2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno
I wonder if they will delay the ruling until after the election.
They really need to get it done as fast as possible. It gets so much messier after the election. But maybe they'll pull a Merrick Garland and just try and stall it for four years.
Rectenwald also seems MAGA-lite too since his primary stance is anti-woke, being redpilled, and that there's a "great reset" happening, so I have to assume he's an idiot.

Can I call up the Supreme Court, asking if they can just casually find five more votes? It's a lot less than fifteen thousand, so it seems legit.
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Can I call up the Supreme Court, asking if they can just casually find five more votes? It's a lot less than fifteen thousand, so it seems legit.
Just make sure you aren't recorded.
Rectumwald went undercover as "Deplorable NYU Prof" on Twitter to attack identity politics. When his colleagues attacked him back, he sued the university for financial and punitive damages because, amazingly, the profs he attacked are unlikely to renew his contract.
They'll all be sorry when he's President. President Rectumwald.

Vote Rectumwald.png
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John Bolton has been on a talkshow on German television and stated that 80% of Americans want neither Biden nor Trump. How accurate is that figure?
Normal people:

Cullman, Alabama just being Cullman, Alabama.

Also, does this mean he's "extradited" to Arizona? One less idiot in my state isn't a bad thing.
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Former President Donald Trump has a 4 percent advantage over President Joe Biden in a New York Times/Siena College poll of likely voters released Saturday.

I mean, it makes sense with such promises as this:

Trump began hinting last year that, if he were made the president once again, he would withhold all federal funds from schools that require vaccines or masks.

On Saturday, he doubled down on that promise.

As reported by former Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA), "Trump said in Richmond, that he will take all federal funds away from public schools that require vaccines."

"Like most states, Virginia requires MMR vaccine, chickenpox vaccine, polio, etc.," she then added. "So Trump would take millions in federal funds away from all Virginia public schools.
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“You’re saying a president could sell pardons, could sell military secrets, could order SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a political rival,” Judge Florence Pan told Trump lawyer John Sauer during arguments at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals over whether he is immune prosecution.

Sauer told the three-judge panel a president would be swiftly impeached and convicted for ordering the murder of a rival. But he argued that without an impeachment, the Supreme Court has held that a president’s official acts are never reviewable by the courts.

@Joey D this is Trump arguing in court that he can deploy the US military against the US government and that the only recourse is impeachment, a proceeding which he can target with the US military.

I know what Trump apologists would say, they'd say the guy who directed an angry mob to attack congress would never attack congress with the military. He's telling us what he has in mind here.

Still think everything would be ok? Sure, joe is old. But Trump wants the explicit power to deploy the military against the government. Scratch that, he thinks the president has it. If the supreme court thinks otherwise, I'm sure they could be eliminated.

If biden were to take this message to heart and the court agreed, he could have Trump and the court killed before the election.
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"On day one I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto our children. I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or mask mandate."
Part of his "I'll only be a dictator on day one" (pinky promise) schtick, 45 is now promising, on day one, to terminate funding for schools that teach the wrong kind of politics or which requires children to have childhood vaccinations. Said in South Carolina (although **** alone only knows where he thought he was) two weeks ago.

For reference, this will kill kids. Lots of them. It also renders vaccination status moot, so it'll even kill kids that have been vaccinated. Even 45 himself spoke in favour of MMR vaccines after an outbreak that affected 1,400 people in 2019 - more than the entire previous decade combined (which included an outbreak of 650 people in 2015).

But his ice cream, and he fell up some plane steps once*.

*I caught a woman who did that in front of me last year, on the very shallow steps of an Embraer 190. Apparently, despite looking in her early 30s, she was a fully senile 81.
Still think everything would be ok?
Nope, I don't think things will be OK whether Trump or Biden wins. This all feels like the catalyst that will kick off some kind of significant unrest regardless who wins and I think it's going to be bad across the board. We seem like we are in a damned if we do, damned if we don't crossroads.

My issue comes from not being sure how bad things will be. As I've said, people have said X president will be the end of America and it doesn't come to fruition. I'm hesitant to jump on the Trump will end America train, at least at the moment, but I'm not entirely writing off the idea as the election draws near. I already know I'm not going to vote for Trump, but right now, I need to see something from Biden that would encourage me to want to vote for him without the bar being "well he's better than Trump." Is Biden better than Trump? Yes, I believe he is, but that doesn't make him a good president in my opinion. I'm also concerned about his running mate. There's a genuine possibility Biden dies in a second term and we're left with Harris, who doesn't seem to do anything and is best known for locking up young black men in the Bay Area for minor drug charges. Biden also tasked Harris to tackle the issues at the Southern Border, which is still a significant problem.

