2016 Nvidia Challenger Series

  • Thread starter Animera
My final effort and got it into the 18s!! 👍 Mega chuffed! Although i still didn't manage to adjust the Brake bias or ARBs.......... Nearly got you @Zakspeed_TV!! (not really) ;)

Yes it's towards the rear.
That's towards the rear right? Tried it too but felt like I had to start braking earlier... Takes a good trailbraking with stock brakes though...

I did tried also ARB's setting changes but I found out same handling behavior changes as you.
Also playing with the ARB's is bit problematic for while ... :odd:
My final effort and got it into the 18s!! 👍 Mega chuffed! Although i still didn't manage to adjust the Brake bias or ARBs..........

Good work :cheers:

So did you manage to assign the buttons? you have to be driving the car when using the buttons...

I did tried also ARB's setting changes but I found out same handling behavior changes as you.

Heh yeah, I ended up running the rear arb two notches up and I'm pretty sure I could not have gotten to low 18's with stock arb's... maybe it made the car bit more tricky to drive but then again I was able to steer the car more sharply and the rear being more stable it worked well on the exits when just being careful..

Pretty interesting that you could adjust the arb's at all, wonder if it has been in every event and possible in future too :odd: would be crucial to know to be able to practice in the future.... Gonna have to ask this from SMS forum, the place just feels quite messy and every time reading the threads there's people posting stuff that perfectly contradicts each others :rolleyes:

Managed to get a really low 18's yesterday, almost would be satisfied but I butchered the first sector loosing ,150 seconds compared to my best :yuck: last two sectors were faster than I think I ever hit them so can't be disappointed either :P

Pretty decent result and training for it was fun TBH so I think I'll be taking part in to these community events in future too, not sure what's my next event yet but thinking about it already, have to give my hands a bit of rest they really are a bit sore ATM :lol:

Here's my best lap, don't know the rank but I was 11th when I shut down the PS yesterday, any idea where I could check the results??

First sector makes me feel sick but last three corners are pretty much as good as I could have ever made them :)👍

Congrats at @Zakspeed_TV great result :bowdown: would have been happy to make it below 18's too but can't have it all, few more days and I'm sure I would have made it though, just yesterday started to find more speed towards the end lap :rolleyes:

EDIT: oh yeah @Zakspeed_TV what sort of arb's were you running, if I may ask :)
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I don't think the ARB was adjustable in the other rounds, it must be that they are adjustable in this car in real life, to be honest i think stock ARB was just as fast. Congrats yourself @ODB great time :cheers:

The last 3 turns was killing me, 3 times i was in front of Atho and lost it :ouch:
I don't think the ARB was adjustable in the other rounds, it must be that they are adjustable in this car in real life, to be honest i think stock ARB was just as fast. Congrats yourself @ODB great time :cheers:

The last 3 turns was killing me, 3 times i was in front of Atho and lost it :ouch:

Thanks :cheers:

Yeah someone mentioned at SMS forums that you could adjust the arb's in this event for you can adjust them from wheel IRL too, if that's the case I guess they work in other events as long as the car has that function IRL...

Have to say I started to find more speed with stiffer rear arb, but it might be a driving style thing and stiffer rear arb just suited me better than the stock setup...

Especially I was able to be more consistend in the 2nd corner with stiffer arb...

Hard to say... Did you run your best lap on stock arb's?

And yeah 3 last corners had few tenths that I only realized yesterday, wish these events would be open for two weeks like in GT but guess that's impossible for they need to check every lap manually :rolleyes:

EDIT: Just looked the PS4 LB and I was still in top 20 :)👍

Some guy was under 17'4 wonder how in the hell was that done :eek:
EDIT: also seeing that at least the 2nd place on PC LB had been using ABS TC and even SC, never even occurred to try but perhaps a I should have tried...
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Thanks :cheers:

Yeah someone mentioned at SMS forums that you could adjust the arb's in this event for you can adjust them from wheel IRL too, if that's the case I guess they work in other events as long as the car has that function IRL...

Have to say I started to find more speed with stiffer rear arb, but it might be a driving style thing and stiffer rear arb just suited me better than the stock setup...

Especially I was able to be more consistend in the 2nd corner with stiffer arb...

Hard to say... Did you run your best lap on stock arb's?

And yeah 3 last corners had few tenths that I only realized yesterday, wish these events would be open for two weeks like in GT but guess that's impossible for they need to check every lap manually :rolleyes:

EDIT: Just looked the PS4 LB and I was still in top 20 :)👍

Some guy was under 17'4 wonder how in the hell was that done :eek:
EDIT: also seeing that at least the 2nd place on PC LB had been using ABS TC and even SC, never even occurred to try but perhaps a I should have tried...

