GT4 PhotoMode Competition: Week 24

  • Thread starter Slick6
"Midnight Club", eh? I know it's probably ludacris to go up against alpha, but hey, maybe you'll like both and I can at least be a top 20 :) (whatever happened to the top 5 honourable mentions?) Anyway, my rendition of "Midnight Club", DUB edition ;)



You seem to have forgotten to post the thumbnail of your photo agent kri.
It is required.
Yes you can.
The competition runs for two more days.

Having a preview image and two honorable mentions is not allowed. It says so in the rules.
Either have a preview image or two honorable mentions thumbnails. :)
DeLoreanBrown, please remove your preview image and honorable mentions and replace them with either one preview image 400*300 in size, or two thumbnail sized honorable mentions.

Warning #1.
Div is back
Why is your pic so jaggy pixelated? Or maybe it's the reflections on the wheels that gets to my eyes.

because image shack is resizing it to fit your resolution.
if you click it... the uglyness will go away.