2011 Formula 1 Korean Grand Prix

  • Thread starter joetoml1n
Quite rightly so because I didn't think he gained anything by doing that but as I said, just odd that he went for that route. Again, thanks for the update :cheers:

I think he was showing them what layout to use instead of that stupid slow section.
Here's to Vettel passing Hamilton at turn one.

Here's to Button passing Vettel at turn 1. The McLarens have always had the better starts over the Red Bulls. Unless Lewis screws up his start, which has never happened so far all season, he'll lead it into turn 1, and more than likely stay there.
Please. One flying lap does not exonerate Hamilton from a season of sloppy mistakes. So don't go giving him too much credit - it's a start on the road to recovery, but he's still got a lot of ground to make up. It's not the "redefining moment of his career". It is, at best, the redefining moment of his month.

You're probably right, but recently, something has happened in his head. He went from blaming other drivers for his clumsiness, to apologizing for being such a dangerous and sloppy driver, to saying his teammate did the better job this season, to driving a so far mistake free weekend and taking the first non-Red Bull pole since Brazil last year. Redifining moment in his career? Probably not. Lewis Hamilton finally coming to his senses? Maybe.
Here's to Button passing Vettel at turn 1. The McLarens have always had the better starts over the Red Bulls. Unless Lewis screws up his start, which has never happened so far all season, he'll lead it into turn 1, and more than likely stay there.

But Vettel has two walls to choose from in which he'd like to shove Button in to.
But Vettel has two walls to choose from in which he'd like to shove Button in to.


I can easily see Vettel focusing so much on trying to get Lewis down into turn 1, that he'll keep his eyes off of Button, and Button will manage to slip his way past. If not at turn 1, he'll use the top speed advantage of the McLaren to get him into turn 2.
It's worth mentioning regarding Hamilton's lap that he probably had the pace for pole at Japan too were it not for the smeg-up at the last turn with Schuey and Webber. McLaren seem to be enjoying more comfortable pace at the moment. If Hamilton keeps his nose clean there's no reason he can't take the win here.
It's worth mentioning regarding Hamilton's lap that he probably had the pace for pole at Japan too were it not for the smeg-up at the last turn with Schuey and Webber. McLaren seem to be enjoying more comfortable pace at the moment. If Hamilton keeps his nose clean there's no reason he can't take the win here.

I would go as far as to say Mclaren have overtaken Red Bull on pace both over one lap and over a race distance (Whereas before they only had the advantage in race trim).

To those saying Vettel needs to prove himself in an inferior car, how about now, when a Red Bull is not on pole? (I think Mclaren are going to dominate the race, but it's up to you what you think)

I'm still betting on a Button win. Providing he gets off the start good he can only go forward from there as the Pirelli tyres suit him more than Hamilton, and we know the Mclaren is faster than the Red Bull in race trim.
To those saying Vettel needs to prove himself in an inferior car, how about now, when a Red Bull is not on pole? (I think Mclaren are going to dominate the race, but it's up to you what you think)

He did that with that epic lap of Suzuka last week. He is an epic qualifier, no doubt. Sorry, but I can't get a video of just his lap.

He's only out of form, it's not like he just returned from drug addiction or something.

The way some people have been acting on this forum and others (they know who they are) you'd think he just go off of crack cocain or something. I mean I see why Hamilton isn't happy for breaking Vettel's streak, because no matter what he does people wont be pleased. Really I want to know when it stopped being about the sport and more of tearing drivers down just for the fun of it and selling a few badly written articles...
The way some people have been acting on this forum and others (they know who they are) you'd think he just go off of crack cocain or something. I mean I see why Hamilton isn't happy for breaking Vettel's streak, because no matter what he does people wont be pleased. Really I want to know when it stopped being about the sport and more of tearing drivers down just for the fun of it and selling a few badly written articles...

For the media to start "tearing drivers down" they need to have a decent story to start with...while I agree that the media and certain people have exaggerated Lewis' lows, you can't exactly call this Lewis' finest season ever.