If Biden is going to run, and it seems like he will, I don't know why he doesn't choose a different running mate. If he wants his VP to be a younger woman with a minority background, there are several choices he could pick from. Or even if he wanted a younger woman, he could take Gretchen Whitmer from Michigan who would be excellent and would likely help secure the Michigan vote. It would be a blow to the state to lose her, but she's put in motion some really beneficial things for the state.
Nope, I don't think things will be OK whether Trump or Biden wins. This all feels like the catalyst that will kick off some kind of significant unrest regardless who wins and I think it's going to be bad across the board. We seem like we are in a damned if we do, damned if we don't crossroads.

In the damned if we do branch, the US military can be used to execute congress and the supreme court. A subsequent congress gets to choose whether to impeach the president with soldiers breathing down their necks. And if you think the military won't do it, Trump is already on record as supporting execution of military personnel who disobey orders.

In the damned if we don't branch, biden eats some more ice cream, and maybe some rednecks burn a few cars.

I'm hesitant to jump on the Trump will end America train, at least at the moment, but I'm not entirely writing off the idea as the election draws near.

What the **** does it take? Honestly. Genuinely.

Is Biden better than Trump? Yes, I believe he is, but that doesn't make him a good president in my opinion.

We're not talking about a little bit better here.

I'm also concerned about his running mate. There's a genuine possibility Biden dies in a second term and we're left with Harris, who doesn't seem to do anything and is best known for locking up young black men in the Bay Area for minor drug charges. Biden also tasked Harris to tackle the issues at the Southern Border, which is still a significant problem.

None of which matters at this point. I can't even begin to think about drug charges when the supreme court is refusing to back the 14th amendment, stalling for Trump to run out the clock on election interference, and listening to arguments about whether he can execute political rivals.
In the damned if we do branch, the US military can be used to execute congress and the supreme court. A subsequent congress gets to choose whether to impeach the president with soldiers breathing down their necks. And if you think the military won't do it, Trump is already on record as supporting execution of military personnel who disobey orders.

In the damned if we don't branch, biden eats some more ice cream, and maybe some rednecks burn a few cars.
Trump says a lot of things. Whether or not he'll do them is another story. Also, to get the military executing political rivals, you'd need some significant buy in from military brass and I'm not sure Trump wants to go toe to toe with them. I mean this is a man who hid in his bunker because people were protesting the murdering of George Floyd. He's a coward who speaks loudly.
What the **** does it take? Honestly. Genuinely.
I'm not sure, but as I've said, Trump says a lot of things and never does anything about it. He threatened to pull school funding back in 2020 if schools didn't reopen and made a huge stink about it, only to never actually do anything. The man's a grifter. He says all sorts of stuff but doesn't really act all that much because, in the end, he doesn't care about anyone but himself and his wallet.
We're not talking about a little bit better here.
I don't disagree. Trump is probably the second or third worst president we've had. James Buchanan led us to a Civil War which I believe is exponentially worse and Andrew Johnson was a traitor apologist. I'd say it's a toss-up between Trump and Johnson, but Buchanan is still the worst president ever.

Despite that, I don't think Biden is very good either. He's not in the bottom three, but I still don't rank him in the top 50%. I continue to be tired of having lackluster choices who won't make the country better and we're quickly running out of time to address major issues. But instead of worrying about things like climate change leading to mega disasters, our politicians are worried about screwing the other side so they don't get votes or simply kicking the can down the road because they're all a bunch of geriatrics who won't be alive to see the consequence of their actions.
None of which matters at this point. I can't even begin to think about drug charges when the supreme court is refusing to back the 14th amendment, stalling for Trump to run out the clock on election interference, and listening to arguments about whether he can execute political rivals.
It matters if Biden dies, though. Harris would likely be a terrible president and given Biden's age, he could drop dead at his inauguration leaving Harris to fill in for four years. I don't like that prospect.

Biden could pick a different running mate, which would certainly help his case.
Trump says a lot of things. Whether or not he'll do them is another story.