PC is different mate, no aids was available for us. Yes GTurbo made a 17.3 I think on PS4

As for arb I run stock for S1 then added a few clicks front and rear for S2-3 felt more stable that way, that's what worked best for me anyway after a lot of messing around. But to be honest stock was just as fast I think.
As for arb I run stock for S1 then added a few clicks front and rear for S2-3 felt more stable that way, that's what worked best for me anyway after a lot of messing around. But to be honest stock was just as fast I think.

Ok thanks for sharing, I was just interested to know for I tested out lot of things by myself but just decided to run with two clicks stiffer rear for I sort of found out that everytime I changed the arb's I had to drive bit different and it made me to do too many mistakes so I wasn't getting any better lap times though I saw faster sectors when changing arb's...

But yeah, only thing I managed to make my mind was that with stiffer rear arb I wasn't slipping the rear over the bounds on 2nd turn as often as with stock arb... Not sure about it anymore and I actually was about to run few more laps yesterday to test few more things out but realized I've spend too much time on this event already :D

And yeah, I think I can't do anything but agree that stock arb's were probably as fast as any but I think I was just able to be more consistent with stiffer rear... Didn't actually even try stiffer front at any point so interesting to know :)👍

Have to mention that I would love to see more lap videos especially from guys well below 18's :ill: I mean going back to GT it was fun AND informative to be able to see all the videos from top ten and even though seeing those laps would not help me on my lap any more it would be interesting to see :dopey:

Guess I could have followed more ghosts but that hard work :D

Oh yeah, I have not found a way to make the ghost disappear while driving so it wouldn't bother me too much by blocking the view? Assuming there's no way to do it?

Damn I should start learning to drive with ghost on, just too distracting when not used to it :rolleyes:

Also I have to ask why do you guys think we had such huge difference in the lap times withing the top 30 :odd: looking at the round 2 I think (IIRC) that all of the top 30 was withing half a second almost :odd: was it because of the car? Could imagine the corvette being much stiffer than this falcon so it was harder to get anything special out of it? And the falcon just had lot of potential that was just hard to get??

Also interested to see the end results, hard to believe there's too much (any) dirty laps in top ten for most of the guys seemed to be part of some team and I would imagine they can't affort to risk dirty laps any more if they want to get the points :rolleyes: also wondering what comes from xbox...

Heh well that event is mostly just water under the bridge and already tried out the next combination... Have to say that round 4 is going to harder to me than the 3rd round, I was able to enjoy the falcon and ruapuna from day one, the ruf for the next event feels really stiff and front tires are locking up really easily making late braking really hard, also I can't just jam the gears down when braking hard for the car will spin really easily...

Arb's are not adjustable in this car so don't have to worry about that, brake bias can be adjusted but I can't believe there's too much to achieve by changing that either...

@ODB You should always try using ghost mate especially in tuning event, as its away to work out the tuning.
Only 4 on XBOX finished in the 17s so i finished 18th on console, but i do expect a few DCs im sure a few run wide on PS4 can't say bout XBOX tho.

I was surprised by some of the lap times in this round some of the fast guys was way down on this one, i found it easy to get up to speed as i never really had run the car and the track was new to me, im still gutted i never got my 17.7.

I love your commitment your on the next round already 👍 I have the LG next so won't get chance till next week.
Like you say tho the Ruf will be tricky as it doesn't run on soft's, should be good fun :)

EDIT: Results http://www.projectcarsesports.com/2016-nvidia-challenger-series.html
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You should always try using ghost mate especially in tuning event, as its away to work out the tuning.

Yeah it's just really bugging to have it on but I just have to start using it more, matter of getting used to I think..

I was surprised by some of the lap times in this round some of the fast guys was way down on this one, i found it easy to get up to speed as i never really had run the car and the track was new to me, im still gutted i never got my 17.7.

:D heheh yeah loosing that .150 on the first sector left bugging me too but can't help it anymore so...

I love your commitment your on the next round already 👍

Hahahah yeah thanks :) but it's like they say, "training is for untalented" :D heheh naah I'm getting more out this game by hotlapping and these events require me to push my limits so what could be better :)👍

I have the LG next so won't get chance till next week.

I looked at the LG too but as my tuning skills are what they are I think I'm gonna pass.. Also I haven't driven stock cars almost at all and at least the falcon was pretty great to drive once I got the hang of it so it'll do good to learn better how the stock setups work.. .

