35mm's Snapshots

  • Thread starter 35mm
Sorry I've not been by in a while.

The latest shot of the guys in the suits is really nice. Its got your signature tones but i particularly like the juxtaposition of the way all the guys are turned and messing on their phones, especially while the guy not in a suit but still on a phone is just chilling out.
Sorry I've not been by in a while.

The latest shot of the guys in the suits is really nice. Its got your signature tones but i particularly like the juxtaposition of the way all the guys are turned and messing on their phones, especially while the guy not in a suit but still on a phone is just chilling out.
Thanks for stopping by. 👍

I appreciate the comment on that pic. Especially since it's my favourite from that place.
Your shots are just getting better and better. Are these locations places you go to regularly or do you travel as much as possible to always be in different locations? I struggle to be interested enough to take photos locally, just doesn't seem interesting enough
Your shots are just getting better and better. Are these locations places you go to regularly or do you travel as much as possible to always be in different locations? I struggle to be interested enough to take photos locally, just doesn't seem interesting enough
Thank you.

90% of my photos are taken at the cities where I usually spend my weekends, which are three: Leiria (where I live), Lisbon and Faro. The rest are from vacation (not much of those lately, unfortunately).

The rare exception is on this very page, actually. I recently traveled on work to Rome (above) and Malta (below):

Sony A7 | Voigtländer Nokton Classic 40mm f/1.4

What I do is that I take my camera everywhere. There's interesting, mundane stuff everywhere. :)

Loving your style of photography, keep up the awesome work. 👍
Thanks for stopping by. The words are very much appreciated. 👍
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The little 100 that could!

How does the Samyang balance on the a7? Rather large lens from what I recall.
The little 100 that could!

How does the Samyang balance on the a7? Rather large lens from what I recall.

The Samyang balances really badly, if I'm honest. I reckon it is too big even for a DSLR (for a 35mm, of course).

Having said that, I knew what I was getting into. I bought it mainly for shooting indoors, at home.
And it's a damn fine lens! 👍
Holy vibrant colors, Batman! :drool:
Now that you mention it, the blues and yellows are probably a bit too much saturated. 👍

EDIT: Now that I'm back on my regular monitor the colours look OK again... Hum, must watch out for this.
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Now that you mention it, the blues and yellows are probably a bit too much saturated. 👍

EDIT: Now that I'm back on my regular monitor the colours look OK again... Hum, must watch out for this.

They're vibrant but it felt about how I'd expect from your style and the time of year.

You were right about the 55/1.2 being sharper than the Voigtlander, especially towards the edges. Been using it more again and the haze (pre-AI version) was just hiding the sharpness at the edge. F/2 and it cleans up a lot.

Sony A7 | Samyang 35mm f/1.4 (Olympus Four Thirds mount)

Sony A7 | Samyang 35mm f/1.4 (Olympus Four Thirds mount)

Sony A7 | Samyang 35mm f/1.4 (Olympus Four Thirds mount)