The people in this photo are trying to kill congress at Trump's suggestion. Trump is currently stating to the supreme court that he has the right to execute congress.

you'd need some significant buy in from military brass and I'm not sure Trump wants to go toe to toe with them.

They go toe to toe with each other in this case. The president is the commander of the military.

Despite that, I don't think Biden is very good either. He's not in the bottom three, but I still don't rank him in the top 50%. I continue to be tired of having lackluster choices who won't make the country better and we're quickly running out of time to address major issues. But instead of worrying about things like climate change leading to mega disasters, our politicians are worried about screwing the other side so they don't get votes or simply kicking the can down the road because they're all a bunch of geriatrics who won't be alive to see the consequence of their actions.

It matters if Biden dies, though. Harris would likely be a terrible president and given Biden's age, he could drop dead at his inauguration leaving Harris to fill in for four years. I don't like that prospect.

Biden could pick a different running mate, which would certainly help his case.

Harris is not Trump. You know what's a big threat to climate change? An authoritarian US.
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Harris would likely be a terrible president
Bottom three or not? If not, it's still a better prospect than a dictator.

He's literally stood up there and said he'll be a dictator. Even if you're okay with the rape, the selling US secrets to Russia and Saudi Arabia, the extremely strong links with child sex traffickers, and all the other things he's either straight up told you all or courts have found he's done, he has overtly stated he has no respect for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Presidency, Congress, rule of law, or any of it.

And that's not enough to want to stave off the very real prospect of him coming back?

given Biden's age, he could drop dead at his inauguration leaving Harris to fill in for four years. I don't like that prospect.
That's what they (and particularly Trump) all said last time. And it didn't happen.

You're okay with dismissing the idea that voting for not-Trump was the only way to preserve your nation in 2016 and 2020 despite it being right, but you'll lean into this notion that - while more likely than last time (they're both over the average age of a US male) - definitely hasn't (yet) come to pass?

You know what's a big threat to climate change? An authoritarian US.
With the fascist in charge not accepting any part of the idea, and holding the scientific knowledge of a rancid cheese string.
The people in this photo are trying to kill congress at Trump's suggestion. Trump is currently stating to the supreme court that he has the right to execute congress.
As much as Trump inspired and directed his mob on January 6th, he wasn't at the Capitol. He said he fought with the Secret Service, but my guess is that he was afraid to be there.

Regarding what was said in court, the lawyers are saying that Trump would be immune to prosecution without impeachment and conviction. I can see where this would be a tricky subject for the courts. If you say the president isn't immune, then that opens the door for a whole bunch of problems. Take Laken Riley, for a recent example. If the president isn't immune, there's absolutely nothing stopping law enforcement and a court pinning that on Biden and essentially making him an accessory to murder like @sturk0167 so calliously brought up. Would it happen? Maybe, maybe not. But a president without immunity could be charged by some DA looking to make a name.

There's something far more to the court's decision, but I'm not a Constitutional scholar by any means.
They go toe to toe with each other in this case. The president is the commander of the military.
The military is also there to uphold the Constitution. It's going to take a General with zero respect for the country to order the troops to kill Americans. Do I believe Trump would attempt something like that? I could see it, but I don't think any military leader would carry it out. I can't see high-ranking military brass being fond of Trump either since Trump clearly does not respect the military at all.
Harris is not Trump. You know what's a big threat to climate change? An authoritarian US.
It's too late to deal with climate change, but the looming disasters are something we are not prepared for. People will shift their opinions pretty quickly once their homes are taking out by hurricanes or tornados, or they're burnt to a crisp by wild fires. It'll be even worse if something like the Colorado River runs dry and leaves millions without water or dust storms engulfing the plain states, making farming impossible.

But I still don't like the idea of Harris as president, and Biden dying in office is a concern. Trump dying in office is an equal concern too since he's old, overweight, eats like crap, and must have blood pressure that's insane.
Bottom three or not? If not, it's still a better prospect than a dictator.

He's literally stood up there and said he'll be a dictator. Even if you're okay with the rape, the selling US secrets to Russia and Saudi Arabia, the extremely strong links with child sex traffickers, and all the other things he's either straight up told you all or courts have found he's done, he has overtly stated he has no respect for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Presidency, Congress, rule of law, or any of it.