Like you say tho the Ruf will be tricky as it doesn't run on soft's, should be good fun :)

Heh I didn't notice it's running on medium tires good you pointed it out 👍

Really have to say I enjoyed the falcon more for it really had a great grip if you just managed to hold it, finding the grip in this Ruf is even harder and loosing it is easier so this really will need proper driving to be able to be fast.. hope I get the hang of it during next few weeks :scared:

Got my first points :cheers: was pretty close call but still got them :D

Congrats for yours too :cheers:
Time for round 4 tomorrow :dopey: been doing some practice but don't quite feel as comfortable in this ruf that I felt in falcon (falcon was much more fun to drive :D ) quite complicated to give too specific pointers but finding the right line will help a lot, not much grip there so keeping it up is vital... Made quite ok lap today but lost bunch of time in the mid sector (I miss the exit on the hairpin) and I think we might see quite much faster laps than my current best by the end of this but here's a video of my best effort before the event begins... Hope some of you guys perhaps find some pointers from the video :) 👍

Good luck for the event guys :cheers:

Hi guys need a bit of help how do i join the current nvidia challenger series? Im at the community events page now viewing the rankings but it doesnt seem to let me in and have a drive?

Your input and help is greatly appreciated. Cheers! :)
Hi guys need a bit of help how do i join the current nvidia challenger series? Im at the community events page now viewing the rankings but it doesnt seem to let me in and have a drive?

Your input and help is greatly appreciated. Cheers! :)

You need to buy some DLC to get the car, don't remember witch right now but didn't cost too much..

Good luck :cheers:
How do you aliens do the hairpin???? @ODB @Zakspeed_TV and others. I'm losing over a second there! I keep up with #30 up to there but lose too much after the hairpin. 1:16.227 is my time

Try to hold it on second gear trough the hairpin and you have to time the entry just right to be able to trailbrake deep in to the corner and then shoot out... first brake hard and keep it straight and then steer in braking carefully keeping it close to the curb...
Try to hold it on second gear trough the hairpin and you have to time the entry just right to be able to trailbrake deep in to the corner and then shoot out... first brake hard and keep it straight and then steer in braking carefully keeping it close to the curb...

But... that's what I'm doing :lol: we can't all be aliens :) thanks for sharing 👍
But... that's what I'm doing :lol: we can't all be aliens :) thanks for sharing 👍

Heheh well you have to get it just right to be able to shoot out properly, took me almost two weeks of practice and plenty of tires to get it right... Heheh and actually I was still loosing time on the first sector especially so hope I don't drop too low during the night :D

I think when I got the entry just right I was on the brake until the middle of the corner and was able to come out fast but that really required perfect timing so the speed won't drop too much...

Good luck if you still trying :cheers:
I've spent between 1-1.5 hours on it. I'm a casual racer and don't have much time most weeks. If I get average times and not much slower than the guys I race most of the time I'm happy. I'm spending my time trying to tune and learn instead of hotlapping :)
I've spent between 1-1.5 hours on it. I'm a casual racer and don't have much time most weeks. If I get average times and not much slower than the guys I race most of the time I'm happy. I'm spending my time trying to tune and learn instead of hotlapping :)

Hehehe yeah I just spend my time doing almost only hotlapping :D played the career mode for few months and it was pretty fun but hotlapping has been the thing for me as long as I remember... Hotlapping is a great way to find lines from the track, learning to drive the car and perhaps even tune it :) it's actually quite funny but I managed to gradually improve my times from around 1:16's (when I did my first stints two weeks a go) to low 14's and even though yesterday I didn't improve any further I made plenty of laps around 14.2 so with some practice I shaved off two seconds from my average speed :dopey: I mean I'm not an alien by no means, if I were I'd win every event with this amount of practice :lol: :lol:

Among learning to handle this ruf in this event I also learned that some cars require assists if you want to be fast in them, in this event I ended having all the assists on (and so did most top of the PC LB have!) so now I know I may have to use them in future too, also I looked at the PC LB and realized non of the guys had auto clutch on, tried it out and realized it was the auto clutch that was enabling me to shift down as fast as I could but when turning the auto clutch off I actually started to control the braking better and I started to be more consistent around the track... Have to point out to @Animera that I'm not trying to blow the engine while braking anymore :D also I really think I actually got better braking in this ruf (probably goes with other cars too) when NOT having the auto clutch on and I was forced to learn the right rhythm for shifting down...

Here my best effort for this event, I was on place 9 yesterday when I stopped playing but that probably has gone down many places :odd: didn't quite fancy this ruf and I'm hoping the aston will be more fun to drive :rolleyes: bit too stiff and low traction in this one :yuck:

1'15.570 was my best.

Not too bad.. Did you have all the assists on?? at least I found this ruf much easier to drive when having them on :scared:
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I had only ABS on nothing else. Should have check that...ok now I know that.