2016 GTP Awards - Most Opinionated Member

  • Thread starter DQuaN

Who deserves to win GTPlanet's Most Opinionated Member award for 2016?

  • Danoff

    Votes: 27 13.3%
  • homeforsummer

    Votes: 7 3.4%
  • Imari

    Votes: 37 18.2%
  • prisonermonkeys

    Votes: 95 46.8%

    Votes: 10 4.9%
  • Sanji Himura

    Votes: 8 3.9%
  • Tornado

    Votes: 19 9.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I wouldn't call it trolling. Digital sleight of hand, maybe.

Of course you wouldn't call it trolling, because you're the one doing it. You'd rather put a name on it that doesn't label you as intentionally misleading people for an extended period of time because it gave you jollies.

Just admit that you were trolling. At least then you'd be honest.

...and dozens of people willingly ignored everything they knew about me because they wanted to believe what I was posting.

You think so? Or do you think that maybe that behaviour is exactly what they know about you, because all they know is your internet persona? Which, let's be honest, is remarkably similar to what you've presented here.

Of course, maybe I'm trolling you now.

Maybe. I think at the point that you're accusing other members of having no respect for you and harassing you, it's not a joke any more and probably never was.

Fun is fun, but if you're having to go that far to defend a position that you KNOW you've made up, it seems to me like you don't know when to quit. The very best anyone could say of this is that you got in way, way over your head and didn't know when to say when.

...and if you continue to vote for me despite my request, then it just goes to show how little respect you have for other members.

You also made it extremely clear that you were petitioning staff to have yourself removed. Are we supposed to assume that staff are in on the joke whenever something like this happens too? That seems like something that you wouldn't want to train into your members, that the staff will ignore the AUP when it's an inside joke with an ex-moderator who is known for being extremely outspoken and aggressive in his opinions.

Thus, those ten votes (and any more) constitute harassment, and so are in violation of the AUP. I have asked people to stop, and they have not.

Stuff like this is exactly the sort of thing I (and apparently others) am not surprised at all to hear coming out of your mouth. Maybe you think that's a giveaway that you're joking.

I assure you that it isn't.

Hell, you even kept wielding the harassment bat as long as you could even after people had pointed out how ridiculous it was. People have been telling you how ridiculous your statements were since the first page, yet you just kept repeating them. What are we supposed to read into that?

Give the rest of us the benefit of the doubt for being normal people who question it when someone says something odd, but if they say "No, really, I'm serious" we actually believe them because we assume that only children play the game of saying "Haha, I got you even though you didn't believe me to start with!" As adults we assume that if someone repeats something twice then they're serious about it, no matter how silly it may sound.

Maybe you're just picking up grade-school humour from your students or something, but as far as humour goes this is childish at best.

It's also worth noting that some of the people who I would consider to be the most opinionated on the forum, are some of the people that I think the least of.

And let's not forget when you stooped to abuse of the other members of the poll and anyone else you consider opinionated. Was that just a joke too? Not to mention your abuse of anyone who dared to nominate you for the role. Of which they assume there were probably several, as you're a natural candidate.

I think that giving you the award of most opinionated member would be a severe miscarriage, because all you've demonstrated here is your ability to abuse the fact that other people might actually assume that you mean what you say. I mean, surely the joke is on everyone else for not seeing that you were lying through your teeth from the start, right? That's what you wanted to prove?

I think the Trump analogy is entirely apt. You're somehow proud that you lied your arse off and that other people are "dumb" enough that they did you the service of assuming that you were speaking the truth when you repeated it for the umpteenth time.

Just do us all a favour and change your avatar so people know what to expect next time. Maybe change your username to Liar McLieface.
It says "Most Opinionated", it doesn't say "Person with the wrong opinion". A lot of the votes for prisonermonkeys could be/are from people who agree with his opinions.
It says "Most Opinionated", it doesn't say "Person with the wrong opinion". A lot of the votes for prisonermonkeys could be/are from people who agree with his opinions.

It has nothing to do with who has the best opinions who whose opinions you agree with. It's about who shows their opinion the most whether you disagree or not.
It’s time to have your say about the best parts of our community in the 11th annual GTPlanet Awards!