And that's not enough to want to stave off the very real prospect of him coming back?

That's what they (and particularly Trump) all said last time. And it didn't happen.

You're okay with dismissing the idea that voting for not-Trump was the only way to preserve your nation in 2016 and 2020 despite it being right, but you'll lean into this notion that - while more likely than last time (they're both over the average age of a US male) - definitely hasn't (yet) come to pass?
I'm not OK with Trump, that's why I'm not voting for him. You even said it yourself, you can't voting against someone, only for someone. I'm not voting for Trump and was never planning on voting for or even supporting Trump (or any of the Republicans for that matter). If there isn't anyone who I feel like would do the job the best, I won't vote for that office. Simply voting for the "lesser of two evils" doesn't work for me and I think it's why almost all of our politicians are terrible.
You work in healthcare.

Surely even the threat of pulling funds for schools requiring vaccines should make you vote for the other guy.

We're seeing first hand what happens with decreased vaccine uptake.
It is concerning, but federal funding is relatively minor when it comes to schools. In Michigan 86% of funding come from the state and local taxes. It will cause issues for sure, but if schools do lose their funding, they will probably make it up in other ways (or at least in the states that aren't trainwrecks like the south).

As for voting for the other guys, no all this does is make me want to vote for Trump even less.
As much as Trump inspired and directed his mob on January 6th, he wasn't at the Capitol. He said he fought with the Secret Service, but my guess is that he was afraid to be there.

...and yet it happened because of him. He doesn't need to get his hands dirty, and that's how he operates.

Regarding what was said in court, the lawyers are saying that Trump would be immune to prosecution without impeachment and conviction. I can see where this would be a tricky subject for the courts. If you say the president isn't immune, then that opens the door for a whole bunch of problems. Take Laken Riley, for a recent example. If the president isn't immune, there's absolutely nothing stopping law enforcement and a court pinning that on Biden and essentially making him an accessory to murder like @sturk0167 so calliously brought up. Would it happen? Maybe, maybe not. But a president without immunity could be charged by some DA looking to make a name.

I cannot follow this train of thought. You'll have to walk me through how Biden is an accessory to murder in this case.

There's something far more to the court's decision, but I'm not a Constitutional scholar by any means.

A question being put to the court is whether the president can unilaterally order the murder of Americans. This would violate due process (as well as the law), and absolutely cannot be allowed. It also straight-up BREAKS the US government, because it enables the president to circumvent checks and balances on power by killing political opponents, including those in congress who have the only check Trump recognizes - impeachment.

It's not really that tricky. Allow the president this immunity and the US is broken. This should be easy to see.

The military is also there to uphold the Constitution. It's going to take a General with zero respect for the country to order the troops to kill Americans.

So the courts don't have to pay attention to this but the military does? That's ridiculous. If the courts allow it, the military won't have a leg to stand on. But even if they don't, there will be some fraction of the court that does. If you're looking at a 5-4 decision, and the order is to kill 2 of the 5, suddenly it's a 3-4 decision. You want the military to see through this, I don't think that's something to count on by a long shot.

I don't know where this respect for military is coming from, maybe it's because some of them stood up to trump during the last admin, and he has called for execution for that. But I don't think this is something to hang your hat on. The guy with the gun doing the right thing when everyone else has abdicated, including voters, is not a good bet.

But I still don't like the idea of Harris as president, and Biden dying in office is a concern. Trump dying in office is an equal concern too since he's old, overweight, eats like crap, and must have blood pressure that's insane.

If Trump is elected, Trump NOT dying in office is a concern. His age and health deterioration becomes paramount to global prosperity.

As for voting for the other guys, no all this does is make me want to vote for Trump even less.

Voting 3rd party actually says that the main two are too close together for you to choose one of them. It says you care about something more than you care about the difference. That's hard to imagine in this case.
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So the courts don't have to pay attention to this but the military does? That's ridiculous. If the courts allow it, the military won't have a leg to stand on. But even if they don't, there will be some fraction of the court that does. If you're looking at a 5-4 decision, and the order is to kill 2 of the 5, suddenly it's a 3-4 decision.