Media and people sticking the boot in is nothing new. Lets not start pretending Lewis is the first victim of such attention. It was only a couple of years ago when we had the opposite, the media and certain people praising Lewis to the extreme and kicking Jenson into the dust. To suggest its not about sport anymore is a little sensationalist, eh?

Though I do feel sorry in some respects for Lewis as his debut season has set a benchmark so high that he can only ever disappoint and create these stories the moment he has a bad run of form.
For the media to start "tearing drivers down" they need to have a decent story to start with...while I agree that the media and certain people have exaggerated Lewis' lows, you can't exactly call this Lewis' finest season ever.

Media and people sticking the boot in is nothing new. Lets not start pretending Lewis is the first victim of such attention. It was only a couple of years ago when we had the opposite, the media and certain people praising Lewis to the extreme and kicking Jenson into the dust.

Though I do feel sorry in some respects for Lewis as his debut season has set a benchmark so high that he can only ever disappoint and create these stories the moment he has a bad run of form.

Well I'm not expanding it, right now the argument was on Lewis, if I were to expand it like you have I'd add Shumi and Jenson as well as Alonso in that mix, yet the conversation at hand doesn't need that. Now it does since you've added it, I'm not playing Lewis as innocent just saying people should just enjoy the racing instead of trying to figure out a drivers personal life like a pseudo therapist. I am not pretending Lewis is the first victim only illustrating that people are perpetuating what the media has done even further with the Hamilton debate this year. Lewis is still a top notch driver, but any athlete has a awful season those who want to blow it up every time we have an F1 thread, must not understand that.
Or perhaps people would like to work out why Lewis isn't delivering on the track? Seeing as its nothing to do with his driving or the car?

It would be pretty boring if we only talked about the cars as objects. What if they were all computer controlled? Then we would have no human emotions, no talk about mindgames or politics. But then we wouldn't have Lewis' exciting driving style.

Any athlete has an awful season...and any athlete must face the media focus and constant questions and discussions that creates. Thats the nature of professional sports.
Don't know if I'll be able to. I slept a few hours this afternoon but the race will start at 4AM over here, though we're changing to daylight saving time at midnight so it'll will be at 3AM actually.
So, who else is doing an all nighter to watch the race? :)

I'm mate. But surely I'm not going to have my laptop beside me otherwise I'd be distracted :lol:

We're set to have a good race and Team Lotus guy said the weather seem to look nice and the sun is shining bright!
Is hard to keep yourself awake from 3-4 hours from sleep(at 5:00 AM seems to be at least 4 hours of resting skipped), coffee helps but what it doest is boost up brain activity and blood pressure, but it doesn't take the "sleep" away(in a more analytical manner, one could say that is counter-productive, because when the coffee boost runs out the feeling of sleep increases), a soft caffeine drink like tea in a relaxed environment could work, but after 4 hours of sleep deprivation is really hard to maintain conciousness.

Into formula 1 stuff, is going to be an interesting start, it seems that the McLaren might outperform RB this week, I sincerely hope that is the case but maintaining Vettel on second place during the first 5-8 laps of the race is critical for McLaren.

The only thing I know thus far is that is going to be an interesting start, and I hope it stretches into an interesting race.
I recommend copious quantities of iced coffee. That's how I manage to do Canada and Brazil.

I don't like Coffee :( I have many cans of Relentless at hand though :D

Why not just go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier? :confused:

Good point. But i'm not really a morning person, there is no guarantee I will get up, i'm lucky I got up for the Japanese GP last week.

Is hard to keep yourself awake from 3-4 hours from sleep(at 5:00 AM seems to be at least 4 hours of resting skipped), coffee helps but what it doest is boost up brain activity and blood pressure, but it doesn't take the "sleep" away(in a more analytical manner, one could say that is counter-productive, because when the coffee boost runs out the feeling of sleep increases), a soft caffeine drink like tea in a relaxed environment could work, but after 4 hours of sleep deprivation is really hard to maintain conciousness.

The caffeine prevents the sleep hormones from working effectively, but you still get that feeling of drowzyness. Maybe coffee works better than energy drinks but i'm limited by my taste buds.

I think Mclaren are going to walk away with this one. If they don't, i'd like to see Massa or Webber take a win.