• Thread starter DrifTa-AJV
I do that but it still doesn't appear, I have to replace the multiplayer.ini file each time I start it up.

How do you do that I can find driftbox server no probs but I can never enter the track says that I cant race with other types of cars and I get the multiplayer.ini error msg
How do you do that I can find driftbox server no probs but I can never enter the track says that I cant race with other types of cars and I get the multiplayer.ini error msg

It's in the readme that you downloaded with the mod, if you open the rar the file should be there.

But put simply you have to go into AppData and find your rF profile.
It's in the readme that you downloaded with the mod, if you open the rar the file should be there.
But put simply you have to go into AppData and find your rF profile.

ohhhh maaaaaannnn I downloaded that 3 gb installer pack direct from the youtube channel couldn't figure out what you were going on about 11gb now I have to download the final 8gb from jdmfactor Good on me :crazy:

probably running the old driftbox v1 👎

oh well 3 hours of practice before I update it
also try these if you don't have them
http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=Sports Drift Tire Physics AKA Ryans tires
https://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=HDR Mod ENB for rFactor and RBR ENB shades and texture pack makes the graphics a little better
http://rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=Custom+FFB+Mod Ryans custom ffb

really good mods
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Hahaha Akagi Downhill is nothing compared Usui Touge, Here's a run with my RB26 Powered Type X 180 :sly:

Car didn't sound to bad, nice track and nice run, didn't like the car that much personally. Good work though, now I want to see more cars.
It's because they don't have drift rooms anymore, sucks a lot.

Its because pd sucks at giving us content I dont think we will see any new stuff soon GT5 all over again :(

On another note I may drag my rig over to the tv for some action tonight but I don't know im just having so much dam fun on rfactor.
Its amazing how a group of enthusiasts can make such good content yet programmers that get paid to do it cant even keep us entertained.
@ShootDaCar get that pc fixed mate
Its because pd sucks at giving us content I dont think we will see any new stuff soon GT5 all over again :(

On another note I may drag my rig over to the tv for some action tonight but I don't know im just having so much dam fun on rfactor.
Its amazing how a group of enthusiasts can make such good content yet programmers that get paid to do it cant even keep us entertained.
@ShootDaCar get that pc fixed mate
Busy, need to ring my dads mate, He hasn't been around.
This is about as far as Im going to go with this skin. Any ways here it is doing a quick run down Akagi.
@Stavingo I tried to make it more jdm D1 style but got sick of editing logos in Photo Shop.
Sorry about the frame rate I dropped it to lower the file size

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I'm moving my rig back over to the T.V and updating GT6. So I will be on tonight and maybe this afternoon if anyone is keen to have a slide. This is going to be a hard transition from RFactor back to GT physics.:rolleyes:
I'm moving my rig back over to the T.V and updating GT6. So I will be on tonight and maybe this afternoon if anyone is keen to have a slide. This is going to be a hard transition from RFactor back to GT physics.:rolleyes:

I know that feel, doesn't help that I haven't touched anything in awhile hahaha

I should be on this afternoon for racing or sliding but probably gonna go out at about 530-6