1.16 General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter FoRiZon
Midfield is just awesome. One track where I absolutly love driving lower PP/HP cars. 10/10

Not really into B-Spec, somy feelings are neutral.

The Mini is ok, just another VGT. Does look cool, though.

Spoiler painting is fun but, I just tried to make a C7.R..IT LOOKS HORRIBLE! :crazy: I hope they'll let us paint the individual parts of the wing at some point, aswell as someone mentioned in this thread about painting mirrors and such. Plz Kaz!

Other than that, I quite like the update. Nothing huge besides Midfield, but just enough to rekindle intrest in GT6.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a race on Midfield to run...
Ahhhhhhh Midfield Raceway, PD has done thee well :cheers:

Broke out the G27 and did a few laps in the S206 Impreza. One thing that really struck me was the vibrance and liveliness of the track. Also the lighting I rate is on point!

I think PD should follow that kinda route when it comes more to track design, it works I say, even though Midfield is an old but refreshed track.
I just noticed that there are cows by the barn on midfield. Was this in GT4's version?

Also noticed that you can't change the audio settings while on the pause menu in B-Spec mode, unlike A-Spec. :banghead:
I really don't like that Bob gives up after he crashes... they need to patch that.

Also what is the actual holdup for putting endurance races in now? It would add so much to the game!
Well, you could save your race progress when entering the pits and continue that race the next time you started up GT5. This feature is missing from GT6, so it's unfair to force people to complete a 4-hour/8-hour/24-hour race in one sitting. Hopefully, that pit stop save feature is being worked on.
had to delete the game data, so I've to redownload it again..
what about the 1.15 hotfix? last time it's been downloaded from the ingame menu, but what about now?
are we going to download all the updates up to 1.16 and download the hotfix from the game menu then? or will the hotfix (1.15-2) be downloaded together with 1.15-1?
I really do need this to race on midfield.

Plus 15 other colored ones. Like now.
or they can just give us a base model so we can paint them how we want + the rest of the V8 field while they're at it.

The paintable wings is a great little customisation feature, I'd love if they could top this by adding the same option for the mirrors/roof/bodykit. :D
And don't forget to mention the ability to paint rear wings on each Base Models and also every wings GT6 has since the begining. That would be really nice since some wings are cooler than the custom ones.

I hope they'll let us paint the individual parts of the wing at some point

Yes, that would be much better than what we can do currently, because sometimes I find myself wishing I could paint the rear wing endplate with a different color, while the wing would be the same color as the car or the other way around.

Especially for base model cars, I was hoping that I'd be able to paint their rear wings as well, but it turns out that we can't so it's a bit disappointing. the Base Model car concept was a really great idea, but I feel like it has been left out since the game came out, we don't get base models for cars like the Toyota ts003 for exemple.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still happy that we got that option to paint our rear wings.
Seriously how do we let PD know that this is a feature that is very highly desired? There seems to be more than enough interest. How do we get their attention?
I'm pretty sure they know that Endurance racing is wanted but they also probably know that their ai system is not up to par to make an endurance race anywhere near fun.
Ofcourse there are no physics changes in the latest update. As always we have guys, playing a game after a break, and feeling things that do not exist. This has happened pretty much after every update. Placebo and nothing more.

Then my tuning of car had to be just placebo too.
I had rear lift up problem on few cars, and it just fixed itself after yesterday, and I spent only 500km during tuning those.
Hard to understand why body has started move also in visible way differently too, rear goes lower, stays there longer etc. (On replay)
I'm gonna call my placebo optician and ask what's wrong with me.

P.S. And i have just ran my usuall tests and ofcourse, no changes to acceleration and top speed physics. Still unrealistic and broken.

Could you tell me what these usual tests are, so I can start use them too?

