35mm's Snapshots

  • Thread starter 35mm
Indie fashion location photography for sure. 👍 👍

Wholesome tones!
I went to this city (Caldas da Rainha) to collect my Voigtländer and these were all taken right after getting the lens, to give it a try, on a 30 minute walk around this nice park.

I also used a new preset here, which is a bit more extreme and less natural. Not sure about it yet.

Thanks. 👍
Looks like a lovely characterful lens. I really need to get the shots from my Voigtländer developed some time.... its been a while since I played with film..
Looks like a lovely characterful lens. I really need to get the shots from my Voigtländer developed some time.... its been a while since I played with film..
It is. And tiny, which suits the A7 just fine. :D

About film, it's been a long time for me, too, and I don't see myself shooting it for the next several months. 👎
Beautiful pictures. I really like these "tasty" tones.
The most favorite has to be picture in post #1237. In this picture, there is a certain "surreal" feeling, I can't even describe, but I like it 👍
...post #1237. In this picture, there is a certain "surreal" feeling, I can't even describe, but I like it 👍
Thank you.
I think that what you're talking about has to do with that light coming from the side, right on the ducks and on those flowers on the tree - at least that's what I like about it.

Sony A7 | Voigtländer Nokton 40mm f/1.4

And so, this photo closes this walk-in-the-park-for-lens-testing-purpose set, which started at 17h04 with the first shot in this page and ended with this one, at 17h46. Gotta make the most of your time. :lol: