The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
So that's meant to be a clutch mod as well? Doesn't really look like it's doing what would be intended. As in, it still looks like pretty much linear movement.
No, sorry -- that's not a mod . . . that's a DIY project that involves a complete teardown, a rebuild of the electrical elements, and modification of the hardware itself, all of which ultimately voids your warranty, and potentially renders your T500 pedals unusable for console applications if you have to go with a separate stand-alone USB circuit board to pull it all together electrically.

For that kind of effort, when you take into consideration the limitations imposed by the T500 pedal design, I'd say you would almost be better off trying to do a scratch-built set of pedals based on the CST design. Yes, it is do-able, but as with my load cell mod, there will be compromises required to make the new elements work with the existing hardware at the very least.

Also, that's not a hydraulic brake cylinder -- that's a pneumatic setup with a single pneumatic cylinder, which involves air only and no oil or hydraulic fluid.

actually thats my system that i did,and it is indeed hydraulic using silicone oil and air for compression.
you could just wire the pt direct to the t500 pedal connection board but since the t500 only outputs 3.3v and the pt is designed to work best at 5v(same as the loadcell) then its best to use a leo board for connection,much better resolution.

i made a loadcell version before but at 3.3v the sensitivity wasnt good,same with the pt at 3.3v..5v is much better
actually thats my system that i did,and it is indeed hydraulic using silicone oil and air for compression.
you could just wire the pt direct to the t500 pedal connection board but since the t500 only outputs 3.3v and the pt is designed to work best at 5v(same as the loadcell) then its best to use a leo board for connection,much better resolution.

i made a loadcell version before but at 3.3v the sensitivity wasnt good,same with the pt at 3.3v..5v is much better

Could you repost what you posted in the iracing forums? I'm really intrigued by this, but don't have access to the iracing forums since I'm not an active member at the moment.
actually thats my system that i did,and it is indeed hydraulic using silicone oil and air for compression.
you could just wire the pt direct to the t500 pedal connection board but since the t500 only outputs 3.3v and the pt is designed to work best at 5v(same as the loadcell) then its best to use a leo board for connection,much better resolution.

i made a loadcell version before but at 3.3v the sensitivity wasnt good,same with the pt at 3.3v..5v is much better

Ah, thanks for the clarification, David -- I didn't bother to look up your old post on iRacing and I thought I recalled that you were working with a pneumatic cylinder.

Still involves some semi-significant modification of the existing hardware (drilling holes in the pedal assembly), so not really a mod for the faint of heart, and it looks to me like you can no longer use the pedals in inverted ("GT" style) mode with the mod due to rear clearance issues.
actually if you added say 10mm spacers on the rubber feet you can use it inverted,its just the back of the cylinder scrapes the floor normally,you would also need to add some chequer plate for your feet to rest.

yes its not for the fainthearted to make but well worth it.

i have made 4-5 sets of pedals over the years all hydraulic,some hanging style,some using pedal boxes and 3 sets of t500 hydraulic ones as above..i love the t500 ones out of them all,they are rock solid pedals and a great base to mod.
Xbone get the TX PS4 owners get this? But I still have hopes a sucessor the T500 will come soon.
Kaz said the problem with GT6 physics is that they're "too real", so using one of those fancy FFB wheels to compensate for a game's inadequacies is unnecessary, unlike Forza and all those wannabe PC simulators. Because GT6 is The Real Driving Simulator, the only controllers necessary for a full simulation experience are a Dual Shock 4 or non-FFB steering wheel.
Kaz said the problem with GT6 physics is that they're "too real", so using one of those fancy FFB wheels to compensate for a game's inadequacies is unnecessary, unlike Forza and all those wannabe PC simulators. Because GT6 is The Real Driving Simulator, the only controllers necessary for a full simulation experience are a Dual Shock 4 or non-FFB steering wheel.
Joke right. Do you have the quote and context :-)
Kaz said the problem with GT6 physics is that they're "too real", so using one of those fancy FFB wheels to compensate for a game's inadequacies is unnecessary, unlike Forza and all those wannabe PC simulators. Because GT6 is The Real Driving Simulator, the only controllers necessary for a full simulation experience are a Dual Shock 4 or non-FFB steering wheel.
Even if you're trying to be funny this makes no sense whatsoever considering GT6 is for PS3 and that wheel is for PS4. :)
Kaz said the problem with GT6 physics is that they're "too real", so using one of those fancy FFB wheels to compensate for a game's inadequacies is unnecessary, unlike Forza and all those wannabe PC simulators. Because GT6 is The Real Driving Simulator, the only controllers necessary for a full simulation experience are a Dual Shock 4 or non-FFB steering wheel.
Complete bollocks!

I think Kaz at some point defended the audio of the GT franchise by saying the sounds are too real and not the bass enhanced simulated stuff of Forza etc. which to most people actually sounds better.
Check this out:

I discovered that the T500RS does, in fact, have on-the-fly degrees of rotation adjustment! Here is how you do it:

The available options are 270, 540, 900, and 1080 degrees:

So what you do is press the "MODE" button along with either Left or Right on the D-Pad (Left to go to the next step down, and right to go to the next step up, and it does loop [go from 1080 to 270])

Hope this is of use to you guys!

