2013 Formula 1 Grand Prix du Canada

  • Thread starter lbsf1
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I'm still all for banning team radio in the direction of pit to car except for emergency. So many races these days are being driven by the engineers, not the drivers.

This. I'd go a step further and ban telemetry. Teams could gather all the data they want, but it goes to a onboard recorder they download after the race.

The mission-control ethos currently prevailing reduces drivers many times to the status of mere button-pushers. Banning comms and telemetry would force them to decide on car- and tire-preservation strategy on the fly and by themselves.
Apparently a marshall clearing up the Guttierez incident tripped while running alongside the forklift and was "run over"...


:( Hope it works out. Damn, talk about casting a shadow.
LOL. I'm afraid if the engineers and strategists were kicked from real time input then all you'd have on track is open lobby gt5 racing.
Just on the "who's the best" ranking.....I think it's far more relevant to be judged by ones peers, than fans.

@Dragonwhisky...Really....really?, They have all have done years of karting and formula v/ford as well as other forms before F1. Open lobby :rolleyes:
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LOL. I'm afraid if the engineers and strategists were kicked from real time input then all you'd have on track is open lobby gt5 racing.

Well, certainly the GP2 idiots would be even more exposed than they are now. But even that would be beneficial; teams would have to do a real cost-benefit analysis when hiring their pay drivers. If they did, guys hard on the machinery in various ways would find their opportunities drying up very quickly.
Do they have to? Whose benefit is that booing?

They can do that, but it is quite sad.

PS. I'd like to see how Kimi would react if the crowd booed him :D

Do the driver's have to curse during podium interviews? No. Does it benefit them or anyone else using language like that when young kids may be looking up to them? No, not at all. Fact is it is a two way street drivers and fans do things we don't like, but we must live with and get over. Making a big issue about it doesn't change that it happened.

Also how is it sad? Hamilton has been boo'd before and called nasty things especially in Spain. Alonso has been boo'd places too. I like both drivers a lot, but if people want to do that, I don't care it doesn't take away the fact that the driver did well. Their booing doesn't change the fact Vettel won. I rather people express how the feel in a more constructive manner than destructive.
It's not as if Alonso's 2005 Renault was lightyears ahead of any other car on the grid.

Oh wait, it was!

Vettel has nothing to prove anymore, get over it.

Say what?

The McLaren was in another class in terms of speed, perhaps the fastest F1 car ever(taking into account that 2005 had the no tyre change rule). It's unreliability is what cost Raikkonen what could have been his 2nd title. Bro, do you even F1?
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Did we, the rest of the world, ever receive an apology from the Canadians for that little monstrosity?

I think the felt Ryan Gosling was an apology enough.

Pretty good race even though Vettel dominated.

Also, NBC is exponentially better than Speed, they actually air other F1 related programming outside the race.:dopey:

Edit: What Famine said as well.:lol:

I would appreciate them more if it was actually a committed NBC event instead of the best peak times (hence only four races), and then sending the rest to a mainly premium cable station. However, you are right, they did a great job for Monaco and Canada.
So anyone who dominates a race does not deserve to win? :odd:

Come on RACECAR you and I know (since we go to the nascar thread) that this is clearly ICEYOU's English cousin.
Say what?

The McLaren was in another class in terms of speed, perhaps the fastest F1 car ever(taking into account that 2005 had the no tyre change rule). It's unreliability is what cost Raikkonen what could have been his 2nd title. Bro, do you even F1? :lol:

But what use is pace if you can't finish races? Overall Renault definitely had the best package.
Sad about the marshall, those guys are heroes, every one of them. Hope they are ok. Has it been said anywhere what caused the Guitierrez crash?

LOL. I'm afraid if the engineers and strategists were kicked from real time input then all you'd have on track is open lobby gt5 racing.

Not really, they managed just fine before the late eighties when I believe radio was introduced. It just seems crazy to me when you've got the engineers telling the drivers how to drive the car rather than them judging themselves. I'd argue that it would certainly give us better races as 22 drivers making calls is far more likely to have people getting it wrong than the hundreds of engineers across all the teams.