It's funny that that quote doesn't show up anywhere in a search of your history. Even if I just search for the phrase "best parts".


I know what it is, the Most Opinionated Member award is a secret cover for the Which Staff or Ex-staff Member Can Carry a Bald Faced Lie For The Longest award.

Do I win a prize?
One might almost call the plan Trumpian in it's devilishness.


The fact that you posted this in regards to the member doing it, is so full of irony I've nearly met next year's quota. I'm sure he'll go on a bigger tirade and churn up several more votes just because you did this.
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Try looking at the blog.

"Here's a comment that I put in the tag line of a blog post three weeks ago that doesn't actually appear in the text or in any other post that I pulled out to make a funny at the members who assumed that a lying ex-staff member was actually not a liar despite his somewhat wacky claims."

So the AUP is off in this thread and we can do what we want? Or just for prisonermonkeys?

And no, I'm not done here unless that's an instruction, not a question.
"Here's a comment that I put in the tag line of a blog post three weeks ago that doesn't actually appear in the text or in any other post that I pulled out to make a funny at the members who assumed that a lying ex-staff member was actually not a liar despite his somewhat wacky claims."

So the AUP is off in this thread and we can do what we want? Or just for prisonermonkeys?

And no, I'm not done here unless that's an instruction, not a question.
I have no idea what any of this means or has to do with anything, particularly the part about the AUP, except that you now seem to recognise that I wrote exactly what I wrote, in opposition to you including 'Staff' in your rather unpleasant (and unredacted) previous comment.

The GTPlanet awards are meant to recognise and celebrate the best of our community (as I did indeed write). The last five pages of absolute dross on all sides (hence my undirected interjection) is showing the worst of our community.

It's up to you (for the most part) whether you want to continue to be part of that or not.
I have no idea what any of this means or has to do with anything, particularly the part about the AUP, except that you now seem to recognise that I wrote exactly what I wrote, in opposition to you including 'Staff' in your rather unpleasant (and unredacted) previous comment.

Meh. You're not taking part in the competition for the award, it would seem. I apologise if I included you as a participant where it wasn't warranted. Once one ex-staff member admits to systematic lying including tagging and referencing other staff, it's easy to assume that everyone is in the same boat.

On the other hand, you're clearly well aware of what is going on in the thread and other staff have posted in here as well (and Jordan was tagged by PM at least once), so one could still make the argument that the staff sponsored lying competition is absolutely something that is going on.

Am I wrong? Is this something that the staff do not wish to condone? Or was it something that you all thought was funny enough to overrule the AUP for four pages? Or is it something that PM did himself but no one cares enough to take him to task for because he's a friend?

The last five pages of absolute dross on all sides is showing the worst of our community.

It's up to you (for the most part) whether you want to continue to be part of that or not.

Ah. Abuse.

If you think it's dross, then shut it down. Like I've said, either the staff were in on this from the start or you're at least clearly well aware of what's going on now. The level of dishonesty displayed by PM seems to me to be way beyond the AUP, but I'm not a mod.

I don't think your problem is with me or anyone else who replied to the lies and trolling, but with the person who has been intentionally stirring up drama. Seems to me like if you stop that then all your other problems go away, instead of trying to silence a horde of people just to defend one man's right to troll on the internets.
On the other hand, you're clearly well aware of what is going on in the thread
Actually I spent the majority of Friday evening driving (like I do every week - 5hr) then all of Saturday filling in for my wife who has been awake throughout the weekend as her father is in hospital with a ruptured appendix (having been taken in about 2hr into my drive). The admin behind these threads and the news post (due soon) is about all I've been able to attend to in the meantime.
Or is it something that PM did himself but no one cares enough to take him to task for because he's a friend?
If you think it's dross, then shut it down.
People are free to post dross, if that's what they want to do and if that's how they want to be perceived. Whatever PM has been posting reflects on him. Whatever people have been posting in response reflects on them.

For my part I think it's inappropriate on both sides to be bickering like Youtube or Daily Mail comments in threads meant to celebrate the best parts of our community, as it reflects poorly on us (particularly as this thread is linked from the master voting thread, which is linked from a blog post which will be linked to all of our outward-facing social media sites) in a place where it is supposed to create a good impression...