Credit goes to BlazingGlory53 on the ISR forums.
I don't know why people don't post these things on the appropriate topic.


Reportedly nothing has changed, it's only a repackaging with GT6 branding. Wonder if they finally got rid of the infamous Version "V5" tag and if in fact nothing has changed?

*Puts on tinfoil hat*
There was an Italian on one of the other racing sites who went to a video game event and talked to TM employees where they had the TX setup for Forza. Everything he said he was told about the TX came to be true. Apparently the employees also told him the rebranded T500RS will have "minor" internal changes. That could mean anything, of course.
Check this out:

Credit goes to BlazingGlory53 on the ISR forums.
That's me :D (I adopted the BlazingGlory53 name in 2012 for online use) Thanks for the credit :) I just got the T500RS on Wednesday. It was actually in the user manual.

One thing worth noting is that you'll need to adjust the DoR every time you get in the car on PC simulators (I don't have a PS3 anymore to test)
That's me :D (I adopted the BlazingGlory53 name in 2012 for online use) Thanks for the credit :) I just got the T500RS on Wednesday. It was actually in the user manual.

One thing worth noting is that you'll need to adjust the DoR every time you get in the car on PC simulators (I don't have a PS3 anymore to test)

Certainly! I'm not one to steal credit for something I didn't do / find out. :)

Say, aren't you one of the guys that raced with the TPRA back in GT5P days on the official PS forums? With Moose and MsterGT and those fellas?
Not even 24hrs after I ordered a DFGT to act as a stop-gap wheel until the official GT6 was announced. Typical. Damn you ThrustMaster! :mad:
At least they didn't downgrade it any. Probably didn't want to resubmit it for testing before getting it back on the market. I think tho this is the first time the same wheel has been the "official" Gran Turismo wheel two games in a row.
-Requires firmware V40 or higher-

The T500 RS racing wheel and the relevant SDK (Software Development Kit) are issued
to major PlayStation®3 game development studios to ensure full compatibility with
forthcoming releases.
The T500 RS SDK enables PlayStation®3 game development teams to configure and
manage Force Feedback effects.
The SDK includes the ability to adjust the wheel's angle of rotation from 40 to 1080°.
Individual development teams are therefore able to adjust and define wheel rotation
angles according to their own preferences.
The wheel automatically adjusts to choices made by development teams.

However, it is also possible to manually change the angle of rotation selected by default.

To do so, simultaneously press (and release):

 “D-Pad Right” + “MODE button” to increase the angle of rotation by one step

 “D-Pad Left” + “MODE button” to decrease the angle of rotation by one step

5 possible settings
LED status
270° Flashes 1 time
360° Flashes 2 times
540° Flashes 3 times
900° Flashes 4 times
1080° Flashes 5 times
270° Flashes 1 time
Etc… Etc…


 Changing the angle of rotation manually does not permanently save the change = you
must repeat the procedure each time the game restarts.

 This tip will not function properly in some games (such as GRAN TURISMO® 5)
which adjust or modify the angle of rotation at startup or at the restart of each race,
according to the type of car being used.

Does anyone know if the wheel set-up menu in GT6 has been expanded in anyway to enable more defined ffb adjustments etc?
There was an Italian on one of the other racing sites who went to a video game event and talked to TM employees where they had the TX setup for Forza. Everything he said he was told about the TX came to be true. Apparently the employees also told him the rebranded T500RS will have "minor" internal changes. That could mean anything, of course.
I think internal changes will mean Brushless motors(with new DC/DC converter). Xbox one wheel has them and I think it is likely they hare unifying top class wheel internals for cheaper production costs. This would of course mean that changes are not minor :)
There was an Italian on one of the other racing sites who went to a video game event and talked to TM employees where they had the TX setup for Forza. Everything he said he was told about the TX came to be true. Apparently the employees also told him the rebranded T500RS will have "minor" internal changes. That could mean anything, of course.

cheers from Italy ! ;)
I can confirm no changes for this's only rebranded with firmware update...

Not sure if this is the reason why, but I went to the store today to buy my first sim wheel. I was planning on spending 250 for a G27, and when I got there I saw tons of t500rs. All for 149.99. I immediately bought 2 and left. It's the white box and says gt5, unlike the pic posted a few pages back.

Is something wrong with this thing?
Not sure if this is the reason why, but I went to the store today to buy my first sim wheel. I was planning on spending 250 for a G27, and when I got there I saw tons of t500rs. All for 149.99. I immediately bought 2 and left. It's the white box and says gt5, unlike the pic posted a few pages back.

Is something wrong with this thing?

What? are you serious? Are you absolutely certain you bought a T500RS? If so, you might have just gotten the deal of the century... twice!
Wow. I wouldn't be surprised if you went back and found the price has been adjusted. That has to be a mistake. Congratulations... you bought 2 wheels for half of its MSRP.