I want to see drivers making the call on tyres and getting it right/wrong, not engineers analysing telemetry and other data to decide exactly when to pit and how many laps to do per stint.

Sure let them come up with a strategy pre-race but once the race starts it should be all down to the driver.

It's never going to happen mind you, I know that.
This have casted a shadow on the race, Rest in Peace brave marshall.
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How did the cameras or commentators not pick the incident up though? I recall them showing the forklift making its way over and everything, but there was NO replay or even mention of the incident.

Extremely unfortunate.
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The commentators can only see what the director picks up.

Sad. A real danger when working beside heavy machinery... you HAVE to pay attention to what's going on around you. A bit careless, but nobody deserves to die that way. RIP.

That would be psychic niky.

So, now that we have established your gift, could you please predict next weeks lottery numbers?

5 15 25 Vettel Alonso Webber.

Mercedes get a $100,000,000 penalty for the Pirelli test, which is now called "Tire-gate" (okay, maybe they're already calling it that). Lewis Hamilton becomes star witness, an in-team schism ignites, then Lewis leaves at the end of his first season at Merc GP in a huff, transferring to Ferrari to replace Felipe Massa.

Felipe drives for the new Fiat F1 team, and wins the 2014 championship handily due to a rule loophole that allows Fiat's Twin-Air turbo engine a bigger restrictor inlet than the V6s everyone else is using.


I don't see radio as that bad. Drivers still have a choice in their strategy, and, as we've seen, drivers who can think on their feet and force their own strategies (like Alonso or Button) often benefit more than those who simply follow blindly.

How did the cameras or commentators not pick the incident up though? I recall them showing the forklift making its way over and everything, but there was NO replay or even mention of the incident.

Extremely unfortunate.

Apparently this happened after the race, but yeah Martin Brundle called it during the race saying it was dangerous and unnecessary to have them out there with just a few laps remaining.
I recall them showing the forklift making its way over and everything, but there was NO replay or even mention of the incident.
The usual policy in cases like this is to avoid mentioning it or showing replays of it until it is confirmed that the person or persons involve are okay. Watching a marshall get run over by a crane would be a horrifying experience to see live. It would be in extremely poor taste to show replays of it.
Damn. First fatality since Monza 2001. RIP. :(

Monza was 2000. It was Melbourne 2001 the last time.

Still sad event. I feel sorry for the family and to be honest being crushed by a forklift is one of the worst ways to go so it's even worse. :(
The commentators can only see what the director picks up.

Sad. A real danger when working beside heavy machinery... you HAVE to pay attention to what's going on around you. A bit careless, but nobody deserves to die that way. RIP.

5 15 25 Vettel Alonso Webber.

Mercedes get a $100,000,000 penalty for the Pirelli test, which is now called "Tire-gate" (okay, maybe they're already calling it that). Lewis Hamilton becomes star witness, an in-team schism ignites, then Lewis leaves at the end of his first season at Merc GP in a huff, transferring to Ferrari to replace Felipe Massa.

Felipe drives for the new Fiat F1 team, and wins the 2014 championship handily due to a rule loophole that allows Fiat's Twin-Air turbo engine a bigger restrictor inlet than the V6s everyone else is using.


I don't see radio as that bad. Drivers still have a choice in their strategy, and, as we've seen, drivers who can think on their feet and force their own strategies (like Alonso or Button) often benefit more than those who simply follow blindly.

Calm down there, you've become more Marty McFly than Fortune Teller....you're scaring us all and the children. OH think about the children.
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Wait, what? What happened to the marshal? Did a wheel come off of Gutierrez when he exited the pits, hittng him?

Either way, that's pretty awful and my heart goes out to the family. Such a terrible thing to happen.
Wait, what? What happened to the marshal? Did a wheel come off of Gutierrez when he exited the pits, hittng him?

He was run over by the forklift truck. Very sad news though. RIP.
Wait, what? What happened to the marshal? Did a wheel come off of Gutierrez when he exited the pits, hittng him?

Either way, that's pretty awful and my heart goes out to the family. Such a terrible thing to happen.

Got run over by a forklift after trying to pick something up that he had dropped.

Treed by a few seconds.
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