I'd hoped that the undirected (so no more blame to either party) reminder of that 'best parts of our community' comment from the blog post would have people thinking about that before they continued and moderate themselves.
Of course you wouldn't call it trolling, because you're the one doing it. You'd rather put a name on it that doesn't label you as intentionally misleading people for an extended period of time because it gave you jollies.

Just admit that you were trolling. At least then you'd be honest.

You think so? Or do you think that maybe that behaviour is exactly what they know about you, because all they know is your internet persona? Which, let's be honest, is remarkably similar to what you've presented here.

Maybe. I think at the point that you're accusing other members of having no respect for you and harassing you, it's not a joke any more and probably never was.

Fun is fun, but if you're having to go that far to defend a position that you KNOW you've made up, it seems to me like you don't know when to quit. The very best anyone could say of this is that you got in way, way over your head and didn't know when to say when.

You also made it extremely clear that you were petitioning staff to have yourself removed. Are we supposed to assume that staff are in on the joke whenever something like this happens too? That seems like something that you wouldn't want to train into your members, that the staff will ignore the AUP when it's an inside joke with an ex-moderator who is known for being extremely outspoken and aggressive in his opinions.

Stuff like this is exactly the sort of thing I (and apparently others) am not surprised at all to hear coming out of your mouth. Maybe you think that's a giveaway that you're joking.

I assure you that it isn't.

Hell, you even kept wielding the harassment bat as long as you could even after people had pointed out how ridiculous it was. People have been telling you how ridiculous your statements were since the first page, yet you just kept repeating them. What are we supposed to read into that?

Give the rest of us the benefit of the doubt for being normal people who question it when someone says something odd, but if they say "No, really, I'm serious" we actually believe them because we assume that only children play the game of saying "Haha, I got you even though you didn't believe me to start with!" As adults we assume that if someone repeats something twice then they're serious about it, no matter how silly it may sound.

Maybe you're just picking up grade-school humour from your students or something, but as far as humour goes this is childish at best.

And let's not forget when you stooped to abuse of the other members of the poll and anyone else you consider opinionated. Was that just a joke too? Not to mention your abuse of anyone who dared to nominate you for the role. Of which they assume there were probably several, as you're a natural candidate.

I think that giving you the award of most opinionated member would be a severe miscarriage, because all you've demonstrated here is your ability to abuse the fact that other people might actually assume that you mean what you say. I mean, surely the joke is on everyone else for not seeing that you were lying through your teeth from the start, right? That's what you wanted to prove?

I think the Trump analogy is entirely apt. You're somehow proud that you lied your arse off and that other people are "dumb" enough that they did you the service of assuming that you were speaking the truth when you repeated it for the umpteenth time.

Just do us all a favour and change your avatar so people know what to expect next time. Maybe change your username to Liar McLieface.
If this is in the running next year, I'd vote for this as Post of the Year:tup:👍

I have no idea what any of this means or has to do with anything, particularly the part about the AUP, except that you now seem to recognise that I wrote exactly what I wrote, in opposition to you including 'Staff' in your rather unpleasant (and unredacted) previous comment.

The GTPlanet awards are meant to recognise and celebrate the best of our community (as I did indeed write). The last five pages of absolute dross on all sides (hence my undirected interjection) is showing the worst of our community.

It's up to you (for the most part) whether you want to continue to be part of that or not.
I disagree that it shows the worst of this community. I think it shows exactly what this community is, for better or worse (IMO better). Any community where individual members are willing to take a Staff Emeritus to task without fear of unfair consequence so long as they follow the AUP, even while the SE in question is making illogical references to AUP violations, has to be doing something right.
Of course you wouldn't call it trolling, because you're the one doing it. You'd rather put a name on it that doesn't label you as intentionally misleading people for an extended period of time because it gave you jollies.

Just admit that you were trolling. At least then you'd be honest.

You think so? Or do you think that maybe that behaviour is exactly what they know about you, because all they know is your internet persona? Which, let's be honest, is remarkably similar to what you've presented here.