My understanding of how American courts work is hazy at best, but in the event a member of the Supreme Court dies, the president appoints a replacement, is that right? If so a few "accidents" later and the court is stacked in Trump's favour anyway, even before considering how afraid for their lives the remainder are.
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My understanding of how American courts work is hazy at best, but in the event a member of the Supreme Court dies, the president appoints a replacement, is that right? If so a few "accidents" later and the court is stacked in Trump's favour anyway, even before considering how afraid for their lives the remainder are.

Yes. If the president has immunity for executing political rivals, the president can execute the supreme court and replace them with more amenable individuals. The appointments are certified by the senate, which can also be a target if it doesn't toe the line. If the supreme court bought this (they won't), Biden could theoretically act on it before nov.
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I'm kind of shocked that this thread has devolved to people trying to BothSides: Infinite things after Yard_Sale was fired into the sun for trying it; even if Trump attorneys weren't trying to claim that Trump's only handcuffs against murdering political opponents was Congress passing articles of impeachment in response. IN RESPONSE!

Trump may be financially compromised to enemy nations of the United States, have stolen and mishandled classified documents, was forced to leave the presidency when his multi-pronged elaborate attempt to overthrow the government when it was clear he was losing the 2020 election failed and has openly talked about wielding the level of power to be used solely towards political retribution that European governments in the 1930s would have blushed at, but Biden sure is old! And Harris, wow. She arrested people for smoking weed!
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I cannot follow this train of thought. You'll have to walk me through how Biden is an accessory to murder in this case.
Biden's policies allowed for illegal migrants to enter the country (they didn't, but that's the argument that will be used) and Riley wouldn't have been killed if the murder hadn't been allowed in. Is it a stupid line? Yes, but I could absolutely see that being made as an argument and pushed through. I can't see Biden getting convicted in any case, but I could see him being charged. I don't want to see the president being charged by every DA with a vendetta for everything under the sun and having the justice system even more bogged down than it already is.
A question being put to the court is whether the president can unilaterally order the murder of Americans. This would violate due process (as well as the law), and absolutely cannot be allowed. It also straight-up BREAKS the US government, because it enables the president to circumvent checks and balances on power by killing political opponents, including those in congress who have the only check Trump recognizes - impeachment.

It's not really that tricky. Allow the president this immunity and the US is broken. This should be easy to see.
The question, as I understand it, is does the president have immunity from crimes without being impeached and convicted by Congress. Unless I'm missing a piece, but that's what the article I linked in my previous post said.
So the courts don't have to pay attention to this but the military does? That's ridiculous. If the courts allow it, the military won't have a leg to stand on. But even if they don't, there will be some fraction of the court that does. If you're looking at a 5-4 decision, and the order is to kill 2 of the 5, suddenly it's a 3-4 decision. You want the military to see through this, I don't think that's something to count on by a long shot.

I don't know where this respect for military is coming from, maybe it's because some of them stood up to trump, and he has called for execution for that, in the last Trump admin. But I don't think this is something to hang your hat on. The guy with the gun doing the right thing when everyone else has abdicated, including voters, is not a good bet.
The military can reject orders that are not Constitutional and they likely would. This seems to suggest the same thing too.

And there really isn't respect for the military here, but I have more faith in the military doing the Constitutionally correct thing over the Supreme Court at the moment.
If Trump is elected, Trump NOT dying in office is a concern. His age and health deterioration becomes paramount to global prosperity.
I definitely think it is a concern. Trump is old and unhealthy, even with the best healthcare afforded to him, that doesn't change the fact he eats garbage, doesn't know what exercise is, and is exactly at the age of the average American life span.
Voting 3rd party actually says that the main two are too close together for you to choose one of them. It says you care about something more than you care about the difference. That's hard to imagine in this case.
I don't see it that way. Are Democrats better than Republicans overall? Yes. Do I think Democrats are good for the country? No. What I care about is researching and voting for the person I think would do the best job, not who's the least worst. It's how I think people should approach the election (although they are free to do what they want of course since voting is free speech). If I'm unable to find someone that I think is the best for the job, I just don't vote for that office. I don't want to vote for someone that doesn't align with my ideology. So as of right now, my personal choice is a third party or apathy.
Biden's policies allowed for illegal migrants to enter the country (they didn't, but that's the argument that will be used) and Riley wouldn't have been killed if the murder hadn't been allowed in. Is it a stupid line? Yes, but I could absolutely see that being made as an argument and pushed through.

Uh... if it's stupid (and it is), why are you arguing it with me? This is just not a good argument and you seem to know it.