Don't take personally.
I'm absolutely LOVING Midfield Raceway. Lighting, and setup are a lot better to me! I can't stay off the track!
Not really a huge fan of VGT but the Mini is a good looking car though.
I do like the feature of being able to paint custom made spoilers. Very grateful for that.
However, B-Spec mode was one of the modes I was really looking forward to. B-Spec mode really disappointed me. I have already completed the game and the races are not fairly hard, so using it to win races seems pointless to me. I was hoping you could have a career with drivers again like in GT5, but I saw no new menu setup. Then I thought that I'd be able to toggle drivers (A-Spec)/(B-Spec) in the pit. Can't do that either. Having completed most of the game, B-Spec is utterly pointless and a waste of time. I do not mean to complain, but I feel like Polyphony really halfed this feature and just put it in the way they did just to say they withheld their promise. HOPEFULLY they'll elaborate on this feature, have a great track maker, and bring back Seattle because by the way it's looking financially for me, I won't be getting a PS4 anytime soon so I will not be able to obtain GT7 upon release. Overall I love the update, only thing I don't really like is the lacking B-Spec mode.
Sorry for the long post.
Well after what was a long night of re downloading 14gb of updates and testing GT6 installs from 1.00, 1.03, 1.06, 1.12, 1.15 and 1.16 I can co firm the following.

There were some force feedback changes included that perhaps are "more" than the release notes state. I read in the release notes that in fact they made changes to the force feedback of the red bull cars. However I believe this Change has made a slight amendment to the FFB of more cars than is officially stated (which is a great thing).

After further comprehensive testing I have also been able to exactly figure out what the sliders do, what relation they have to each other, and how they impact the way in which we drive the car.

I tested a combination of the following:
FFB T - 1
And then tested the range of the FFB S - 1/10

I did this for
FFB T - 2
And tested FFB S - 1/10

And so on...
I also did the reverse, I then tested the reverse in the mirrored direction to the original test and also tested this in numerous cars.

My main test was done in a FOCUS ST (as I own one) and I then went out to the car park, got in my car and did some testing.

I took my car to full lock to the left, drove at 5mph on a completely flat surface and measured exactly how many degrees of rotation my car took before self correcting.

I then went into GT6 and using my CSW V2 I was able to dial in settings that almost perfectly mirror my cars self ce tearing forces (for that particular example)

I then drove my car down the road (whilst on my way to the shops) to see at what speed I can safely remove my hands from the wheel before any oscillation begins to take hold. To be honest, I got no oscillation at any any speed without hands on the wheel. So I can confirm that on a dual carriage way, my car, has 0 (well incredibly minor and nearly noticeable, certainly not affecting the steering of the car etc or bouncing) oscillation. With no hands on the wheel I was able to drive in a straight line without concerne for a considerable length of time.

So upon my return, I also tested the settings of GT6 but bizarrely was unable to get GT6 to not oscillate? Even when motionless... I tested other cars, other tracks, then went back to my base test.... I was then able to dial out a large proportation of the oscillation, but by doing so, it removed my setting for the correct self centering...


I have now successfully dialled in settings that correlate exactly to a Focus ST in terms of oscillation, self entering, weight and torque in corners and absolutely 0 oscillation :)


So I'm back to racing GT6 and enjoying it immensely :)
Well after what was a long night of re downloading 14gb of updates and testing GT6 installs from 1.00, 1.03, 1.06, 1.12, 1.15 and 1.16 I can co firm the following.

There were some force feedback changes included that perhaps are "more" than the release notes state. I read in the release notes that in fact they made changes to the force feedback of the red bull cars. However I believe this Change has made a slight amendment to the FFB of more cars than is officially stated (which is a great thing).

After further comprehensive testing I have also been able to exactly figure out what the sliders do, what relation they have to each other, and how they impact the way in which we drive the car.

I tested a combination of the following:
FFB T - 1
And then tested the range of the FFB S - 1/10

I did this for
FFB T - 2
And tested FFB S - 1/10

And so on...
I also did the reverse, I then tested the reverse in the mirrored direction to the original test and also tested this in numerous cars.

My main test was done in a FOCUS ST (as I own one) and I then went out to the car park, got in my car and did some testing.

I took my car to full lock to the left, drove at 5mph on a completely flat surface and measured exactly how many degrees of rotation my car took before self correcting.

I then went into GT6 and using my CSW V2 I was able to dial in settings that almost perfectly mirror my cars self ce tearing forces (for that particular example)

I then drove my car down the road (whilst on my way to the shops) to see at what speed I can safely remove my hands from the wheel before any oscillation begins to take hold. To be honest, I got no oscillation at any any speed without hands on the wheel. So I can confirm that on a dual carriage way, my car, has 0 (well incredibly minor and nearly noticeable, certainly not affecting the steering of the car etc or bouncing) oscillation. With no hands on the wheel I was able to drive in a straight line without concerne for a considerable length of time.