Maybe. I think at the point that you're accusing other members of having no respect for you and harassing you, it's not a joke any more and probably never was.

Fun is fun, but if you're having to go that far to defend a position that you KNOW you've made up, it seems to me like you don't know when to quit. The very best anyone could say of this is that you got in way, way over your head and didn't know when to say when.

You also made it extremely clear that you were petitioning staff to have yourself removed. Are we supposed to assume that staff are in on the joke whenever something like this happens too? That seems like something that you wouldn't want to train into your members, that the staff will ignore the AUP when it's an inside joke with an ex-moderator who is known for being extremely outspoken and aggressive in his opinions.

Stuff like this is exactly the sort of thing I (and apparently others) am not surprised at all to hear coming out of your mouth. Maybe you think that's a giveaway that you're joking.

I assure you that it isn't.

Hell, you even kept wielding the harassment bat as long as you could even after people had pointed out how ridiculous it was. People have been telling you how ridiculous your statements were since the first page, yet you just kept repeating them. What are we supposed to read into that?

Give the rest of us the benefit of the doubt for being normal people who question it when someone says something odd, but if they say "No, really, I'm serious" we actually believe them because we assume that only children play the game of saying "Haha, I got you even though you didn't believe me to start with!" As adults we assume that if someone repeats something twice then they're serious about it, no matter how silly it may sound.

Maybe you're just picking up grade-school humour from your students or something, but as far as humour goes this is childish at best.

And let's not forget when you stooped to abuse of the other members of the poll and anyone else you consider opinionated. Was that just a joke too? Not to mention your abuse of anyone who dared to nominate you for the role. Of which they assume there were probably several, as you're a natural candidate.

I think that giving you the award of most opinionated member would be a severe miscarriage, because all you've demonstrated here is your ability to abuse the fact that other people might actually assume that you mean what you say. I mean, surely the joke is on everyone else for not seeing that you were lying through your teeth from the start, right? That's what you wanted to prove?

I think the Trump analogy is entirely apt. You're somehow proud that you lied your arse off and that other people are "dumb" enough that they did you the service of assuming that you were speaking the truth when you repeated it for the umpteenth time.

Just do us all a favour and change your avatar so people know what to expect next time. Maybe change your username to Liar McLieface.
This is why I voted for you. Even when we dissagree, you have a way of putting things so there is no argument. IMO :cheers:
I wouldn't call it trolling. Digital sleight of hand, maybe. But then again, maybe that's just giving myself too much credit. The point is that it was far easier to get people to believe it than I thought it would be, so I decided to see how far I could take it and it quickly took on a life of its own. The argument that it was harassment. The insistence that I hadn't taken part in the GTP Awards before and the multiple references to my posting history which would prove it to be a lie. The half-dozen other threads that I have posted in today - including the meta-humour in my caption contest entry - where there wasn't a trace of a temper tantrum. The way my story kept changing. The obvious references to having voted despite my insistence that I wasn't taking part. The implied claim that I could get the GTP Awards shut down. I just wanted to see how far I could take it, but there were half a dozen times when I was sure I would get found out (and to @peobryant's credit, he spotted it straight away; I just didn't spot his post). In the end, all I had to do was show just enough of my usual self - the guy who just won't let go - and dozens of people willingly ignored everything they knew about me because they wanted to believe what I was posting.

Of course, maybe I'm trolling you now. Maybe everything I posted today is genuine and I am just trying to deflect the embarrassment away by pretending the whole thing was a joke retroactively. No doubt there are some people who will think exactly that. But let me ask you this: if I am deflecting now to skirt the embarrassment of a very public meltdown, how do we know that somebody claiming that I am deflecting isn't deflecting themselves to avoid admitting that they fell for it?