I don't want to see the president being charged by every DA with a vendetta for everything under the sun and having the justice system even more bogged down than it already is.

You're thinking the president needs immunity from all crime because you're worried that something stupid which won't hold up might get attempted? This is a terrible argument.

The question, as I understand it, is does the president have immunity from crimes without being impeached and convicted by Congress. Unless I'm missing a piece, but that's what the article I linked in my previous post said.

Uh huh. So the president murders a supreme court justice. And congress starts impeachment proceedings. The president murders the person that brings impeachment proceedings... impeachment proceeding stop. Done.

The military can reject orders that are not Constitutional and they likely would. This seems to suggest the same thing too.

And there really isn't respect for the military here, but I have more faith in the military doing the Constitutionally correct thing over the Supreme Court at the moment.

It reflects a sad state of affairs that you have more faith in our military to uphold the constitution than the ENTIRE BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT tasked with that responsibility.

I definitely think it is a concern.

If Trump is president, the US would be better off for his health to fail. Not worse.

So as of right now, my personal choice is a third party or apathy.

Apathy is precisely what I just described. You said "I don't see it that way" but you do. You're apathetic to democrat vs. republican in this case and honestly I have no idea how that's remotely possible. There almost cannot be a bigger difference.
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Uh huh. So the president murders a supreme court justice. And congress starts impeachment proceedings. The president murders the person that brings impeachment proceedings... impeachment proceeding stop. Done.
The particularly laughable part of this argument being whether or not famously ineffectual Federal institution filled with partisan hackery far past the point of self-destruction even does that much to begin with. "You may have done something that lead to the death of a Supreme Court Justice, but she was black and a woman and liberal and Biden cheated to get her in there to begin with and we happen to control the House this cycle again so ehhhh we'll roll the dice on people forgetting in two years after we get a 7-2 Supreme Court split for us."
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Uh... if it's stupid (and it is), why are you arguing it with me? This is just not a good argument and you seem to know it.
You're thinking the president needs immunity from all crime because you're worried that something stupid which won't hold up might get attempted? This is a terrible argument.
Because I'm saying, that a DA looking to make a name for themselves or who has a vendetta will use stupid arguments to charge the president. There's also the whole potential war crimes thing too or even families of soldiers who've been killed going after the president since the president's direct actions (as commander-in-chief) resulted in their family member dying. We don't need the constant accusation of the president over every little thing and given the way some justice systems work, I can very much see that happening.

What needs to be done is for Congress to follow the Constitution and actually uphold the way impeachments and removals are done. Trump should've been removed after he was impeached the second time. The first time was iffy, but I'm guessing you could make a case for removal there as well, but it wasn't nearly as strong as the second impeachment.
Uh huh. So the president murders a supreme court justice. And congress starts impeachment proceedings. The president murders the person that brings impeachment proceedings... impeachment proceeding stop. Done.
Could that happen? Yes. Is it very likely? I still don't believe so. The federal government is so bloated that a lot of things would need to happen to get to that point. Trump could order the member of Congress killed, but someone would actually have to carry it out and the chain of command is likely going to get in the way of that. Soldiers are going to have a hard time killing Americans.
It reflects a sad state of affairs that you have more faith in our military to uphold the constitution than the ENTIRE BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT tasked with that responsibility.
I don't disagree with that.
If Trump is president, the US would be better off for his health to fail. Not worse.
It depends on who the VP is. If Trump's VP is say Ron DeSantis, I would much rather have Trump than him since DeSantis is Trump but with an ounce of intelligence. Or say it's someone like MTG or that pedophile from Florida...Matt what's his name. There are people out there that are way worse than Trump that could end up being just a heartbeat away.
Apathy is precisely what I just described. You said "I don't see it that way" but you do. You're apathetic to democrat vs. republican in this case and honestly I have no idea how that's remotely possible. There almost cannot be a bigger difference.
I look at who will make the country a better place. Democrats and Republicans don't do that, however they go about it much different ways. Both ignore rights, both take my money and spend it on useless stuff, both are in bed with Israel as they commit genocide, both play partisan politics instead working towards a solution, and both have shown over and over again they don't care about the average American. It's still not a both sides thing either. As I've said, Republicans are worse by far, but that doesn't make Democrats good, they're just the least worst.