• RetroGiant • Photography Gallery • Mar 8 •

  • Thread starter RetroGiant
United States
Midnight City

Looking forward to diving into the photomode more. Still trying to figure out the best settings that match what I see on my tv screen and what I see on my monitor. Thanks for stopping by!

October 12th
Fiat Abarth 500





Nice! Glad to see you around here, RG, and really like the start; you've nailed the realism settings. I'm still trying to get to grips with the Photomode - I really miss GT's camera-based setup, since I could make sense of it. This seems aimed at the average joe, which I understand the point of, but still...

Anywho, can't wait to see more from you 👍
Thanks for the comments once again guys! Really appreciate it!
Got some time in last night, done some, quick little "paints" on these two, uploaded them to the storefront. I think someone actually download one too so that was cool, first for me :).
Anyways, big update. All these are straight stock shots.















How is the photo-mode this time round? The images seem a lot better, no mad compression like in the last game!
Thanks for the comments guys!
How is the photo-mode this time round? The images seem a lot better, no mad compression like in the last game!
Not nearly as bad as last year. I think we can work some good photos this time around!

Here is a bonus shot I just got done editing.

Lol, I hear ya, I've got the game but hardly have anytime to play it. I've just been staying up really late just to get an hour in to play and then suffer the rest of the day at work being tired.
Thanks Evian!

Here is one more shot I didn't care for but edited it some and decided to post it up.

Shots are looking great. I'm loving that 300. How did you do that black paint so cleanly? I tried to do it today and it took me forever, and its really hard to make it look crisp. Any tips?
Nice work RG looking forwards to more 👍
Thanks man, glad to see you over here!
The second Abarth pic and the last Z pic are probably my favorites. They look absolutely outstanding.
Thanks for the kind words!

Damn, that last MR2 shot is awesome!
I wasn't even going to post that shot but seems its getting some of the most attention. Thanks again!
Really liking the 300Z shots.👍
Thanks Justin, its one of my favorite cars!
Shots are looking great. I'm loving that 300. How did you do that black paint so cleanly? I tried to do it today and it took me forever, and its really hard to make it look crisp. Any tips?
I just did a lot of straight black lines and then at the top of them I made sure not to really scale much since that produces the jaggies. Also it helped that there is a body line/molding there. I'm not much of a painter at all though. But little things like that I consider a victory for me lol. I like to keep them super simple. Thanks again!
The pictures posted so far look good. I especially like the M3 set, because of the different angles and the lighting effects. They look very realistic. 👍
Looks really good Apex! Thanks for the download!

Thanks -S4-, I really appreciate it!!

Here is just a one shot update, didn't really take photos this weekend, I just mainly played the game, shocker I know lol. But I found this really nice paint job for my Abarth.

The paint job is nice indeed! I like the camera angle (even though it may not seem too spectacular at first glance!), because it supports the 'natural' feel of the picture. Lighting and focus are good, too, thus there is nothing to complain about. :P
Being the BMW fan that I am, I really, really dig your set of the E36. Some great shots - and that simplistic livery looks really good on it, too 👍