid recovery and Steering assist ,it felt worse for me so I went back to having them off and eventually got my bronze's.
For Suzuka and nurburgring you just have to get every turn in your head you also have to believe that you can do it its frustrating but eventually you will get it
The best way to earn the medals ironically enough is to have an X1 and practice. There are plenty of people who are trading them on the GtP marketplace. It is better than just going at it full blast and having to start over when making a small mistake.

For instance the nurburgring time for bronze is 2:14.500, aim for or 1:06 lap times. When you learn it enough and find yourself with consistant lap times, give the challenge a go. You'll be surprised :)
Just did that and now I have an X1 to practice with. Hopefully I can make some leeway with it.
I have a fond respect for anyone that can do this challenge with a DS3. I only just started this challenge and it's rough. Off by 8 seconds on the Nürburgring, barely got bronze on Monza, and 6 seconds off on Suzuka. This is with a wheel mind you. Monza is by far the easiest of the three as you can cut the curbs and shave off your time, so that helps immensely. Bravo to anyone that has completed this with a controller.

Keep trying mate i know its hard at first i was getting 2:19.357 and worse on the nurburgring but if you keep trying you will learn where to pick up time and get that bronze
I got bronze at the 'Ring and Suzuka, and a Silver at Monza. I think with a few runs each, I could get 2 silvers and a gold.

Some Tips:
1. Race with AT, SRF, and ABS. Everything else can be off. Have Controller Sensitivity between 5 & 7.
2. Borrow a Vettel X2010 off a friend, and practice Monza, Suzuka, and Nurburgring using the cars default settings before you try the challenge.
I did all bronze in about 2 and a half hours, Nurburgring wasn't easy but eventually you see you can do it without pushing it so hard, did it in about an hour, Monza took me 15 minutes, BUT......... Suzuka, oh my god, i almost smash my DS3 on the floor aahahha, finally did it after 1 hour trying, i wonder if anyone here did gold in any track?

By the way with Controller Sens. in 4, ABS 1, Manual and TC in 1
I currently have Bronze on them all.

I'm ~4 seconds away from Gold on all the tracks. It's not impossible, it's never been. Now, it's completely possible, especially if you put the sensitivity up to seven and you practice a lot.
I did all bronze in about 2 and a half hours, Nurburgring wasn't easy but eventually you see you can do it without pushing it so hard, did it in about an hour, Monza took me 15 minutes, BUT......... Suzuka, oh my god, i almost smash my DS3 on the floor aahahha, finally did it after 1 hour trying, i wonder if anyone here did gold in any track?

By the way with Controller Sens. in 4, ABS 1, Manual and TC in 1
I was going to agree with you until I noticed you used manual! Fair play! In auto I'm in about the same place as you. Monza was 'relatively' easy to bronze, so I thought I'd try for the silver. Controller (not a dual shock) almost out of the window.

BTW, does anyone else use a non dual shock ps3 controller? Any advantages to trading up?