3D3 Racing: WRS-based races moved to new WRS sub-forum!

  • Thread starter WRP001
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Today's practice for the Weds Forest race will start in my lobby, GTP_Hydro.

It may move back to WRP001's lobby at some point, but we will get a chance to see if all drivers are visible in mine first.

Tomorrow's practice will be in GTP_Hydro's lobby as well.

NA Race Practice (Today): 5PM Pacific / 8PM Eastern / 12AM GMT
EU Race Practice (Tomorrow): 12PM Pacific / 3PM Eastern / 7PM GMT

Any driver is welcome to drive in either practice slot.
The practice rooms will be set up to run a 10 lap race if the drivers should choose to run a practice race.
If you join the room and a mini - race is in session, the longest you will have to wait is about 10 minutes until it is open practice again. 👍
Count me in for the NA race.

Just a question does it matter if I don't have a mic ?

👍 tres bien.

Plenty of drivers don't have mics and that's fine. The stewards use mics to coordinate the drivers pre-race and during the formation lap. During the race everyone tries to keep radio silence except when it's required to alert drivers to an issue or give notices (e.g. pits open / pits closed).

If you have a keyboard or chat pad it could be useful if you want to ask a question or communicate something during the pre-race, but you can also use the standard controller to type out a message.
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Just advanced notice, I never got past 10 laps ran for the WRS :( so I'll start wherever you guys point me, no worries.👍
Just advanced notice, I never got past 10 laps ran for the WRS :( so I'll start wherever you guys point me, no worries.👍

I was going to post about that scenario and the same rule applies for any driver who didn't compete in the WRS this week. You are still invited and qualify for the race and you have two options for qualification / starting position:
  1. Submit a time with replay here on the thread and you'll be placed wherever that time puts you. (You don't need to submit to WRS in case you are worried about any handicap impacts.)
  2. Don't submit a time and start at the back of the grid.
If you submit a time please try to post it before midnight Eastern Time on Tuesday so we have time to verify the lap (if we deem necessary). Obviously run the lap just as it if were the WRS with the same rules, etc. If the replay is in PAL format we'll ask for a volunteer to review the replay on Wednesday as all the 3D3 stewards are in NTSC regions.

We plan to use the WRS as a qualifier for the majority of future events (not all, but most if GT5 can't get the quali issues fixed) and this will be the standard procedure.
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I was going to post about that scenario and the same rule applies for any driver who didn't compete in the WRS this week. You are still invited to the race.

You have two options:

  1. Submit a time with replay here on the thread and you'll be placed wherever that time puts you. Please try to post before midnight Eastern Time on Tuesday so we have time to verify your lap.
  2. Don't submit a time and start at the back of the grid.
I should be able to get some kind of time up by then, it won't be pretty though. :lol:
I ran some sessions to tune the car, but never got into competitive range on lap times, so did not post in the WRS thread.

I have a clean hotlap saved, so will post up my time and replay after WRS deadline has passed.
I just saw the results, just start me at the back. :lol:
I'll need some practice to be competitive this week. :scared:
Note: In case multiple drivers don't have a qualification time, they will both start at the back and order between them will be based on current WRS handicap as shown in the GTP_Registry thread.
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This is the setup I'll use online:

It's a mix of LeftyWright69's , Vagabond's and my settings.
I did 1'13.086 in Hydro's lounge. (with manual transmission)

Weds Forest online
Lexus Weds Sport IS350 '08 / Deep Forest Raceway

372 BHP / 1150kg 555 PP

DF 35/60

First set Final Gear to 5.500 and then max speed to 180 km/h /all the way to left
And then set the gears as follows:
Final 3.800

LSD 5/16/9



brakes 6/10

Racing Hard tyres

ABS 10

Active Steering strong

Trying to keep Speedy off your tail? 💡



I thought I fixed that... Sorry... will fix.