So upon my return, I also tested the settings of GT6 but bizarrely was unable to get GT6 to not oscillate? Even when motionless... I tested other cars, other tracks, then went back to my base test.... I was then able to dial out a large proportation of the oscillation, but by doing so, it removed my setting for the correct self centering...


I have now successfully dialled in settings that correlate exactly to a Focus ST in terms of oscillation, self entering, weight and torque in corners and absolutely 0 oscillation :)


So I'm back to racing GT6 and enjoying it immensely :)

Could you maybe be so nice and share those perfect settings?
Could you tell me what these usual tests are, so I can start use them too?

Don't take personally.

Oh it's very easy. Just take any road going sports/super car, which is capable of doing more than 200 mph / 320 km/h. And compare it's top speed against real life data or GT5.

For example I am testing Ferraris, Lambos, Mercedes, BMW, Audi, etc. etc.

You could also compare acceleration above 250 km/h / 150 mph. You'll see the difference here too.

Also keep in mind that you may run out of gears, as the car in GT6 has this unrealistic extra 'boost'.. imagine adding extra 300HP to the engine and not changing gear ratios. Rev.limiter bouncing galore :D But there are cars which have long enough stock ratios so no need to adjust (Ford GT, MB SL 55 AMG, etc.)
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Really happy with midfield, always good to have more tracks and a great one at that.

The MINI VGT is cool but not spectacular, again new cars are always a bonus tho.

Now onto B-SPEC mode and the biggest part of the update...
I think they missed a trick here, still no proper endurance races :/ Kinda renders this mode useless for me as i have already won every race in the game anyways!! I mean the game has been out 14 months, what took so long to add this feature that was in GT4/5 from the start???

Full length endurance races with the option to switch between my B-SPEC drivers and myself during pitstops like in real life (and in GT4!!!!!!) would've made this a great update, instead its a welcome bonus but not a great one in my opinions.
1.16 Notes:

Handling is improved. I thought it was just awesome Midfield being awesome, but confirmed it elsewhere, in game and in the forum, weight transfers are now a lot more real. You can feel lighter/heavier cars, suspension travel, tires and best of all, we can now do those 4 wheel inertia drifts I love so much.

Midefield. How awesome is that track!? Couldn't stop driving it last night.

Still to test the new Mini, new paint options (nice I guess) and B-Spec. Think I'm gonna give B-Spec a try first, while I dine :)
1.16 Notes:

Handling is improved. I thought it was just awesome Midfield being awesome, but confirmed it elsewhere, in game and in the forum, weight transfers are now a lot more real. You can feel lighter/heavier cars, suspension travel, tires and best of all, we can now do those 4 wheel inertia drifts I love so much. Cars feel real!

Midfield. How awesome is that track!? Couldn't stop driving it last night. Me either!

Still to test the new Mini, new paint options (nice I guess) and B-Spec. Think I'm gonna give B-Spec a try first, while I dine :) It's a great little thing!

My two cents:

Midfield is pretty damn awesome, loved that track back in the day and cool to see it looking up-to-date and whatnot. Shame it's not in any career mode or anything where offline users can make proper use of it.

The Mini looks pretty cool, you can definitely tell that it is a Mini and not a generic, identikit Vision GT car.

B-Spec.. Meh. Was never it's biggest fan in the first place, but at least it always used to have it's own career and was some use in endurance races. Not sure I can be arsed whacking Bob in my 908 and nannying him round Le Mans for 24 whole minutes.

Paintable rear wings seems to me like a bit of a gimmick to be honest, it'll appeal to a fraction of the customer base but I suppose it's better than nothing.
Well after what was a long night of re downloading 14gb of updates and testing GT6 installs from 1.00, 1.03, 1.06, 1.12, 1.15 and 1.16 I can co firm the following.

There were some force feedback changes included that perhaps are "more" than the release notes state. I read in the release notes that in fact they made changes to the force feedback of the red bull cars. However I believe this Change has made a slight amendment to the FFB of more cars than is officially stated (which is a great thing).

