35mm's Snapshots

  • Thread starter 35mm
143, 144 and 147 are great! 👍 Havent checked here in a while but the great shots just keep coming. :)
@sems4arsenal: thanks for stopping by. :cheers:
@Blitz187: as usual, thanks a lot. 👍

Continuing the b&w mood:

I don't know what to call it, to be honest... I was in NYC for 4 days (as part of my honeymoon trip) and took these. I guess I can consider them "travel photos".
xD well your photo album will be epic compared to most others. i hope you took pics of your wife too LOL
That last shot is great. Love the tones and colors in it from the lights. 👍 Well, I can check NY off my list of places to go... Seen just about all of it now... :lol:
Back, with something older and more relaxed.

I had some film stuff recently scanned and will post some of those in the next few posts.

A couple, to start:


These last three shots were taken with: Nikon F80 + Sigma 20mm f/1.8 + Fujifilm Superia X-tra 400
A couple more, different film:

Nikon F80 | Sigma 50mm f/1.4 | Fujifilm Superia Reala 100

Nikon F80 | Sigma 20mm f/1.8 | Fujifilm Superia Reala 100
Something a bit different. Taken yesterday, while on work, on my way to the construction worksite.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S + Little Photo app
Strawberry tops, pink leaves and red leaf pictures I really like. The wide apertures work really nicely in them 👍
^ I'm a sucker for wide-open... Can't help it. Thanks. 👍

Nikon F80 | Sigma 20mm f/1.8 | Fujifilm Superia Reala 100
Here are a couple more:

Nikon F80 | Sigma 20mm f/1.8 | Fujifilm Superia Reala 100

Nikon F80 | Sigma 50mm f/1.4 | Fujifilm Superia Reala 100
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^ Trust me, I noticed on flickr. ;) Thanks for all those favs. :)

Here, I have a couple more, also from the Fujifilm Superia Reala 100 roll:

^ Thanks!

Here's one last film shot:

Nikon F80 | Sigma 50mm f/1.4 | Fujifilm Superia Reala 100
Havent been in here in a while... Great film shots. :) The beach, fishing, rubber ducky and fence shots are awesome. Nice DOF in a lot of them and they have a really warm feeling in the colors. Great stuff! 👍
Thanks, Blitz. Gotta love film, right? :)

Back to digital now, and with some photos from Miami Beach:

(As usual, follow the link to the photos for more info.)