Yes, big time bummer about Spa being delayed for NA. Which one of you EU guys is going to host a practice session later this week? :sly:

Good practice session tonight. Quite a few 10 lap races. Nobody was able to trip any penalties anywhere so we are probably going to turn them off this week. There were some weird ghost passing issues and since they aren't serving any purpose might as well remove that variable. Lapped cars will have to be extra aware of the blue flag when lead lap cars approach.
This is the setup I'll use online:

It's a mix of LeftyWright69's , Vagabond's and my settings.
I did 1'13.086 in Hydro's lounge. (with manual transmission)


Thanks for posting your setup Pekka :cheers:
I'm dying to give it a try in the EU practice today, after seeing how fast you were in yesterday's session.
Did you install the chassis reinforcement?
I ran the same setup online as in the WRS (mostly Chris' with some minor tweaks). I don't know a thing about tuning though so try at your own risk. :sly:



Full DF, 5/8 BB, transmission I'd have to check in-game but nothing special, hitting 7100rpm in 6th right at the start/finish line.

Ran a 1'12.9 on a full tank and a best of 1'12.702 after a pit stop (~3/4 fuel). Really slippery on lap 1 and 2, because of the front tire wear it's easy to go as many laps as you like - they just get slower and slower :)
I don't know a thing about tuning though so try at your own risk. :sly:

Well you certainly know a thing or two about going fast 👍
Looks like today's practice session is going to turn into a tuner shoot-out for me :D
Thanks Jonas!
This will probibly be an off week for me after the last two barn burners, I'll post something but it looks like "W" is going to represent well for D3. The track is to simple and my interest need to be aplied to lagging projects. Go Getum 👍
OK. Here are the pre-race procedures and formation lap instructions. Please read and ask any questions or voice your concerns today if possible. This same procedure will be used for any future event that uses WRS for quali and a formation lap.

Race Procedures for Weds Forest.


The goal of the pre-race "drivers meeting" is to organize the formation lap so it's as seemless as possible and do it fairly quickly so we can spend our time racing. We want to make sure every driver understands the procedure and in particular the driver on pole and the last car on the grid. We'll also try to correct or at least account for any invisible driver issues. Worst case scenario is the lead lap car has invisibility issues with the 2nd place car. We may take special steps if that ends up being the case as it caused an "interesting" start at Monaco in the NA race.

Be prompt and in the lounge and on track at the latest 5 past the hour. Practice (optional) will be open at least an hour before the race start so join early if possible so we can identify any instances of invisible driver well before the official pre-race procedures begin. As you are driving around in practice a Marshall will perform an occasional verbal role call of drivers listed so you can compare with your own list and make sure everyone is visible to you on track. If not you'll will be asked to point out who is invisible to you.


At 10 past the hour we'll ask drivers with invisibility issues to exit the lounge, log back in and reenter the track. Other drivers will be asked to proceed to the pits and hit start upon enterring the pits AND remain in the pits. Do not exit to the main lounge or exit onto the track. As the invisible drivers re-enter the track and leave the pits we'll be able to confirm if the invisible issue is fixed or not and deal with that accordingly during the formation lap.

At 15 past the hour (or as soon as all drivers are in the pits and logged back into the lounge) a Marshal will give a brief review of the start and rolling lap procedures, review the official qualification order and then being the race countdown timer. Remember, it doesn't matter where you start on the grid so we won't be taking any extra time to stage pit exit to manage the grid order.

When the race countdown completes the lounge will shift to race mode and you will find yourself on the starting grid. Apply full brakes and no throttle and remain stopped in your grid spot until instructed to exit. At the end of the timer a start Marshall will instruct the pole sitter to exit the grid and proceed to the reformation area:

The last turn marker (25m) prior to turn 1:

The pole sitter should come to a complete stop at the reformation area as shown in the photo. The start Marshall will then verbally release each driver from the grid individually in qualification order. Each subsequent driver should park in single file a car length behind the car in front. When all cars are lined up the pole sitter will be instructed to begin the formation lap at a safe speed and all drivers should follow maintaining a safe gap.

The lead driver will continue around the track and maintain a safe predictable pace. All following drivers are expected to do the same, but can speed up a little if they need to catch up. Safe tire warming procedures are allowed during the formation lap. If you crash or go off track trying to warm your tires in an unsafe manner you will be sent to the rear of the field.

As the pole sitter approaches the final section of the lap he should slow (not stop) to allow the other cars to close ranks. For this track, that should start around the start of Sector 3 when exiting the tunnel. Start this process early and slow gradually to about 50 mph / 80 kmh and do not come to a complete stop unless specifically instructed to do so. Closing ranks gradually and smoothly will prevent an exaggerated accordion effect at the rear of the field. Do NOT wait until just before the final corner to begin the slow down. A Marshall in the in the field will announce if the pack is getting too spread out.