After further comprehensive testing I have also been able to exactly figure out what the sliders do, what relation they have to each other, and how they impact the way in which we drive the car.

I tested a combination of the following:
FFB T - 1
And then tested the range of the FFB S - 1/10

I did this for
FFB T - 2
And tested FFB S - 1/10

And so on...
I also did the reverse, I then tested the reverse in the mirrored direction to the original test and also tested this in numerous cars.

My main test was done in a FOCUS ST (as I own one) and I then went out to the car park, got in my car and did some testing.

I took my car to full lock to the left, drove at 5mph on a completely flat surface and measured exactly how many degrees of rotation my car took before self correcting.

I then went into GT6 and using my CSW V2 I was able to dial in settings that almost perfectly mirror my cars self ce tearing forces (for that particular example)

I then drove my car down the road (whilst on my way to the shops) to see at what speed I can safely remove my hands from the wheel before any oscillation begins to take hold. To be honest, I got no oscillation at any any speed without hands on the wheel. So I can confirm that on a dual carriage way, my car, has 0 (well incredibly minor and nearly noticeable, certainly not affecting the steering of the car etc or bouncing) oscillation. With no hands on the wheel I was able to drive in a straight line without concerne for a considerable length of time.

So upon my return, I also tested the settings of GT6 but bizarrely was unable to get GT6 to not oscillate? Even when motionless... I tested other cars, other tracks, then went back to my base test.... I was then able to dial out a large proportation of the oscillation, but by doing so, it removed my setting for the correct self centering...


I have now successfully dialled in settings that correlate exactly to a Focus ST in terms of oscillation, self entering, weight and torque in corners and absolutely 0 oscillation :)


So I'm back to racing GT6 and enjoying it immensely :)
You mean you use zero/zero?
My two cents:

Midfield is pretty damn awesome, loved that track back in the day and cool to see it looking up-to-date and whatnot. Shame it's not in any career mode or anything where offline users can make proper use of it.

The Mini looks pretty cool, you can definitely tell that it is a Mini and not a generic, identikit Vision GT car.

B-Spec.. Meh. Was never it's biggest fan in the first place, but at least it always used to have it's own career and was some use in endurance races. Not sure I can be arsed whacking Bob in my 908 and nannying him round Le Mans for 24 whole minutes.

Paintable rear wings seems to me like a bit of a gimmick to be honest, it'll appeal to a fraction of the customer base but I suppose it's better than nothing.

Nice review.

Next time, use "my bitcoin" instead of "my two cents" to catch someone off guard. Two cents? That's worth nothing! Bitcoin, no one won't listen. :P
.........Tried B-spec just now....on 24 minute Le Mans. With Chappy 2X. It is somewhat barebones, but I finally got to do some work done while Bob got me 500,000+ credits. I'm pleased as a punch. Better late than never, I say, PDI!!
Re: GT6

Pre Testing:
This is a video of the kind of expereice I was having all the time on GT6 and therefore gave up.

You can see in this video, that when stationary, Car in neutral, not moving and on a flat surface, the wheel oscillates? When the car begins to move. The oscillation becomes worse, so bad the cars are un drivable for me!

Even at 20mph the oscillation on these cars (I'm in a completely standard Anniversary Focus ST) is unreasonable, unacceptable and completely unrealistic.

You can see that when the car is complexity motionless, the wheel is moving, and as I accelerate the wheel just becomes laughable.

This is a V2 CSW running Firmware 65 and the Carbon F1 rim!

BEFORE: https://vid.me/BsSV

Post Testing:
Now in the next video you can see that my steering wheel is completely motionless when the car is stationary, and as I accelerate the wheel will not oscillate even though I am going twice the speed I was before (camber will still pull the wheel etc) but the pathetic bouncy oscillation effect has been dialled out!

The bumps in the road, grass, crash torque etc all affect the wheel (as you can see) and the inputs are exact and precise! No dead zone added, no changes to the CSW v2 settings what so ever!

After my crash you can see the wheel does not try to oscillate widely (like before) when the car is motionless and ONLY reacts to the actual RAW force feedback effects such as camber, road, bumps, grass textures and all direct inputs/outputs from the wheels, car, track surface etc...