I'll call Christopher Nolan and option the film rights to this thread.
So in other words, you just confessed to knowingly posting false information?
I think the worst part is that its done by "Staff Emeritus". Kinda want to know how he lost the staff badge. Maybe voluntary though.
How did I miss @prisonermonkeys pulling a Trump? I almost have a politics degree and I missed that? I am deeply ashamed.
Like legitimately that is my biggest issue here. That I didn't see it.
I wouldn't call it trolling. Digital sleight of hand, maybe. But then again, maybe that's just giving myself too much credit. The point is that it was far easier to get people to believe it than I thought it would be, so I decided to see how far I could take it and it quickly took on a life of its own. The argument that it was harassment. The insistence that I hadn't taken part in the GTP Awards before and the multiple references to my posting history which would prove it to be a lie. The half-dozen other threads that I have posted in today - including the meta-humour in my caption contest entry - where there wasn't a trace of a temper tantrum. The way my story kept changing. The obvious references to having voted despite my insistence that I wasn't taking part. The implied claim that I could get the GTP Awards shut down. I just wanted to see how far I could take it, but there were half a dozen times when I was sure I would get found out (and to @peobryant's credit, he spotted it straight away; I just didn't spot his post). In the end, all I had to do was show just enough of my usual self - the guy who just won't let go - and dozens of people willingly ignored everything they knew about me because they wanted to believe what I was posting.

Of course, maybe I'm trolling you now. Maybe everything I posted today is genuine and I am just trying to deflect the embarrassment away by pretending the whole thing was a joke retroactively. No doubt there are some people who will think exactly that. But let me ask you this: if I am deflecting now to skirt the embarrassment of a very public meltdown, how do we know that somebody claiming that I am deflecting isn't deflecting themselves to avoid admitting that they fell for it?

I'll call Christopher Nolan and option the film rights to this thread.

So what you're saying is you want attention?
I wouldn't call it trolling. Digital sleight of hand, maybe. But then again, maybe that's just giving myself too much credit. The point is that it was far easier to get people to believe it than I thought it would be, so I decided to see how far I could take it and it quickly took on a life of its own. The argument that it was harassment. The insistence that I hadn't taken part in the GTP Awards before and the multiple references to my posting history which would prove it to be a lie. The half-dozen other threads that I have posted in today - including the meta-humour in my caption contest entry - where there wasn't a trace of a temper tantrum. The way my story kept changing. The obvious references to having voted despite my insistence that I wasn't taking part. The implied claim that I could get the GTP Awards shut down. I just wanted to see how far I could take it, but there were half a dozen times when I was sure I would get found out (and to @peobryant's credit, he spotted it straight away; I just didn't spot his post). In the end, all I had to do was show just enough of my usual self - the guy who just won't let go - and dozens of people willingly ignored everything they knew about me because they wanted to believe what I was posting.

Of course, maybe I'm trolling you now. Maybe everything I posted today is genuine and I am just trying to deflect the embarrassment away by pretending the whole thing was a joke retroactively. No doubt there are some people who will think exactly that. But let me ask you this: if I am deflecting now to skirt the embarrassment of a very public meltdown, how do we know that somebody claiming that I am deflecting isn't deflecting themselves to avoid admitting that they fell for it?

I'll call Christopher Nolan and option the film rights to this thread.
So what your trying to say is it's not Hamilton's fault?

Surely that's an AUP violation, as it clearly is.
To be serious here, I do think there should be a trolling Clause in the AUP when it comes to misleading posts so long as it's not too long winded and bullying tactics that cross the line.

Otherwise April Fools will probably have a big chunk of membership banned under the Rules, if people decide to be creative.
if this was all just a ruse, what would have been your honest reaction if I'd taken it upon myself to have removed you last night?
That was the risk I had to take. If you had done it, I probably would have just kept quiet.

Maybe voluntary though.
It was. I hated moderating. It took all of the fun out of the forums.

It has nothing to do with who has the best opinions who whose opinions you agree with. It's about who shows their opinion the most whether you disagree or not.

This. I don't agree with a damn thing he says but I voted for him because he makes damn sure you know his opinion. Or his opinion of your opinion. Or his opinion of your opinion of his opinion. Etc.

It was. I hated moderating. It took all of the fun out of the forums.

I think many of us are wondering what your idea of fun is. Certainly I am, as over the course of the many years you've been here I've never really associated "fun" with "interludes." Serious? Yes. Opinionated? Yes. Prone to getting the last word in? Absolutely.

Maybe I just got over the "well, actually" phase of internet'ing...
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