When the lead driver completes the final turn, and starts down the start / finish straight, he is to maintain his "slow" speed until a Marshall clears him verbally to accelerate. The "clear" signal will be given once the last car clears the final corner and is inline with the other drivers. All other drivers must follow the car in front of them, in a single file, maintaining their gap, speed, and order until the race officially starts.

Once the lead driver is given the "clear" signal it is up to him to determine when to accelerate to race speed and signal the official start of the race. He can do so anytime after the verbal signal and before crossing the start/finish line. Other drivers are to accelerate only after the driver in front of them accelerates and there is no passing whatsoever until the lead car has crossed the Start / Finish line.

Jumping the start, leaving room to accelerate in a slingshot fashion, or any other pre-start technique(s) are strictly forbidden.
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This will probibly be an off week for me after the last two barn burners, I'll post something but it looks like "W" is going to represent well for D3. The track is to simple and my interest need to be aplied to lagging projects. Go Getum 👍

Are you talking about the HSR event next week or Deep Forest?

I did submit a WRS time,:sly:

Yes you did... Missed it the first time. Sorry about that and corrected. 👍
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For any of you wondering... we're not going to be running the Formula Gran Turismo @ HSR Reverse next week for our 3D3 race. It's just too fast to run around other cars and too much potential for carnage. Instead, we've picked an event from the WRS archives (not too far in the past). It's already been chosen so you'll just have to wait until Thursday and the event post to find out. :sly:
For any of you wondering... we're not going to be running the Formula Gran Turismo @ HSR Reverse next week for our 3D3 race. It's just too fast to run around other cars and too much potential for carnage. Instead, we've picked an event from the WRS archives (not too far in the past). It's already been chosen so you'll just have to wait until Thursday and the event post to find out. :sly:

Good plan 👍 Any ideas which week or is it a lucky dip?
Good plan 👍 Any ideas which week or is it a lucky dip?

Two of of the three 3D3 stewards have cast their vote and we're waiting for the third to decide whether to use his veto rights, but he's busy practicing online now I think. :lol:

Vagabond, I can tell you that you did run that week, but not sure that eliminates much suspense though given I can't find a week you didn't participate. :sly:
Too fast... Potential for carnage... I don't see what the problem is!

ps. There's a new time to beat in Hydro's lounge :sly:
Hehe :P, I've missed 10 weeks since GT5 WRS started... 4, 12, 18, 20, 21, 24, 28, 29, 32, and 34. Some combos I'm just no good at and sometimes I'm just too busy... or distracted. :sly:

ps. There's a new time to beat in Hydro's lounge :sly:

Give me a few minutes and I'll pop in. :)
Good plan 👍 Any ideas which week or is it a lucky dip?

Well, I've just cast my vote, and it looks like we all (3D3 guys) agree on the event. (our votes always end up the same - Unanimous, with no arguments - 3D3 = UN :lol:)
We just need to sort out a few details to make sure it is setup properly.

We'll announce the race on Thursday, as per usual, and the only hint I can give for now is: 🤬

In the meantime, Weds Forest is calling....:D

(Selfish, wickedly off topic ;))EDIT: - It never occured to me to ask, but if anyone goes online to test out Spa could you please (Super Pretty Please) drop a post so the Sony Geographically Challenged can give it a run? 👍 :D
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Hehe :P, I've missed 10 weeks since GT5 WRS started... 4, 12, 18, 20, 21, 24, 28, 29, 32, and 34. Some combos I'm just no good at and sometimes I'm just too busy... or distracted. :sly:

Next hint, Chris: You got 7th in your division on the combo we selected. :dopey: Narrows it, a *little*, eh? ;)

EDIT: I'm about 80% for the EU race, can't wait, and hope I can swing it. 👍 Have a feeling I'll be getting lapped though :nervous:
EDIT: I'm about 80% for the EU race, can't wait, and hope I can swing it. 👍 Have a feeling I'll be getting lapped though :nervous:

👍 Awesome.

I'll be there for the Wed. race I got my threads mixed up, I was refering to SRR :)

Good. Wouldn't be the same without you Lefty.

@Hydro -- We had discussed turning off penalties based on the EU practice today. I say we turn them off for this event since there are no real cutting areas and we'll just have to manage lapped traffic as they won't ghost.
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