Many people believe that this oscillation is some kind of added affect? Some kind of secret sauce to get extra "road feel" etc and defend this bizarre behaviour as being intended. I have been subject to such response. Many people told me it was intended, it was realistic, it was to give "road feel" ... Well!

I can now say (without a doubt) that after some seriously intense testing, serious man hours invested (and a serious lack of sleep) and after multiple 14GB downloads and installs, testing old versions against new versions, changing setting after setting after setting (and even comparing them with my own car) with over 140GB of data downloaded, installed and tested... My conclusion is as follows:

The oscillation in GT6 IS USER ERROR and In fact is not intended for this game, in any way shape or form!

Since removing all instance of oscillation (except when expected, such as bumpy roads, fast jerky weight transfer manoeuvres etc) this game has been transformed into a seriously decent little simulation.

The GT6 wheel oscillation is an indication that your settings are incorrect, your setup is not functioning as expected, your simulation experience is compromised!

This is how the force feedback and physics should be working!

AFTER: https://vid.me/Q7ZK
Re: GT6

Pre Testing:
This is a video of the kind of expereice I was having all the time on GT6 and therefore gave up.

You can see in this video, that when stationary, Car in neutral, not moving and on a flat surface, the wheel oscillates? When the car begins to move. The oscillation becomes worse, so bad the cars are un drivable for me!

Even at 20mph the oscillation on these cars (I'm in a completely standard Anniversary Focus ST) is unreasonable, unacceptable and completely unrealistic.

You can see that when the car is complexity motionless, the wheel is moving, and as I accelerate the wheel just becomes laughable.

This is a V2 CSW running Firmware 65 and the Carbon F1 rim!

BEFORE: https://vid.me/BsSV

Post Testing:
Now in the next video you can see that my steering wheel is completely motionless when the car is stationary, and as I accelerate the wheel will not oscillate even though I am going twice the speed I was before (camber will still pull the wheel etc) but the pathetic bouncy oscillation effect has been dialled out!

The bumps in the road, grass, crash torque etc all affect the wheel (as you can see) and the inputs are exact and precise! No dead zone added, no changes to the CSW v2 settings what so ever!

After my crash you can see the wheel does not try to oscillate widely (like before) when the car is motionless and ONLY reacts to the actual RAW force feedback effects such as camber, road, bumps, grass textures and all direct inputs/outputs from the wheels, car, track surface etc...

Many people believe that this oscillation is some kind of added affect? Some kind of secret sauce to get extra "road feel" etc and defend this bizarre behaviour as being intended. I have been subject to such response. Many people told me it was intended, it was realistic, it was to give "road feel" ... Well!

I can now say (without a doubt) that after some seriously intense testing, serious man hours invested (and a serious lack of sleep) and after multiple 14GB downloads and installs, testing old versions against new versions, changing setting after setting after setting (and even comparing them with my own car) with over 140GB of data downloaded, installed and tested... My conclusion is as follows:

The oscillation in GT6 IS USER ERROR and In fact is not intended for this game, in any way shape or form!

Since removing all instance of oscillation (except when expected, such as bumpy roads, fast jerky weight transfer manoeuvres etc) this game has been transformed into a seriously decent little simulation.

The GT6 wheel oscillation is an indication that your settings are incorrect, your setup is not functioning as expected, your simulation experience is compromised!

This is how the force feedback and physics should be working!

AFTER: https://vid.me/Q7ZK
You forgot to state your current settings again :D
You forgot to state your current settings again :D

I think it will be different for everyone, my wheel is a V2 CSW so perhaps is not the same as a (alternate) wheel. My main point of doing all this, was I wasn't happy with all the nay Sayers.

So many people saying GT6 has the best physics, the bouncy wheel effect Is for extra real road feel etc... I couldn't play the game because of it, and eventually gave up n frustration :(

Until now!
I suggest if anyone is having any oscillation at all, in any respect, dial it out! If anyone HAS experienced oscillation and IS experiencing it, set me a car, track, tune, spec whatever and I'll film it and I guarantee no oscillation on my End, but will bring up telemetry displaying absolute precision.

All changes made were made by adjusting in game settings only. My wheel never changed any settings. All assists etc were not changed (all off) no car aids were added or removed etc etc etc but the difference is unbelievable! This absolutely transforms the game and the way it feels!